Workout only a part of wellness at work | The Argus Leader | "“We’re looking more at the emotional, the occupational, the spiritual, the financial, the environmental,” said Kandy Jamison, account executive for health and wellness at Howalt McDowell. “We’re trying to look at that total well-being.” As a result of the change from mostly an activity-based wellness program, more of the 90-plus employees are participating, she said. They’re realizing wellness doesn’t always mean losing 50 pounds and going to the gym daily.Howalt McDowell isn’t measuring the financial savings by having healthier employees just yet. But healthier, happier people are typically more productive, Jamison said.“I think if it’s the culture and the right thing to do and you do care about your employees … and if a value can be documented, then you’re a winner.”" CLICK LINK TO READ FULL ARTICLE
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Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Workout only a part of wellness at work. Companies that focus on wellness programs without changing their business culture to care about their employees’ overall well-being won’t have engaged workers. And that hinders productivity, causes higher turnover and puts people at higher health risks, said Rosie Ward, a health management services manager with Marsh & McLennan Agency in Minneapolis. She addressed dozens of business people Wednesday at a conference held as part of the city’s Live Well Sioux Falls initiative, now in its second year. | The Argus Leader |
Australia's Carbon Tax Under Fire As New Government Takes Control. Australia's new government prepared to take control of the nation Sunday, with Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott vowing to immediately scrap a hated tax on carbon polluters and implement a controversial plan to stop asylum seekers from reaching the nation's shores. Abbott met with bureaucrats to go over his border security plans and said his first priority would be to repeal the deeply unpopular carbon tax on Australia's biggest industrial polluters.
Australia's Carbon Tax Under Fire As New Government Takes Control: "Abbott's conservative Liberal Party-led coalition won a crushing victory in elections Saturday against the center-left Labor Party, which had ruled for six years, including during the turbulent global financial crisis. Labor was ultimately doomed by years of party instability and bickering, and by its decision to renege on an election promise by implementing the carbon tax, which many Australians blame for steep increases in their power bills.
The Australian Electoral Commission's latest count Sunday had the coalition likely to win a clear majority of 86 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives. Labor appeared likely to secure 57."
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The Australian Electoral Commission's latest count Sunday had the coalition likely to win a clear majority of 86 seats in the 150-seat House of Representatives. Labor appeared likely to secure 57."
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Philippines Urged to Take Leadership Role on Climate Change. The Philippines has an outsize stake in uniting the world on climate-change commitments, the European Union Commissioner for Climate Action says. Connie Hedegaard told a news briefing on Friday in Manila that the Philippines should take a leadership role in prodding larger, wealthier nations to agree to a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The country has a lot at stake, as the third-most vulnerable country on the planet to extreme weather and rising sea levels. Speaking between meetings with local officials, Ms. Hadegaard said the EU and the Philippines share some views on how to “inject some ambition” into the 2015 talks on a new deal to replace the Kyoto Protocol. Both are parties to the Kyoto Protocol, the international treaty binding industrialized countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to forestall, if not reverse, global warming. The U.S. signed the Kyoto Protocol but didn’t ratify it, while Canada withdrew from it two years ago. Commissioner Hedegaard said frequent floods in Manila in recent years, including the flooding caused by the typhoon-intensified monsoon last month, puts the country in a “very interesting role” to help convince large producers of greenhouse gases on the need to act decisively on climate change agreements. “I’m extremely impatient…with a world that says it wants to address these issues but at a phase that is modest, too modest. That is why we want to inject some sense of urgency in the 2015 conference,” Ms. Hedegaard told The Wall Street Journal. “The challenge is to move a bit faster because that is what we need to do.” The WorldRiskReport 2012 of the United Nations University Institute of Environment and Human Security identified only Vanuatu and Tonga as more vulnerable thatn the Philippines to extreme weather events and increases in sea levels. An archipelago of more than 7,000 islands, the Philippines is situated between the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea and is battered every year by around 20 typhoons. Since the Philippines passed the Climate Change Act in 2009, the country’s climate change policy agenda has shifted from mitigation to adaptation and disaster-risk reduction. - Southeast Asia Real Time - WSJ
Philippines Urged to Take Leadership Role on Climate Change - Southeast Asia Real Time - WSJ: "Ms. Hedegaard said the E.U. is committed to reducing greenhouse gases by at least 20% by 2020, adding that one-fifth of the bloc’s budget for the next seven years will be spent for projects to address climate change.
