Make Back to School a Healthy Occasion With Karoun Dairies' Low-Fat and Non-Fat Yogurts - MarketWatch: "A new study out of Madrid, Spain shows that low-glycemic foods, and moderately high-protein intake has been shown to reduce body weight and fat mass(1). As obesity rates rise, so do metabolic disorders such as insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes often made worse by high sugar and excessive carbohydrate intake. Put aside the sugary snacks and make back to school healthy this fall with high-protein diet.
Reducing body weight and fat mass, not only helps to avoid detrimental health risks but it also has beneficial effects by lowering cholesterol, triglyceride concentrations and post-meal glucose curve. In other words, meals that contain protein keep the body's systems in check and helps stabilize blood sugar."
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Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Monday, August 29, 2011
Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Laughter Improves Vascular Health | Psych Central News
Laughter Improves Vascular Health | Psych Central News: "“The magnitude of change we saw in the endothelium (or inner cell wall of a blood vessel), after laughing was consistent and similar to the benefit we might see with aerobic exercise or statin use,” said Miller.
The endothelium has a powerful effect on blood vessel tone and regulates blood flow, adjusts coagulation and blood thickening, and produces chemicals in response to injury and inflammation. It also plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease.
“The endothelium is the first line in the development of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, so it is very possible that laughing on a regular basis may be useful to incorporate as part of an overall healthy lifestyle to prevent heart disease.
“In other words, eat your veggies, exercise and get a good belly laugh every day,” Miller said."
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The endothelium has a powerful effect on blood vessel tone and regulates blood flow, adjusts coagulation and blood thickening, and produces chemicals in response to injury and inflammation. It also plays an important role in the development of cardiovascular disease.
“The endothelium is the first line in the development of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, so it is very possible that laughing on a regular basis may be useful to incorporate as part of an overall healthy lifestyle to prevent heart disease.
“In other words, eat your veggies, exercise and get a good belly laugh every day,” Miller said."
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Sunday, August 28, 2011
Climate Change Update: Extreme weather rages, but not concerns over climate change — Cleantech News and Analysis
Extreme weather rages, but not concerns over climate change — Cleantech News and Analysis: "Chinese consumers also were less concerned about climate change in the latest poll, and 64 percent said they were concerned in 2011, compared to 77 percent in 2009 (a drop of 17 percent).
For regions with respondents that were less concerned about climate change, other environmental issues also grew in prominence over climate change. For example, environmental concerns like air pollution, use of pesticides, water pollution, packaging waste and water shortages.
In contrast to the declines in concern in the U.S. and China, the study found that concern over climate change increased in Latin America to 90 percent in 2011, up from 85 percent in 2009. In the Middle East and Africa concern over climate jumped to 80 percent in 2011, from 69 percent in 2009 — the highest increase regionally."
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For regions with respondents that were less concerned about climate change, other environmental issues also grew in prominence over climate change. For example, environmental concerns like air pollution, use of pesticides, water pollution, packaging waste and water shortages.
In contrast to the declines in concern in the U.S. and China, the study found that concern over climate change increased in Latin America to 90 percent in 2011, up from 85 percent in 2009. In the Middle East and Africa concern over climate jumped to 80 percent in 2011, from 69 percent in 2009 — the highest increase regionally."
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Climate Change Update: Mental illness rise linked to climate
Mental illness rise linked to climate: "The paper suggests a possible link between Australia's recent decade-long drought and climate change. It points to a breakdown of social cohesion caused by loss of work and associated stability, adding that the suicide rate in rural communities rose by 8 per cent.
The report also looks at mental health in the aftermath of major weather events possibly linked to climate change.
It shows that one in 10 primary school children reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in the wake of cyclone Larry in 2006. More than one in 10 reported symptoms more than three months after the cyclone.
''There's really clear evidence around severe weather events,'' the executive director of the Brain and Mind Research Institute, Professor Ian Hickie, said.
''We're now more sophisticated in understanding the mental health effects and these effects are one of the major factors.
''What we have seriously underestimated is the effects on social cohesion. That is very hard to rebuild and they are critical to the mental health of an individual.''
Professor Hickie, who is launching the report today, said climate change and particularly severe weather events were likely to be a major factor influencing mental health in the future."
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The report also looks at mental health in the aftermath of major weather events possibly linked to climate change.
It shows that one in 10 primary school children reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in the wake of cyclone Larry in 2006. More than one in 10 reported symptoms more than three months after the cyclone.
''There's really clear evidence around severe weather events,'' the executive director of the Brain and Mind Research Institute, Professor Ian Hickie, said.
''We're now more sophisticated in understanding the mental health effects and these effects are one of the major factors.
''What we have seriously underestimated is the effects on social cohesion. That is very hard to rebuild and they are critical to the mental health of an individual.''
Professor Hickie, who is launching the report today, said climate change and particularly severe weather events were likely to be a major factor influencing mental health in the future."
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Climate Change Update: Climate change offers us an opportunity | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/28/2011
click link for complete article Climate change offers us an opportunity | Philadelphia Inquirer | 08/28/2011: "As President Obama and his aspiring replacements grapple with how to handle this emotional issue, they have left one avenue largely unexplored: the often-ignored fact that climate change will help the U.S. economy in several ways and enhance, not diminish, the United States' geopolitical power.
The notion of climate change as an opportunity goes beyond the administration's tiresome refrain of "green jobs," an approach that has largely failed in Spain. (Researchers at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos concluded in 2009 that for every four "green jobs" created by government spending in "green energy," the government could have created 11 through traditional infrastructure investments. They argued that every "green job" created by these programs costs 2.2 jobs elsewhere.)
Despite the doomsday talk, global warming will be a net economic benefit to the United States, in at least the short term and probably for several decades. "
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The notion of climate change as an opportunity goes beyond the administration's tiresome refrain of "green jobs," an approach that has largely failed in Spain. (Researchers at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos concluded in 2009 that for every four "green jobs" created by government spending in "green energy," the government could have created 11 through traditional infrastructure investments. They argued that every "green job" created by these programs costs 2.2 jobs elsewhere.)
Despite the doomsday talk, global warming will be a net economic benefit to the United States, in at least the short term and probably for several decades. "
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Climate Change Update: Al Gore Compares Climate Change To Civil Rights Fight |
Al Gore Compares Climate Change To Civil Rights Fight | "“And we still have racism, God knows, but it's so different now and so much better. And we have to win the conversation on climate.”
