Nat Geo's 'Rising Seas': The impact of carbon emissions on our environment | Nat Geo Mag's 'Rising Seas': The impact of carbon emissions on our environment - Yahoo! News Philippines: "ST. PETERBURG, RUSSIA - Two curved steel gates, each more than 350 feet long, can swing shut to protect St. Petersburg, Russia, from Baltic Sea storms, which have flooded it repeatedly over the past three centuries. Completed in 2011, the gates are part of a 16-mile-long flood barrier that also carries a new highway. (Photograph by George Steinmetz/National Geographic)"
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Sunday, August 25, 2013
ST. PETERBURG, RUSSIA - Two curved steel gates, each more than 350 feet long, can swing shut to protect St. Petersburg, Russia, from Baltic Sea storms, which have flooded it repeatedly over the past three centuries. Completed in 2011, the gates are part of a 16-mile-long flood barrier that also carries a new highway. (Photograph by George Steinmetz/National Geographic)
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