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Saturday, July 20, 2013

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Will support more than 1,000 jobs! New Biofuels Plant will be UK's biggest buyer of wheat and the biggest supplier of animal feed. Vivergo's plant at Saltend in the Humber estuary, opened with £350m investment, will take in 1.1m tonnes annually of wheat that would otherwise be used for animal feed and produce an estimated 420m litres a year of ethanol, to be mixed with petrol and used in vehicles. A byproduct of the process is high-protein feed for livestock, with about 500,000 tonnes expected a year. Vivergo said the construction and implementation of the plant had already created or helped support more than 1,000 jobs in the area, and there will be 80 full-time employees at the site.....Biofuels plant opens to become UK's biggest buyer of wheat | Environment |

Biofuels plant opens to become UK's biggest buyer of wheat | Environment | "The National Farmers' Union said the plant would not only provide wheat farmers with more certainty in terms of a local market for their products, but would allow livestock farmers to buy locally produced high-protein feed, cutting the imports of soy from the US. Brett Askew, an NFU board member, said: "It's a boost to farmers to hear that Vivergo will be maximising their potential capacity in the run-up to harvest. The industry's troubles have been well documented over the past year and the latest noises emerging from Brussels on Common Agricultural Policy reform have done little to lighten the mood."" CLICK LINK TO READ MORE

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