Gore also wants people to give up meat and go organic to combat global warming.
"Industrial agriculture is a part of the problem,” Gore said. “The shift toward a more meat-intensive diet,” the clearing of forest areas in many parts of the world in order to raise more cattle and the reliance on synthetic nitrogen for fertilizer are also problems, he added.
Gore advocated organic farming and relying on “more productive, safer methods that put carbon back in the soil” to produce “safer and better food.”
Gore also railed against the mining industry, calling mountaintop-removal mining a “horrible practice” that is “just incredibly harmful to the environment and to people.”"
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Gore also wants people to give up meat and go organic to combat global warming.
"Industrial agriculture is a part of the problem,” Gore said. “The shift toward a more meat-intensive diet,” the clearing of forest areas in many parts of the world in order to raise more cattle and the reliance on synthetic nitrogen for fertilizer are also problems, he added.
Gore advocated organic farming and relying on “more productive, safer methods that put carbon back in the soil” to produce “safer and better food.”
Gore also railed against the mining industry, calling mountaintop-removal mining a “horrible practice” that is “just incredibly harmful to the environment and to people.”"
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Thursday, August 25, 2011
Climate Change Update: El Nino weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean double the risk of civil war across Africa, Asia and the Americas
Radio Australia:Pacific Beat:Story:Link between climate change and conflict: HARPER: Historians have suggested that changes in climate may have contributed to the collapse of various ancient kingdoms. Now, researchers at Columbia University are looking at whether unusually hot and dry weather conditions contribute to civil war today. A new study has found El Nino weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean double the risk of civil war across Africa, Asia and the Americas.
The report's lead author is Solomon Hsiang.
HSIANG: What we found was that when we look at tropical countries, when the globe is in its cooler and wetter La Nina state the risk of conflicts throughout the tropics was about 3 per cent per year. So that means three out of one hundred countries were to be expected to begin a new civil war. But when the global climate shifted into it's hotter and drier El Nino stage the risk of civil war rose to about 6 per cent. So that's actually a doubling. And this is actualy a very large effect in absolute terms. What it means is that about one out of five civil conflicts since 1950 were in some way influenced by El Nino.
The report's lead author is Solomon Hsiang.
HSIANG: What we found was that when we look at tropical countries, when the globe is in its cooler and wetter La Nina state the risk of conflicts throughout the tropics was about 3 per cent per year. So that means three out of one hundred countries were to be expected to begin a new civil war. But when the global climate shifted into it's hotter and drier El Nino stage the risk of civil war rose to about 6 per cent. So that's actually a doubling. And this is actualy a very large effect in absolute terms. What it means is that about one out of five civil conflicts since 1950 were in some way influenced by El Nino.
Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Increase your Vegetable Intake & prevent Lifestyle Disease
From nature’s garden: Simple way to a healthy body - Vegetable like bitter gourd are very effecting in fighting stomach worms and tomatoes increases blood and makes your skin glow. Lemon helps improve digestion and spinach makes our bones stronger.
Apart from these, green leafy vegetables are a rich source of iron and should be included in our diet.
Cucumber purifies blood and improves blood flow. Garlic helps reduce chances if blood clot and heart diseases.
Apart from these, green leafy vegetables are a rich source of iron and should be included in our diet.
Cucumber purifies blood and improves blood flow. Garlic helps reduce chances if blood clot and heart diseases.
Climate Change Update: The Center for Public Integrity: SLIDESHOW: A guide to the Republican candidates' views on climate change
The Center for Public Integrity: SLIDESHOW: A guide to the Republican candidates' views on climate change: Many if not all scientists and climate specialists agree that the Earth's climate is changing and that humans have driven those changes. Both the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and the U.S. Global Change Research Program , the leading international and domestic climate research organizations on climate change, report similar conclusions. "Global temperature has increased over the past 50 years," noted the U.S. research program in a 2009 report . "This observed increase is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases."
Of the front-runners, only former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has gone on the record as accepting climate change; he stresses the importance of reducing pollution that contributes to global warming. Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry take the opposite view, criticizing the EPA, which Bachmann vows to shut down except for overseeing conservation. Congress and President Richard Nixon, a Republican, created the agency in 1970, in response to growing public demand for cleaner air, water and land.
Of the front-runners, only former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has gone on the record as accepting climate change; he stresses the importance of reducing pollution that contributes to global warming. Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry take the opposite view, criticizing the EPA, which Bachmann vows to shut down except for overseeing conservation. Congress and President Richard Nixon, a Republican, created the agency in 1970, in response to growing public demand for cleaner air, water and land.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate:Be holistic! Go on a macrobiotic diet
Natural Foodie: Macrobiotic classes help make healthy food a habit | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram: Silverman describes the macrobiotic diet as such: "Eliminate sugar, dairy and meat. Eat brown rice. And eat a lot of fresh vegetables."
Sounds fairly simple. But for those who follow a macrobiotic lifestyle, it's not just about eating certain things and avoiding others; it's also about seeking out food that has balanced energy.
"It's looking at food not just as carbohydrates and proteins," Silverman said. "It's looking at food as energy."
Using the macrobiotic spectrum of yin and yang, sugar and alcohol are considered extreme yin, and meat and dairy are considered extreme yang. In the middle are cooked whole grains, beans, vegetables, seaweed and fish.
Silverman said well-known macrobiotic teacher Michio Kushi once said to her: "When you eat whole foods, you think holistic. When you eat processed food, you have fragmented thinking."
Sounds fairly simple. But for those who follow a macrobiotic lifestyle, it's not just about eating certain things and avoiding others; it's also about seeking out food that has balanced energy.
"It's looking at food not just as carbohydrates and proteins," Silverman said. "It's looking at food as energy."
Using the macrobiotic spectrum of yin and yang, sugar and alcohol are considered extreme yin, and meat and dairy are considered extreme yang. In the middle are cooked whole grains, beans, vegetables, seaweed and fish.
Silverman said well-known macrobiotic teacher Michio Kushi once said to her: "When you eat whole foods, you think holistic. When you eat processed food, you have fragmented thinking."