She said that Europe believes that “intelligent way forward would be to solve our economic issues, our growth problems…the job and social aspects and the environment and climate change at once. In the end, it is about how we are creating the growth in the future,” she added.
The E.U. has been helping the Philippines by extending assistance to protect its forests, while European companies have invested in renewable energy projects in the Southeast Asian country."
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She said that Europe believes that “intelligent way forward would be to solve our economic issues, our growth problems…the job and social aspects and the environment and climate change at once. In the end, it is about how we are creating the growth in the future,” she added.
The E.U. has been helping the Philippines by extending assistance to protect its forests, while European companies have invested in renewable energy projects in the Southeast Asian country."
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The World's Largest Solar-Powered Boat | Crew members of the Turanor PlanetSolar, the world's largest solar-powered boat, arrive in the port of Monaco after completing the first around-the-world trip using solar energy
The World's Largest Solar-Powered Boat | The World's Largest Solar-Powered Boat - Yahoo! News Philippines: "Crew members of the Turanor PlanetSolar, the world's largest solar-powered boat, arrive in the port of Monaco after completing the first around-the-world trip using solar energy, May 4, 2012. (REUTERS/Eric Gaillard)"
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Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Update: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease are at greater risk of relapse during heat waves, finds a study that could have significant implications in an era of climate change. Risk of hospitalisation for an IBD flare went up by nearly five percent for every day that a heat wave lasted, retrospective data from over 2,000 patients showed. By around the same margin, patients with infectious gastroenteritis (IG) were also more likely to have a flare during a heat wave compared with a control group of patients admitted with non-infectious intestinal inflammation. In IG patients the heat wave effect was strongest after a seven-day lag whereas for IBD flares the effect was immediate, the authors from the University Hospital of Zurich found. Reporting in the American...
International Taipei forum puts focus on climate change. The one-day event largely focused on the participation of observer organizations, particularly non-governmental organizations (NGO) in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, one of the forum's organizers. The ministry arranged the forum along with the Environmental Protection Administration "to encourage more exchanges between our NGOs and UNFCCC NGO representatives," Deputy Foreign Minister Simon Ko said. "Taiwan's voice, both governmental and non-governmental, needs to be heard through different channels," he said.. (update) | Society | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS
International Taipei forum puts focus on climate change (update) | Society | FOCUS TAIWAN - CNA ENGLISH NEWS: "Although Taiwan is not a UNFCCC member, reaching out through local NGOs seems like the country's "best bet for participation today" in the UNFCCC, according to Marilyn Averill, chair of the convention's Steering Committee for Research and Independent Non-governmental Organizations. Following her presentation on civil society engagement with the UN organization and the importance of NGO perspectives, Averill told CNA that she is impressed with the way that Taiwan's government and NGOs work together. Similar statements were made earlier in the day by Frederic Laplanche, head of the European Economic and Trade Office in Taipei." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Sustainable BIOFUELS that is NOT in direct competition with FOOD crops: Turning sugar cane into ethanol offers a number of environmental benefits over other biofuel production processes. As it grows, sugar cane generally absorbs CO2 at a greater rate than other biofuel crops such as soy. Ethanol made from Brazilian sugar cane produces around 70% less CO2 than petrol, when the cultivation and production processes are taken into account. Since 2003 the use of ethanol in Brazil has avoided over 103 million tonnes of the CO2 that the petrol it has replaced would have produced, according to Unica. Raízen is further reducing its overall CO2 emissions by using waste material to power its own plants and delivering surplus electricity to the national grid. By-products from turning sugar cane into ethanol are recycled as organic fertiliser. To further improve productivity, Raízen uses its own advanced geographical information system to monitor its land. This allows its scientists to make accurate predictions about crop yields and adjust fertiliser or pest control, for example, to help boost production. Sustainability Today’s biofuels present some sustainability challenges:for example, labour rights and, if land is not carefully managed, concerns can arise over direct competition with food crops. The Raízen joint venture agreement includes a set of sustainability principles designed to help overcome these challenges and improve sustainable production. The principles require Raízen to carry out a robust assessment of the potential direct and indirect impacts of cultivating new land for biofuel crops –and to avoid land with a high conservation value. Raízen works with its suppliers, contractors and landowners to make sure that they follow sound land, water management and labour practices. Raízen is a member of Bonsucro, an organisation that drives the development of sustainable biofuels. It has developed an EU-approved certificate for sustainable sugar-cane production. This covers areas such as human rights and the impact of activities on biodiversity. Bonsucro separately certifies mills and the ethanol produced. By the end of 2012, seven of Raízen’s mills had been certified.
