Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Friday, September 30, 2011
Tip: Spread the "love", be happy when you Tweet especially in the afternoon when people are gloomy (Twitter findings)
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Green Energy continues to build market share
Petroleum – 35%
Natural Gas – 23%
Coal – 20%
Renewables – 8%
Nuclear – 8%
Other – 6%
The biggest part of this total energy pie (over 38%) goes for the generation of electricity, with the second biggest piece (27%) going to transportation. The figures above set renewables as representing 8% of total U.S. energy sources, but much of that is hydroelectric.
Looking at electrical generation sourcing exclusively, we get the following breakdown, providing a better idea of the still limited role played by non-hydro renewables:
Coal – 45%
Natural Gas – 23%
Nuclear – 20%
Hydroelectric – 7%
Other Renewables – 4%
Other – 1%
Of the 4% listed as Other Renewables (non-hydroelectric) we get the following breakdown:
Wind – 55%
Biomass – 35%
Geothermal – 9%
Solar – 1%"
Note: Any developing technology typically eats up money in research and development, the benefits of which show up later in the business cycle.
Climate Change Update: Farmers should develop new crop management techniques to survive
“What we are saying is that if we don’t take any action, there won’t be sufficient chocolate around in the future,” said Peter Läderach, the report’s lead author.
The warmer conditions predicted by the researchers, based on 19 climate models, mean cocoa trees will struggle to get enough water during the growing season, curtailing the development of cocoa pods containing the prized cocoa bean - the key ingredient in chocolate production.
“The dry seasons will become more intense; it will get hotter and the plants will be affected,” Läderach told AlertNet on the phone from Nicaragua."
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Thursday, September 29, 2011
Tip:"Fitness can be a chore, but focus on how great you feel afterwards & know that your doing something positive for yourself that has huge benefits"
Harper describes the 12th season of the NBC weight loss competition, which is nominated for an Environmental Media Award this year, as a "Battle of the Ages, Old vs. Young vs. the people in the middle. "
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Climate Change Update: Electrical Energy Storage can Reduce Carbon Emission to Mitigate Effects of Climate Change
The membrane could also be integrated into solar panels and wind turbines to store and manage the electricity generated. Energy provided through these sources is prone to instability due to their dependence on natural factors. By augmenting these energy sources with the membrane, the issue of instability could potentially be negated, as surplus energy generated can be instantly stored in the membranes, and delivered for use at a stable rate at times when natural factors are insufficient, such as a lack of solar power during night-time."
(Nanowerk News) A team from the National University of Singapore's Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Initiative (NUSNNI), led by principle investigator Dr Xie Xian Ning, has developed the world's first energy-storage membrane.
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Climate Change Update: Amphibians' average ability to pick up and leave when things get bad...
The researchers combined the amphibian data with projections from climate models using two emissions scenarios, one that projected more conservative increases in greenhouse gases and the other projecting more extreme increases. They looked at how the change would play out along paths the creatures could take — broken down into cells one-eighth of a degree latitude by one-eighth of a degree longitude, or roughly 54 square miles (140 square kilometers) — in decade-long increments from 1991 to 2100. [Earth in the Balance: 7 Crucial Tipping Points]
They found that gaps in the animals' treks to new homes were caused when local climate became too hot, too dry or otherwise inhospitable to a species for too long a period. These gaps formed barriers preventing species from continuing their northward shift. "
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Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Peace Update: TAWI-TAWI, Philippines – Ambassador Xenia Stefanidou, Greece envoy to the Philippines, commended the peace and order situation
“My whole family in Greece is all islanders and I love islands like Tawi – Tawi because this province is just like my home,” she said after an inter-island tour in various municipalities here.
She also lauded the development of the islands here especially on its peace and order situation, saying “I can walk around Tawi Tawi without hesitations of being kidnap because I smell a good peace and order here unlike the other provinces in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.”
Meantime, the celebration of the annual seaweed festivities here has started last week with Governor Sadikul Sahali headed the showcasing of the province’s cultural heritage and natural resources.
The four-day celebration kicked-off with a colorful fluvial parade from different island-municipalities, displaying the colorful attires that boosted the uniqueness of the province’s multi-culture society."
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Tip: Build bridges of Loyalty & Affection. Parents who offer children honest empathy to their kids help them cope w/ anger, sadness & fear
Recognize the emotion
Increase intimacy with emotion
Listen for and validate emotion
Label emotion
Set limits with emotion
The outcome of children who had experienced this type of "emotional coaching" from their parents were on an entirely different development trajectory than the children of other parents.
The emotion-coaching parents had children who later became what Daniel Goldman calls "emotionally intelligent" people. Emotionally-coached children are able to regulate their own emotional states and are better at soothing themselves and calming a racing heart when upset."
*Because of the superior performance in calming their physiology, children who received emotional coaching from their parents also reported fewer infectious illnesses. They were better at focusing attention. They related better to other people, even in the tough social situations like teasing. They were better at understanding people. They had better friendships with other children. They also performed better academically.
Because of the superior performance in calming their physiology, children who received emotional coaching from their parents also reported fewer infectious illnesses. They were better at focusing attention. They related better to other people, even in the tough social situations like teasing. They were better at understanding people. They had better friendships with other children. They also performed better academically.
'via Blog this'Climate Change Update: Electric energy solutions worldwide, safely, cost-effectively, reliably, and profitably, with minimal environmental impact
The Honduran government, in its strategic plan for development of the country, has established guidelines that provide for "Productive infrastructure as a driver of economic activity." Through ENEE, the Honduran government is seeking to increase power generation through the use of renewable sources utilizing private and public investment."