Climate Change Update: 32 percent of respondents in a Post-ABC News poll said global warming should be a high priority for Obama and Congress
Huntsman, Romney believe in global warming, but not action - The Fix - The Washington Post: While a majority of Americans support environmental regulation, in January of this year only 32 percent of respondents in a Post-ABC News poll said global warming should be a high priority for Obama and Congress. The same number told Gallup this March that they see it as a serious threaty.
“I would be surprised if President Obama talks about the science of climate change in the 2012 campaign,” said George David Banks, a senior staff member for Republicans on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Just believing in global warming is risky territory for Republicans. Backing environmental regulation would be a dangerous leap in the primary with little hope of payoff in the general election.
“I would be surprised if President Obama talks about the science of climate change in the 2012 campaign,” said George David Banks, a senior staff member for Republicans on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works.
Just believing in global warming is risky territory for Republicans. Backing environmental regulation would be a dangerous leap in the primary with little hope of payoff in the general election.
Climate Change Update: Despite Rick Perry, consensus on climate change keeps strengthening - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post
Despite Rick Perry, consensus on climate change keeps strengthening - Ezra Klein - The Washington Post: American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting, UC Santa Barbara’s William Freudenberg gave a presentation in which he revealed that “new scientific findings [since the IPCC] are found to be more than twenty times as likely to indicate that global climate disruption is ‘worse than previously expected,’ rather than ‘not as bad as previously expected.’ ”
Granted, it’s always possible that what’s going on here is that, as Perry has charged, “there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects.” Though that theory’s looking weaker by the day, too: The National Science Foundation, for instance, just wrapped up its inquiry into Penn State climatologist Michael Mann, one of the central figures in the Climategate flap. Fox News had earlier trumpeted the NSF inquiry as the “final say” on Mann’s research. And what did the NSF conclude? “Finding no research misconduct or other matter raised by the various regulations and laws discussed above, this case is closed.”
Granted, it’s always possible that what’s going on here is that, as Perry has charged, “there are a substantial number of scientists who have manipulated data so that they will have dollars rolling into their projects.” Though that theory’s looking weaker by the day, too: The National Science Foundation, for instance, just wrapped up its inquiry into Penn State climatologist Michael Mann, one of the central figures in the Climategate flap. Fox News had earlier trumpeted the NSF inquiry as the “final say” on Mann’s research. And what did the NSF conclude? “Finding no research misconduct or other matter raised by the various regulations and laws discussed above, this case is closed.”
Monday, August 22, 2011
Climate Change & Wellness for Peace by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Author &...
Climate Change & Wellness for Peace by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Author &...(pls click link for slideshare powerpoint presentation)
Climate Change & Wellness for Peace by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Author & Peace Ambassador, UN World Peace Day - Presentation Transcript
- Climate Change & Wellness for Peace
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Peace Vigil Contribution to
United Nation’s World Peace Day
by Ms. Zara Jane Juan
Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
What is Wellness for Peace?
Wellness in Environment
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Wellness in Mind
Personality @ Peace
Wellness in Body
Detoxify, Nourish, Strengthen & Exercise
Wellness in Spirit
Holistic Living
Definition of Terms:
Wellness = human discipline to achieve balance in his/her lifestyle
Peace Vigil = be concerned on the freedom from strife
United Nation’s International Day of Peace =
Climate Change = United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change defines climate change as "a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods.” Used especially in the context of environmental policy, climate change is synonymous with anthropogenic global warming.
Why a need for Peace Vigil on
Wellness for Peace to work for
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation ?
- Greenhouse effect occurs as a result of greenhouse gases as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gases trapping the sun’s heat and keeping it close to the earth.
- When trees are cut down, they’re no longer take carbon dioxide out of the air, and actually release carbon dioxide as they decay or burn.
- more heat is “trapped” and global temperatures rise producing climate change. This causes significant changes in the timing and length of the seasons as well as the amount and frequency of rain (precipitation). (IPCC 2007)
Why a need for Peace Vigil on Wellness for Peace to work for
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation ?
In its 2007 report to the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that more than 90 percent warming of the past 50-60 years is due to human contributions.
One of the biggest ways people contribute to greenhouse gases is by burning fossil fuels. We use coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity, heat our homes, power our factories, and run our cars, etc
Activities that contribute to greenhouse gas levels:
Burning fossil fuels – oil, gasoline, gas and coal
Industrial processes and mining
Landfills, septic and sewer systems
Agricultural practices, including fertilizer and manure management
Land use practices, including deforestation (cutting of trees, etc)
The International Agreement for Climate Change is the Kyoto Protocol (16 February 2005) = an amendment to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Countries that have ratified this protocol have committed to reduce their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases, or engage in emissions trading if they maintain or increase emissions of these gases. The first phase of this protocol will expire in 2012
The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen happened last December 2009
What are the soci0-economic effects of Climate Change?
In “A Climate of Conflict”, The links between Climate Change, Peace and War
International Alert Report 2007 by Dan Smith & Janani Vivekananda says that hardest hit by climate change will be people living in poverty, in under-developed and unstable states, under poor governance.
It added that the effect of physical consequences – such as more frequent extreme weather, melting glaciers, and shorter growing seasons – will add to the pressures under which those societies already live. The background of poverty and bad governance means many of these communities both have a low capacity to adapt to climate change and face a high risk of
violent conflict.
The four key elements at risk:
1. Political Instability
2. Economic Weakness
3. Food Insecurity
4. Large Scale Migration
The double-headed problem of climate change and violent conflict thus has a unified solution – peace building and adaptation are effectively the same kind of activity, involving the same kinds of methods of dialogue and social engagement, requiring from governments the same values of inclusivity and transparency.
At the same time as adaptation to climate change can and must be made conflict-sensitive, peace building and development must be made climate-sensitive.
Source: A Climate of Conflict
The links between Climate Change, Peace and War
International Alert Report 2007
Dan Smith; Janani Vivekananda- PEACE BUILDING approach to Climate Change is engaging communities’ energies in a social process to work out on how to adapt to climate change and how to handle conflicts as they arise, so that they do not become violent. It is an approach that brings the hard science of climate change – which local communities do not and cannot be expected to know in the first instance, and which must be communicate clearly – together with local knowledge and understanding to figure out the best mode of adaptation.
The government cannot take on the task of taking the adaptation alone. Some government lacks the will, more lack the capacity, and some lack both. What is required is international cooperation to support local action.
Climate change could even reconcile otherwise divided communities by posing a threat against which to unite and task on which to cooperate.
