Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) Reaches Moms and Babies in 22 Countries with Critical Health Information: "Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) is working with local organizations to send timely and culturally sensitive health and wellness information to new and expectant mothers in 22 countries from Afghanistan to Zambia, via mobile phones. MAMA, a $10 million, three year partnership to address the 360,000 maternal deaths and 3.1 million newborn deaths that occur each year, is also due to launch nationally in Bangladesh this July, after successful use of mobile messaging in four regions. South Africa will preview its services this month at the GSMA-mHealth Alliance Mobile Health Summit in Cape Town, South Africa. MAMA is a partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Johnson & Johnson, the United Nations Foundation, and BabyCenter and operates through a secretariat hosted by the mHealth Alliance."
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May 17