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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wellness Update: Asia: CASPIONET — Caspionet news headlines

CASPIONET — Caspionet news headlines: "After a seven year moratorium on the death penalty in Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries, a conference at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been held to further progress this to total abolition in the region. Supported and attended by the UN and senior EU country diplomats, the conference concluded that there had been no increase in crime levels since the moratorium was adopted and no obstacles to abolition have been identified.

Kazakhstan’s capital city, Astana will host a two-day economic forum in the first week in May which is based on the theme of the International Monetary System which develops the notion of global currency reserves which have less dependence on the US dollar. The run-up to the forum includes a virtual discussion board of the topic on the internet to enable the public to participate and contribute their thoughts."

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