Peace Vigil on Wellness for Peace will measure human contribution in the cooling of the earth by:
Wellness in Mind
Wellness in Body
Wellness in Spirit
Wellness in Environment
= Good Economics = Peace
PEACE BUILDING- Wellness in Environment
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Biological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide
Fertilizing the ocean with micronutrients. For instance, parts of the ocean are rich in nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus but low in iron, and as a result, low in phytoplankton. Adding even small amounts of iron can allow the plankton to grow and fix carbon dioxide.
Encourage organic farming practices. Not only do organically rich soils sequester CO2, they also have higher crop yields and lower fertilizer input requirements
Plant trees in idle lands
Start urban farming in schools & in own space
To learn more, join a non-sectarian, non-political &
nature-friendly environmental groups in your area - Wellness in Environment
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Be open to the idea of Shifting to Renewable Energy: e.gWind Energy:
Contributes to 1% of global electricity production
one of the fastest growing energy sectors
capacity of wind generation grew by about 25% globally in 2006
huge potential for electricity generation
if harnessed, could supply all of electricity needs
but is not an entirely dependable resource, using existing infrastructure wind power is expected to supply no more than 20% of electricity needs in any given region
needs further development e.g. if wind power were stored in the form of hydrogen, pumped water, compressed air, or other means, it could have greater share of energy production.
More information: World Wind Energy Association - Wellness in Environment
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Be open to the idea of Shifting to Renewable Energy: e.gSolar Energy:
Solar Electricity
0.01% of total Global primary energy production
Generation of electricity from the sun can be accomplished either by concentrating solar heat and using steam to generate electricity, or using solar photo-voltaic panels, the majority of the growth is in the latter technology.
Solar Thermal
"passive solar,“ the power of the sun used to heat buildings.
Solar hot water heaters have a very significant presence in China, 70-80% of the solar hot water heating market, and in Germany, Greece, and Austria. - Wellness in Environment
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Be open to the idea of Shifting to Renewable Energy: e.gHydro Electric Power:
Small hydro projects, especially "run of the river" hydro-electric generation (without reservoirs), offer the greatest potential for new climate-friendly capacity instead of large hydro projects shown to have significant greenhouse gas emissions due to methane emissions - Wellness in Environment
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Be open to the idea of Shifting to Renewable Energy: e.gOcean Power:
Tidal Power
very old form of power used along the coasts of western Europe in the Middle Ages
1960s, tidal dam was built in Brittany, France & has operated successfully for over 30 years. Deep marine currents, driven by tidal movements, offer a very stable energy source with low environmental impacts, but the technology has been very little studied.
Wave Power
pilot projects around the world: Portugal, United States, South Africa, etc and without any major commercial application yet. Wave power is most commonly harnessed several km out from shore, where the waves are most consistent.
More information: World Energy Council - Wellness in Environment
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Be open to the idea of Shifting to Renewable Energy: e.gBiofuels:
Fast-growing & very controversial because two key questions remain unclear: Do biofuels provide more energy than it takes to grow, harvest and transform them? And, is there enough land available for biofuels to grow any meaningful quantity? - Wellness in Mind
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Develop and Promote the Energy Conservation Habit anywhere, everywhere, anytime, all the time!
driving less by scheduling trips or joining carpool, etc.
greening of homes for better insulation
light only the area where you are w/ energy saving light
Reuse, recycle
don’t use plastic bags
buy groceries in big packaging & learn to budget it instead of buying small items to lessen plastic wrappers, etc
monitor your waste and stop buying unnecessary items to lessen garbage
segregate waste @ home, @ work, @ school, anywhere
maximize the power of the sun & air to your advantage
conserve water
walk if you can instead of taking rides
stop the 24/7 monitoring of TV, radio, internet unless its your job to do so, choose suitable programs
And so many more, to summarize it, is to go back to “just a basic” lifestyle - Wellness in Body
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Stretch, Strengthen, Detox & Nourish!
Eat Foods to Medicate not to Overweight!
Confront Lifestyle Diseases via Holistic Lifestyle Habit
Detoxify & Nourish Body thru Food Pyramid & Colors of the Plate
Manage Stress as part of Personality Development
Promote daily exercise, sports, yoga, etc - Wellness in Spirit
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Develop a Holistic Peaceful Personality for the Changing Climate.
Guide: (pls see attached)
How to start peace thoughts?
How to work for holiness?
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Climate Change Situation in the Philippines
The Philippines as an archipelago is considered a climate hotspot and is ranked 4th in the Global Climate Risk Index, with 20 out of 80 provinces vulnerable to one-meter rise in sea level. These provinces are in regions – ARMM (Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao), Zamboanga Peninsula, Eastern Visayas , & Bicol region – with the highest poverty incidence and greatest food insecurity in the Philippines, it is in these areas where a festering insurgency and long-running conflict have taken hold.
Wellness Pilipinas !In the Philippines, we invite you to join us in the Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation Campaign As Asians, this will be our contribution to inspire others in achieving a Climate Change Ready & Peace Loving Country
- We invite you to join us in the Peace Vigil Activities of
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Join www.facebook/ & be part of the drafting of the proposed bill on CCPBA
Join us in gathering info re: socio-political effects of CC on: Political Instability. Economic Weakness; Food Insecurity & Large Scale Migration
Join us in updating news to CCPBA @ Wellness Pilipinas! & Join us in posting, announcing, faxing & e-mailing of CCPBA info to inform & educate
Support Sailing for Peace Wellness for Peace Dialogue in response to United Nations efforts on CCPBA. Be the host in your office or check sched at www.facebook/ & Peace!
- We invite you to join us in the Peace Vigil Activities of
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Help us to include SPAWN (Sailing for Peace Adult Workshop Nationwide) CCPBA Wellness for Peace Seminars for Sustainable Development in fragile areas o f Mindanao, Zamboanga, Bicol, regions, etc
Join us in the CCAPB Report per Region in the Philippines as our proposed reference for Good Governance
Check out countries updates on climate change preparation @ Wellness Series Int’l: Climate Change Peace Building & Adaptation: Locally, let’s help the risk areas to be CC ready economically. physically, spiritually, emotionally to avoid violence.
Find ways to work with DILG, Peace Commission, etc to know the Philippine political status & ensure National Adaptation Plans of Actions on Climate Change are Conflict Sensitive . Don’t lose in the political instability. Be pro-active and prepare to be ready to undergo calamity.
