U.S. Renewable Energy Company Targets Fall 2012 to Begin Turning Brazilian Trash into Fuel: "Once the plant is in full operation, the Gás Verde project in Brazil will use the FirmGreen technology to clean 12,000 scfm (standard cubic feet per minute) of landfill gas into usable, pipeline gas. The EPA estimates that such emission reductions are equal to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from removing 278,400 passenger vehicles from the road and/or reducing the CO₂ emissions from 159.6 million gallons of gasoline consumed.
In addition to its environmental benefits, Wilburn noted that export of FirmGreen’s green technology has created hundreds of skilled U.S. jobs and helps improve the nation’s trade balance at a time when the American economy has been challenged. Manufacturing operations in seven different states contracted with FirmGreen on this project, each contributing a significant role in the fabrication of FirmGreen’s biogas purification equipment. The undertaking has also created hundreds of jobs in Brazil. “This is what truly makes this project a win-win,“ explained Sergio Stacchini, President of Gás Verde."
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