Fuelling a lower-carbon future with biofuels - Shell Global: "Accelerating advanced biofuels
Raízen has the potential to help accelerate the commercial production of biofuels from crop waste and inedible plants. Over the coming years some plant waste from the sugar-cane ethanol process could potentially go into making advanced biofuels. In one process enzymes can break down the cellulose in plant fibres to produce ethanol." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Raízen has the potential to help accelerate the commercial production of biofuels from crop waste and inedible plants. Over the coming years some plant waste from the sugar-cane ethanol process could potentially go into making advanced biofuels. In one process enzymes can break down the cellulose in plant fibres to produce ethanol." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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Special Report: Experimental climate fixes stir hopes, fears, lawyers | (Reuters) - Last year the Haida, an indigenous group in Canada, set out to increase their salmon stocks and save the planet. Helped by American businessman Russ George, a group of villagers dumped 100 metric tons (110.23 tons) of iron dust from a boat into the Pacific Ocean. They wanted to see if the iron would cause a bloom of algae that could promote fish numbers and absorb the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Instead, in March, they were raided by Canadian officials for illegal dumping at sea. "I think they (the officials) kind of expected to see Dr. Evil and his group planning to destroy the Earth with geoengineers," said James Straith, lawyer for Haida Salmon Restoration Corp. (HSRC), as the project called itself. "What they got was a bunch of nice kids doing a lot of things on plankton scanning, scientific models and analyzing data... Did the officials really need bullet-proof vests?" The Haida case highlights a growing legal, environmental and even geo-political conundrum. The Canadian group is part of a debate about geoengineering - deliberate and sometimes sci-fi-like interventions designed to slow climate change. A U.N. panel of climate scientists says carbon dioxide and other gases are causing global temperatures to rise and change our climate and will lead to more heat waves, droughts, floods and rising seas. Geoengineers have proposed everything from brightening clouds to reflect more sunlight and heat back into space to - as in the case of the Haida - encouraging the oceans to soak up more carbon dioxide. The idea behind the ‘ocean fertilization' experiment was simple: iron will promote the growth of algae which will provide food for fish and absorb carbon dioxide from the air as they grow. When the algae die their remains fall to the seabed, removing them from the atmosphere. Environment Canada, the nation's environment ministry, said the experiment was illegal under Canadian law and violated the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the London Convention, which governs dumping at sea. World leaders at a U.N. Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro last year urged "utmost caution" in ocean fertilization due to worries that it could disrupt marine life. Many scientists remain skeptical about whether any form of geoengineering will solve climate change. Allowing research, they argue, may detract from efforts to reduce emissions from cars, power plants and factories.Reuters
Special Report: Experimental climate fixes stir hopes, fears, lawyers | Reuters: "But despite the uncertainty about efficacy and safety, groups and individuals around the world are beginning to experiment, arguing that humanity needs a ‘Plan B' in case countries don't cut greenhouse gas emissions.
A draft of a report by the U.N. panel, due for publication in late September and seen by Reuters, warns that the side-effects of sun-dimming geoengineering, for instance, "make it a high-risk strategy" but also concludes that some methods might help avoid some of the worst effects of warming." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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A draft of a report by the U.N. panel, due for publication in late September and seen by Reuters, warns that the side-effects of sun-dimming geoengineering, for instance, "make it a high-risk strategy" but also concludes that some methods might help avoid some of the worst effects of warming." CLICK LINK TO READ MORE
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