- We invite you to join us in the Peace Vigil Activities of
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Take the Climate Change on a positive light; not as a calamity but as an opportunity. Let’s work with DTI & business sectors to find & strengthen economic opportunities in response to the changing climate. Let’s strengthen the family as basic unit of governance on CCPBA. Start the CCPBA governance to our self, family, company, etc. Test our effectiveness & revise accordingly. Note: Peace is not measured by the absence of conflict but the presence of trust.
Promote dialogue on CCPBA to Local & Int’l Business Clubs with the objective of finding Business Opportunities to CC. Convince CEO’s & Managers, etc to include CCPBA in their marketing & media plans and ignite the passion for peace to keep the business going.
Join Wellness Series Int’l activities in the ASEAN efforts & UN global initiatives on CCPBA
Volunteer & Join Sailing for Peace Adult Inspirer of Peace & Ambassador of Peace for the Environment through Peace Virtues Workshop of CCPBA with LGU’s. Let’s educate while instilling peace and harmony.
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace Workshops
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit & Environment
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
for Peace
in Mind
- Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health
WHO > Programmes and projects > Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity & Health
Unhealthy diets and physical inactivity are two of the main risk factors for raised blood pressure, raised blood glucose, abnormal blood lipids, overweight/obesity, and for the major chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes.
Overall, 2.7 million deaths are attributable to low fruit and vegetable intake
Overall, 1.9 million deaths are attributable to physical inactivity.
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
in Body
Nourishment - Rainbow Diet
in Body
Nourishment - Recommended Serving Portion in a Plate
in Body
Nourishment - Wellness
in Mind
How can Personality contributes to Stress?
If you are living a life that is totally different from the kind of personality that you want
Personalities consist of our emotions, memory, thoughts, physical look, dreams, imaginations, reactions, attitude, habit, etc. Personalities are given by birth; and acquired.
To manage stress is to find your Voice Personality. What is that Personality that you want to develop…the Personality that you want other people to see in you… One way to know that is through the colors of personality workshop.
Now once you know what you want, be emotionally responsible and deal with your memories, thoughts, physical look, dreams, imaginations, attitudes, habit, etc that adapts to the culture where you belong and prepares you to be at peace in the changing climate.
- Colors of Personality Workshop
Close your eyes for 5 seconds
Imagine some colors.
When you think of your Self,
what color do you imagine?
in Mind, Body, Spirit
Wellness Tips
in Mind, Body, Spirit
Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
Take time to nourish your discriminating taste.. view plays, visit museums, listen to classical music, etc
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
The leaves good source of calcium, iron, ascorbic acid and phosphorus.
Young pods, seeds & flowers anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, circulatory stimulations
lowers blood pressure, aid in pains caused by rheumatism, headaches and migraines, anti-tumor plant
also used for purgative and anti-fungal purposes
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
Friendliness is
peace work in process.
Love them all.
Do not discriminate
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
improve impotence, sexual dysfunction, night blindness, long term cough
strengthens kidney and eliminates cold
anti-cancer effect
folic acid fight against free radicals (substances that cause cancer)
lignin strengthen immune system to fight against cancerous cells
a good diet for hypertensive people
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Wellness Tip:
Carrot and spinach juices prepared in 3:2 ratio are highly recommended for the relief of VARICOSE VEINS
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
In giving we forget
in receiving… we must remember
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Rich in Vitamin C
iron content is exceptional
a good source of manganese
high in potassium
a valuable therapy for kidney stones
diuretic for rheumatism, menstrual insufficiency and settles the stomach
Improves appetite
Vitamin C assists the absorption of the valuable quantity of iron in the body
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Get hold of yourself before you present it!
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
vitamin C
Vitamin A,
Lycopene, antioxidant, neutralizing free radicals in the body
10 servings of tomatoes/week can cut the risk of developing prostate cancer by 45 %
help prevent lung cancer for smokers
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
Find beauty
in all things, situations and people you don’t like
That way your focus of discussion will always be
on the bright side
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Good for:
Prevent kidney stone
Helps lower cholesterol
Helps prevent diabetes
High blood pressure
desire for liquor/ alcohol is reduced by drinking orange juice
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
Being poor is an insult to humanity
No one is poor.
Everything given is a blessing.
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Vitamin C, beta-carotene, and folic acid, all found in bell peppers significantly reduced risk of colon cancer.
vitamin C-rich foods, such as bell and chili peppers protection against arthritis;
vitamin A-rich foods, such as bell peppers good for smokers
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
To get the best result, master the art of perfect timing to your loved ones.
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Breast cancer
Cholesterol: reduce the excessive production of cholesterol from the liver.
Digestive disorder: aids bowel movements.
Fatigue: drink a glass of grapefruit juice with lemon juice in equal parts with a little honey,
Insomnia: promote sleep and alleviates insomnia.
Pregnant woman: The bioflavonoids and vitamin C help to reduce water retention and swelling of the legs during pregnancy.
Sore throat: relieve sore throats and soothes coughs.
Stomach and pancreatic cancer: anti-cancer agents
Weight-loss: This fruit has a fat-burning enzyme and can help to absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body. Take a glass of grapefruit juice twice a day and eat normally.
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Note: Grapefruit contains high levels of flavonoidnaringin that will reject synthetic man-made drugs. The presence of grapefruits may halt the metabolism of these drugs, leaving the drugs in your body thus creating the risk of toxic poisoning.
Take only in moderation. Excessive consumption of any citrus juices can leach calcium from the body system, causing decay of the bones and teeth.
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
Your ideas do not have expiration date because you can improve it day by day. Go! Proceed!
Make it happen!
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
stop cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer by ridding the body of excess estrogen.
beneficial in the digestive system
Vitamin C helps to strengthen and maintain the elasticity of arteries.
FAT BURNING enzyme absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body.
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Juicing Tip: Keep the fruit at room temperature before juicing to get the most out of it. To prepare, quarter the fruit and peel off the skin. Leave in as much rind as possible as it contains the most anti-cancer agents. You may add honey if you find the juice too sour
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
Love your heart, your face and your looks,
don’t cause distortion to your beautiful self….
