FYI: "The Philippines as an archipelago is considered a climate hotspot & is ranked 4th in Global Climate Risk Index, with 20 out of 80 provinces vulnerable to one meter rise in sea level. These provinces are in regions - Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Zamboanga Peninsula, Eastern Visayas and the Bicol Region - with the highest poverty incidence and greatest food insecurity in the Philippines. (“International Alert Report "A Climate of Conflict" 2007).
Climate Change is here with the presence of more extreme weather, more rains, more floods, etc. resulting to shorter growing seasons which will later on produce food insecurity that will eventually cause peace disturbance and violence.
We cannot combat nature; we just need to learn how to adapt to the changes in nature. Our Body and our Mind must be equipped with Balanced Nutrition & Positive Thinking not only to prevent sickness but more so to make it clearer for us to know how to work and adapt with nature's changes. And of course, respect to nature's right to live and co-exist with human is a must for survival. We must refrain from doing harm to nature, love it, and continuously inform ourselves to better understand the consequences of nature's changing climate. Blaming anyone for the recent tragedy in Metro Manila and nearby provinces caused by extreme weather manifested in the typhoon and floods will do nothing at all. Harm is done, life and properties are lost.
What we URGENTLY need in this Changing Climate is to start with our self and be BOLD enough to inspire OTHER people to:
"Be Aware,
Be Healthy &
Be Ready to Survive!"
.....Learn Flood Drill aside from Fire Drill, Stop Using Plastics in all its forms, Revive Tree Planting but this time Plant Mangrove Trees to Prevent Flood, Segregate Waste Every Minute of the Day, Minimize Buying Unnecessary Things as this will contribute to more trash later on, Plant your own Organic Vegetable Garden, Monitor your Carbon Footprint, Don’t Patronize Mountain Subdivisions as Mountains are catch basins of rain - meant as Home for Trees & Bees, Support Development of Rural Areas, Learn How to Appreciate Living a Basic Life.... etc., etc. etc.
Expect More Surprises... and Worst to Come.... But still don’t forget that Life is Good all the time....especially when Living Life Responsibly at the Moment... Just enjoy it....and Work on.... Continue Achieving your Dreams in this Lifetime....Don’t loose Faith, Hope and Love..........‘coz at the end of one long stressful weekday, one may still ponder, aren't we lucky we’re still alive?!
FYI: "The Philippines as an archipelago is considered a climate hotspot & is ranked 4th in Global Climate Risk Index, with 20 out of 80 provinces vulnerable to one meter rise in sea level. These provinces are in regions - Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), Zamboanga Peninsula, Eastern Visayas and the Bicol Region - with the highest poverty incidence and greatest food insecurity in the Philippines. (“International Alert Report "A Climate of Conflict" 2007).
Climate Change is here with the presence of more extreme weather, more rains, more floods, etc. resulting to shorter growing seasons which will later on produce food insecurity that will eventually cause peace disturbance and violence.
We cannot combat nature; we just need to learn how to adapt to the changes in nature. Our Body and our Mind must be equipped with Balanced Nutrition & Positive Thinking not only to prevent sickness but more so to make it clearer for us to know how to work and adapt with nature's changes. And of course, respect to nature's right to live and co-exist with human is a must for survival. We must refrain from doing harm to nature, love it, and continuously inform ourselves to better understand the consequences of nature's changing climate. Blaming anyone for the recent tragedy in Metro Manila and nearby provinces caused by extreme weather manifested in the typhoon and floods will do nothing at all. Harm is done, life and properties are lost.
What we URGENTLY need in this Changing Climate is to start with our self and be BOLD enough to inspire OTHER people to:
"Be Aware,
Be Healthy &
Be Ready to Survive!"
.....Learn Flood Drill aside from Fire Drill, Stop Using Plastics in all its forms, Revive Tree Planting but this time Plant Mangrove Trees to Prevent Flood, Segregate Waste Every Minute of the Day, Minimize Buying Unnecessary Things as this will contribute to more trash later on, Plant your own Organic Vegetable Garden, Monitor your Carbon Footprint, Don’t Patronize Mountain Subdivisions as Mountains are catch basins of rain - meant as Home for Trees & Bees, Support Development of Rural Areas, Learn How to Appreciate Living a Basic Life.... etc., etc. etc.
Expect More Surprises... and Worst to Come.... But still don’t forget that Life is Good all the time....especially when Living Life Responsibly at the Moment... Just enjoy it....and Work on.... Continue Achieving your Dreams in this Lifetime....Don’t loose Faith, Hope and Love..........‘coz at the end of one long stressful weekday, one may still ponder, aren't we lucky we’re still alive?!