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Sunday, August 25, 2013

FLEVOLAND - Flanked by windmills, this dike protects farmland that is almost entirely below sea level. Dikes and continuous pumping keep more than a quarter of the country from reverting to swamp or open water. ( Photograph by George Steinmetz/National Geographic)

Nat Geo's 'Rising Seas': The impact of carbon emissions on our environmentNat Geo's 'Rising Seas': The impact of carbon emissions on our environment | Nat Geo Mag's 'Rising Seas': The impact of carbon emissions on our environment - Yahoo! News Philippines: "FLEVOLAND - Flanked by windmills, this dike protects farmland that is almost entirely below sea level. Dikes and continuous pumping keep more than a quarter of the country from reverting to swamp or open water. ( Photograph by George Steinmetz/National Geographic)"

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