So avoid being angry
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
soothing food for the nerves.
maintains blood cholesterol level
high in calcium, potassium and magnesium, together with lots of B complex – all vital to a healthy nervous system
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Fruit Juice Oatmeal
(1 serving)
1 Cup Apple Juice
1 Cup Rolled Oats
The night before, put all ingridients in a bowl and cover with clingfilm. Leave in fridge over night and enjoy in the morningTry this with any fruit juice
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
Wisdom is learning to understand people around us…
Just maintain a pure heart and pure thoughts will pour out …
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
effective remedy for intestinal worms
reduces excess water buildups
effective in treatment of hemorrhoids, colitis, sore throat and menstrual disorders.
effective antioxidant, fights bacterial and viral infections, and does help the body to absorb iron
source of Vitamin B1converting blood sugar into energy
good for the heart as it reduces blood clots in the blood-stream.
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Personality Enhancement & Wellness Tip:
rest…pray…work… hope…
but when you pray,
make it early
before deadline,
to give heaven the time to prepare
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
prevent damage to our neurons
helps in the production and absorption of iron in the body, thus leading to better blood circulation, which further leads to the growth of healthy tissues.
prevent any other infection of the eye, in the long run.
anti-cancer agents that may help prevent the growth of cancerous cells and tumors in the body.
cleansing agents that keep the blood pure and prevent complications of the heart.
Vitamin C against health conditions like asthma and colon cancer
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- If you are constantly expose to pressure, a glass of prune juice a day can sharpen your mind & keep you on your toes!
Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit
Through Wellness Tips
- Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation as our
year round contribution to United Nation’s International Day of Peace
For more info, check
Wellness Pilipinas!
UN World Peace: Conflict Zone
Wellness Series Int’l:
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation
Books/Journals on Peace Leadership & Personality Development
Wellness for Peace: Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation, Peace Vigil Contribution to United Nation’s World Peace Day by Ms. Zara Jane Juan, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
United Nations International Day of Peace Philippines Peace Vigil 2011, Sailing for Peace
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Wellness Tip: Coffee, Sex, and Other Weird Ways to Not Get Sick (Page 7) | Care2 Healthy Living
Coffee, Sex, and Other Weird Ways to Not Get Sick (Page 7) | Care2 Healthy Living:
Viruses, in particular that gross Swine that’s going around, take about three days to incubate (in your body) before you know you’ve come down with the dreaded flu. Drinking hot liquids, including coffee (!) can help wash the virus out of your mouth and down into your stomach where it can’t grow due to the acids. Not a coffee drinker? Chicken soup, tea, or just hot water have the same effect. Gargling with very salty warm water can also derail a virus. The other place a flu likes to incubate is your nose. Doing a nasal flush or even just swabbing your nostrils with rubbing alcohol can kill the virus before it takes you down. (click link above to read complete article)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Wellness Tip: Yoga for Healthy Liver
Yoga for Healthy Liver: Keeping the liver in proper working order is essential because one role of the liver is to break down excess estrogen. Poor diet, alcohol, and medications including pain relievers (ibuprofen, naproxen sodium, etc.), cholesterol lowering drugs, Rogaine (minoxidil), and steroids can damage the liver.
Fresh food gives lightness, happiness, joyfulness and increases intelligence. The food should be suitable for the mind, body, intelligence and soul.
The relationship between exercise and liver health is not so clear, however, yoga for liver problems is an effective way of maintaining and enhancing the health of this vital organ. Purpose of practicing yoga is to stimulate, regulate and enhance the functioning of liver.
Fresh food gives lightness, happiness, joyfulness and increases intelligence. The food should be suitable for the mind, body, intelligence and soul.
The relationship between exercise and liver health is not so clear, however, yoga for liver problems is an effective way of maintaining and enhancing the health of this vital organ. Purpose of practicing yoga is to stimulate, regulate and enhance the functioning of liver.
Wellness Update: N. America: Clinton joins the company of other vegan politicians and celebrities
Bill Clinton, Champion Of The Plant-Based Diet, Goes Vegan: There have been numerous studies linking a veggie-heavy diet with good heart health. For example, research shows that fewer vegetarians than meat-eaters have metabolic syndrome, a condition where you possess three of five heart-risk factors, Everyday Health reported. The factors include high blood pressure, triglycerides and blood sugar, low "good" cholesterol and a large waist size.
In addition, research shows that a nutrient-dense, vegetarian-based diet can lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol.
Clinton joins the company of other vegan politicians and celebrities, including Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, "Biggest Loser" trainer Bob Harper, actress Olivia Wilde and even Twitter co-founder Biz Stone. Colorado Congressman Jared Polis -- while not a strict vegan or vegetarian -- keeps a meat product-free home with his vegan partner, Marlon Reis, Politico reported. And former Indiana Congressman Andrew Jacobs Jr. is a vegetarian, according to Vegetarian Times magazine.
Elizabeth Kucinich, wife of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, told Eating Well that her and her husband's vegan lifestyle is inspired by compassion for living things, sustainability and health.
In addition, research shows that a nutrient-dense, vegetarian-based diet can lower levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol.
Clinton joins the company of other vegan politicians and celebrities, including Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich, "Biggest Loser" trainer Bob Harper, actress Olivia Wilde and even Twitter co-founder Biz Stone. Colorado Congressman Jared Polis -- while not a strict vegan or vegetarian -- keeps a meat product-free home with his vegan partner, Marlon Reis, Politico reported. And former Indiana Congressman Andrew Jacobs Jr. is a vegetarian, according to Vegetarian Times magazine.
Elizabeth Kucinich, wife of Rep. Dennis Kucinich, told Eating Well that her and her husband's vegan lifestyle is inspired by compassion for living things, sustainability and health.
Wellness Tip: How to lose weight? Use blue silverware, blue plates, napkins, or place mats, etc to suppress appetite
Healthy Hollywood: Fab Food Friday – 5 Easy Weight Loss Tricks! | Access Hollywood - Celebrity News, Photos & Videos:
The colors blue and purple may act as an appetite suppressant. Avoid painting the walls red, yellow, and orange in the kitchen and dining areas because these colors may make us salivate. Instead, keep your color scheme blue. If your walls aren’t blue and repainting is too much, use blue silverware, blue plates, napkins, or place mats. In one study, people who dined in a blue room, ate 33 percent less than those who ate in a yellow or red room. Blue lights make food look less appealing, while warmer colors, especially yellow, have the opposite effect. Fast-food restaurants have known and used this fact for decades, which is why almost all of them have yellowish interiors—they want you to eat more.
