"A number of studies show that health and wellness is among the top concerns of Filipinos, next to work-life balance and job security. After all, being physically fit means being able to spend more quality time with the family as well as enjoy activities with friends and colleagues. However, it is a sad reality that for most Filipinos, health management is steeply priced. This inaccessibility to basic health products leads many to rampant self-medication, non-compliance to treatment, and medical consultation only when symptoms of ailments are past treatment. Today, generic medicine that are priced cheaper than leading brands have been presented as a solution to this concern. However, people are not comfortable switching to generic drugs easily due to bad feedback in the past, related to questionable efficacy and poor quality of certain formulations. To overcome these challenges, Watsons exerted utmost effort to look for the right pharmaceutical partners and bring together quality generic medicine to the market."
'via Blog this' Quality health care for everyone - The Philippine Star » Business Features » Science and Technology:
Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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