Wellness Tip: Hopefulness Is Better Than Happiness for Diet Success – TIME Healthland
Hopefulness Is Better Than Happiness for Diet Success – TIME Healthland: Don't stop thinking about tomorrow — if you want to stick to your diet. That's the conclusion of a new study, which found that upbeat, forward-looking feelings like hopefulness led to better dietary choices, while positive emotions like happiness weren't necessarily conducive to self-control.
"Past research is a bit conflicting in terms of how positive emotion affects food consumption," says lead author Kelly Haws, assistant professor of marketing at Texas A&M University. "We found that the more future-focused positive emotions were leading people to consume less."
Research on unhealthy eating behavior has typically focused on negative emotions like fear, anxiety and hopelessness because people tend to use sweet or salty foods to alleviate distress. However, as anyone who has ever been to a party knows, celebrations of good times and positive feelings are also occasions for indulgence.
"Past research is a bit conflicting in terms of how positive emotion affects food consumption," says lead author Kelly Haws, assistant professor of marketing at Texas A&M University. "We found that the more future-focused positive emotions were leading people to consume less."
Research on unhealthy eating behavior has typically focused on negative emotions like fear, anxiety and hopelessness because people tend to use sweet or salty foods to alleviate distress. However, as anyone who has ever been to a party knows, celebrations of good times and positive feelings are also occasions for indulgence.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Wellness Tip: high protein diets help the body rebuild damaged muscles and soft tissues
San Antonio Chiropractor Promotes Nutrition Counseling for Weight Management and Pain Relief: "Dr. Phillips is also a nutritionist who is trained to provide nutrition counseling services to patients. Dr. Phillips nutrition counseling focuses on whole body wellness as well as injury-specific conditions.
'I make specific dietary recommendations to patients who are struggling with chronic pain, such as back pain, neck pain and headaches,' said Dr. Phillips. 'For example, antioxidants combat free radicals that lead to inflammation and can worsen chronic musculoskeletal pain. For patients recovering from an injury, high protein diets help the body rebuild damaged muscles and soft tissues. The right balance of nutrients and supplements really makes a difference when it comes to an individual's recovery.'"
'I make specific dietary recommendations to patients who are struggling with chronic pain, such as back pain, neck pain and headaches,' said Dr. Phillips. 'For example, antioxidants combat free radicals that lead to inflammation and can worsen chronic musculoskeletal pain. For patients recovering from an injury, high protein diets help the body rebuild damaged muscles and soft tissues. The right balance of nutrients and supplements really makes a difference when it comes to an individual's recovery.'"
Wellness Tip: Better to eat natural and not processed
Fran Drescher Eats Natural To Stay Healthy - OK! Magazine - The First for Celebrity News: "“It is better to eat natural and not processed,” she says. “You’re better off eating off eating a whole fruit, you’re better off eating whole grains. It should look like the food. The more you eat food that looks like food with single item ingredients, I think the healthier you’ll stay. It’s all the about the balancing act, and the more you can eat healthy and organic, whole food, then the less of a problem it is when you do want to splurge on something that’s probably not the best for you, but your body can handle it. Eat healthy.”
She never tends to skip meals.
“The more often you eat, the more your metabolism stays working at a good clip, and the less often you eat, the slower your metabolism goes, so you’re better off eating six or eight small meals, constantly throughout the day, than skipping meals,” she says. “What I tend to do is eat three meals a day. Healthy all healthy.”
Another key: She doesn’t allow herself to go out without snacks."
She never tends to skip meals.
“The more often you eat, the more your metabolism stays working at a good clip, and the less often you eat, the slower your metabolism goes, so you’re better off eating six or eight small meals, constantly throughout the day, than skipping meals,” she says. “What I tend to do is eat three meals a day. Healthy all healthy.”
Another key: She doesn’t allow herself to go out without snacks."
Wellness Tip: What does stress do & how to reduce it
Moderation and balance are the secret to a long, healthy life - "What does stress do?
Stress really affects our hormones — adrenalin and cortisol. They raise blood pressure and heart rate and after the event you can feel very tired. If cortisol stays high, it takes calcium out of bones, decreases muscle mass and stores fat around the middle. Cortisol raises insulin which has been implicated in metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides and is linked to inflammation and cancer.
Cortisol also completely changes body composition. You can have the same weight but less muscle and more fat as you get older. At low levels, it can depress your immune system which is the system that fights cancer.
How do we reduce stress and the corresponding cortisol production?
One of the principals of yoga is to control your breathing. Yoga teaching is to breath through it. You control breathing, you control hormones. It slows down adrenalin and cortisol. It allows the mind to relax, racing thoughts can pass. It’s actually shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure. It is just slow, rhythmic breathing."
Stress really affects our hormones — adrenalin and cortisol. They raise blood pressure and heart rate and after the event you can feel very tired. If cortisol stays high, it takes calcium out of bones, decreases muscle mass and stores fat around the middle. Cortisol raises insulin which has been implicated in metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides and is linked to inflammation and cancer.
Cortisol also completely changes body composition. You can have the same weight but less muscle and more fat as you get older. At low levels, it can depress your immune system which is the system that fights cancer.
How do we reduce stress and the corresponding cortisol production?
One of the principals of yoga is to control your breathing. Yoga teaching is to breath through it. You control breathing, you control hormones. It slows down adrenalin and cortisol. It allows the mind to relax, racing thoughts can pass. It’s actually shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure. It is just slow, rhythmic breathing."
Wellness Tip: Understanding the Emotions of People w/ severe traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Lack of empathy following traumatic brain injury linked to reduced responsiveness to anger: "Egocentric, self-centred, and insensitive to the needs of others: these social problems often arise in people with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and have been attributed in part to a loss of emotional empathy, the capacity to recognise and understand the emotions of other people. Given that traumatic brain injuries are becoming more common, and resulting empathy deficits can have negative repercussions on social functioning and quality of life, it is increasingly important to understand the processes that shape emotional empathy. A new study has recently revealed evidence of a relationship between physiological responses to anger and a reduction of emotional empathy post-injury, as reported in the May 2011 issue of Cortex."
Wellness Tip: Keeping your teens fit
Teens, Nutrition, Emotions, Puberty …we know it can be a real challenge.. | Sunshine Coast Queensland: "
Many teens choose to be vegetarian, in this case, please make sure there is enough protein in the diet; legumes with green vegetables & rice will give full amino acid conversion. Small amounts of fermented soy products can also be useful, but too many dairy products can cause congestion & may also contribute to teenage acne due to improper digestion."
Iron is needed to make red blood cells & is the carrier of oxygen in the blood. Lack of dietary iron can lead to weakness & fatigue. As young adults, girls need about 15mg/day. Boys need around 12mg/day because of the body mass increase. Some food sources for iron are red meat, poultry, green vegetables, egg yolks. If you choose an iron from a nonmeat source, have it with a food rich in vit C for better absorption.
Wellness Tip: Keeping your Teens Fit
Teens, Nutrition, Emotions, Puberty …we know it can be a real challenge.. | Sunshine Coast Queensland:
Many teens choose to be vegetarian, in this case, please make sure there is enough protein in the diet; legumes with green vegetables & rice will give full amino acid conversion. Small amounts of fermented soy products can also be useful, but too many dairy products can cause congestion & may also contribute to teenage acne due to improper digestion.
Iron is needed to make red blood cells & is the carrier of oxygen in the blood. Lack of dietary iron can lead to weakness & fatigue. As young adults, girls need about 15mg/day. Boys need around 12mg/day because of the body mass increase. Some food sources for iron are red meat, poultry, green vegetables, egg yolks. If you choose an iron from a nonmeat source, have it with a food rich in vit C for better absorption.
Wellness Tip: Monitor your Teens Nutritional Needs
Teens, Nutrition, Emotions, Puberty …we know it can be a real challenge.. | Sunshine Coast Queensland: "Nutritional needs are higher, hopefully the needed calories will come from the healthy eating habits you encouraged as your children grew; however, because of the continuing growth factor, a teenage girl needs around 2200 cal/day & a boy around 2500 cal/day. This can change dramatically if youhave a child who is heavily into sports – food intake will have to be adjusted to fit the situation. Exercise on a regular basis ensures the body gets the nutritional chemicals it needs, stays physically fit & helps prevent diseases such as diabetes & high blood pressure.
Calcium is needed to build strong bones. During teen years future adult bone structure is developed & the skeletal growth is rapid. Some good calcium sources are green vegetables, sardines, salmon, sweet potato, tahini & dairy products for those who can absorb them well. Vit D is important for the absorption of calcium. Adequate sunlight will give skin conversion of this vital vitamin ~ 10/15 minutes sunlight without sunscreen, but absolutely not sunburn. Prolonged exposure to sun will still require caution & a good quality 30+ chemical free sunscreen."
Calcium is needed to build strong bones. During teen years future adult bone structure is developed & the skeletal growth is rapid. Some good calcium sources are green vegetables, sardines, salmon, sweet potato, tahini & dairy products for those who can absorb them well. Vit D is important for the absorption of calcium. Adequate sunlight will give skin conversion of this vital vitamin ~ 10/15 minutes sunlight without sunscreen, but absolutely not sunburn. Prolonged exposure to sun will still require caution & a good quality 30+ chemical free sunscreen."
Wellness Tip: Emotionally Responsible Parents are Good Models to Children
Modeling Healthy Behavior for Your Children | Psych Central: "Emotionally responsible people are able to be aware of their feelings, and name and manage them. These skills allow a person to navigate life and relationships by making choices based in both emotions and clear reasoning.
A child who learns emotional responsibility is less likely to be controlled by whatever feeling is present at a given moment. He or she also will be less vulnerable to impulsivity, emotionally unstable or abusive relationships. Emotionally responsible people also are less prone to substance abuse as a way to act out or to numb their feelings.
If we want to model emotional responsibility for our children, we must take responsibility for the way we deal with a situation, even if we believe that someone else is to blame for triggering our anger or pain. For example, when we are emotionally responsible, we can see that someone cutting us off on the highway is not the reason that we aggressively tailgate that car for the rest of the drive to work. Tailgating that driver is our way of dealing with our frustration and anger.
If we want to be emotionally responsible, we must slow down our reaction time and take space to identify our feelings."
If we want to model emotional responsibility for our children, we must take responsibility for the way we deal with a situation, even if we believe that someone else is to blame for triggering our anger or pain. For example, when we are emotionally responsible, we can see that someone cutting us off on the highway is not the reason that we aggressively tailgate that car for the rest of the drive to work. Tailgating that driver is our way of dealing with our frustration and anger.
If we want to be emotionally responsible, we must slow down our reaction time and take space to identify our feelings."
Wellness Update: Africa: Moves to earlier HIV treatment |
South Africa moves to earlier HIV treatment | "HIV-positive people in South Africa will be able to access antiretrovirals (ARVs) sooner after the government raised the CD4 count necessary to access treatment. But some warn the victory is only half the battle.
The announcement by Kgalema Motlanthe, the Deputy President, on 12 August now allows for any HIV patient with a CD4 count of 350 or below, a measure of the immune system’s strength, to access ARVs with immediate effect, according to the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) spokesman Junaid Seedat.
The announcement by Kgalema Motlanthe, the Deputy President, on 12 August now allows for any HIV patient with a CD4 count of 350 or below, a measure of the immune system’s strength, to access ARVs with immediate effect, according to the South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) spokesman Junaid Seedat.
Until now HIV patients had to wait until their CD4 counts were below 200. The World Health Organization recommended the higher threshold in November 2009.
South African HIV activists became frustrated when a few months later, the government updated its national HIV treatment guidelines to allow only HIV-positive pregnant mothers and those co-infected with tuberculosis (TB) to access treatment at the WHO-recommended CD4 levels.
The government, which continues to fund about 80 percent of HIV public sector treatment, cited financial concerns and fears that large-scale earlier treatment would overwhelm the already overburdened health systems."
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Aug 16
- Wellness Update: Africa: Moves to earlier HIV trea...
- Wellness Tip: Emotionally Responsible Parents are ...
- Wellness Tip: Monitor your Teens Nutritional Needs
- Wellness Tip: Keeping your Teens Fit
- Wellness Tip: Keeping your teens fit
- Wellness Tip: Understanding the Emotions of People...
- Wellness Tip: What does stress do & how to reduce it
- Wellness Tip: Better to eat natural and not processed
- Wellness Tip: high protein diets help the body reb...
Aug 16