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Climate Change Update: Warming climate is imperiling the wildlife and landscapes in the Yellowstone National Park region
Left unchecked, climate change is likely to transform the greater Yellowstone area, which includes parts of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana and encompasses two national parks, six national forests and three wildlife refuges, the report said.
The Yellowstone National Park region is one of the world's last largely intact temperate ecosystems.
"Threads are already being pulled out of the glorious tapestry that is the greater Yellowstone ecosystem and it has lost some of its luster," said Stephen Saunders, president of the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization and an author of the report. "It's up to us to preserve this marvelous, magical place for future generations.""
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Peace Update: Japan & Philippines Tighten Defense Ties -
After his talks with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, on a four-day visit to Japan, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda told reporters that the two sides committed to bolstering "cooperation between coastguards and defense-related authorities."
A joint statement said bilateral ties have evolved from friendly relations to a "strategic partnership," and called for more collaboration on "regional and global issues of mutual concern and interest." The two countries also agreed to conduct frequent discussions on defense at more senior levels and increase the number of Japan Coast Guard missions to help train their Philippine counterparts."
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Tip 4d Changing Climate: Top 5 Natural Vegetarian sources of Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
#1: CheeseThe amount of vitamin B12 in cheese depends on type and variety, Swiss cheese provides the most with 3.34μg per 100g serving (56% RDA), followed by Gjetost(40% RDA), Mozzarella(39% RDA), Parmesan(38% RDA), Tilsit(35% RDA), and Feta(28% RDA).
Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#2: EggsWhen it comes to chicken eggs the raw yellow has most of the vitamin B-12 with 1.95μg per 100g serving (33% RDA), however, this equates to 0.33μg per yolk or just 6% of the RDA. The eggs of other animals are higher with a goose egg providing 7.34μg (122% RDA) of vitamin B-12 per 100g serving, and a duck egg providing 3.78μg (63% RDA).
Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#3: Whey PowderOnce thought the sole domain of body builders, whey powder is now entering main stream as more people are going vegetarian. Whey powder is a common addition to breads and smoothies, 100 grams will provide 2.5 μg of vitamin B12 or 42% of the RDA.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#4: Milk and Yogurt100 grams of non-fat yogurt provides 0.53μg (10% RDA) of vitamin B12 and 15%RDA per cup. 100 grams of reduced fat milk provides 0.46μg (8% RDA) and 19% RDA per cup.
Click to see complete nutrition facts.
#5: Yeast extract Spreads (Marmite)Yeast extract spreads are popular in Britain and Europe, and have started to gain popularity in the U.S. A good vegetarian source of protein, the spread also packs a lot of vitamin B12. One hundred grams provides 0.5μg (8% RDA) of vitamin B12, that is 0.03μg (1% RDA) per teaspoon.
Tip 4d Changing Climate: Study Finds Vitamin B12 May Prevent Memory Loss | Fox News
“We showed that four out of five markers of B12 deficiency were strongly associated with poor cognitive performance overall, and more specifically, poor episodic memory and perceptual speed,” said Christine Tangney, Ph. D., the study’s lead author and associate professor of clinical nutrition at Rush.
The researchers also found that brain volume was significantly lower in those with high levels of markers for B12 deficiency.
“We may be missing a potential reason why someone might suffer cognitive decline over time because we’re not making sure they have adequate B12,” Tangney said.
This study supports other research showing an association between the B vitamin and cognition."
Note: The study, published Monday in the journal Neurology, found that adults over 65 with a vitamin B12 deficiency are more likely to have lower brain volumes and cognitive impairment than those with adequate B12.
Read more:
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Climate Change Update: watch video: Aquarius Satellite Sees Seas' Salt and More on This Week @NASA - YouTube
watch video: 10mins:28sec
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Climate Change Update: NASA’s Aquarius Map Helps Detect Climate Change - International Business Times
Salinity changes are linked to the cycling of freshwater around the planet and influence ocean circulation, according to NASA.
"Because that pattern of ocean currents is what determines how much heat and carbon the ocean stores and that in turn determines how fast the climate warms," said scientist Steve Rintoul, who has been measuring currents between Australia and Antarctica, in an article for ABC News Australia. "
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Monday, September 26, 2011
Climate Change Update: Benefits of Renewable Energy: 600 New Jobs in Ontario with Agreement to Use Locally-Made Siemens Turbines
"Together with our partners, Samsung is proud to be making an unprecedented $7-Billion private sector investment in Ontario," said Cheol-Woo Lee, Senior Executive Vice President of Samsung C&T Corporation. "We are moving forward aggressively to fulfill our commitment to induce new green manufacturing in Ontario, to help us build the world's largest cluster of wind and solar power, putting Ontario on the global clean energy map. Because of Samsung's Agreement with the Province of Ontario, we are moving forward to create real jobs and real clean energy in Ontario, for generations to come.""
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Climate Change Update: Raising awareness of climate change is still necessary. A lot of people just don’t believe it yet
Before taking off from Union Square, Barillaro urged the group to "lead the fight against fossil fuels."
SCA has taken up the 350 Challenge, a global movement that in Somerville means asking people to act to make the city "cleaner, greener and healthier" by biking or planting a garden, for example. The number refers to the amount, in parts per million, of carbon in the atmosphere that scientists consider safe, according to
The Moving Planet mass meeting in Boston was one of more than 2000 events in 175 countries that hoped to mobilize people to demand reduced use of fossil fuels, the website reported. "
David Watson, the executive director of the Massachusetts Bicycle Coalition (MassBike), checked bicycles into a temporary parking area on the grass. He said he set up the valet to “encourage people to ride their bikes to events and make the connection to the benefits it has to the environment, their health and their wallet.” He supported the mission of the rally, too. "Raising awareness of climate change is still necessary,” he said. “A lot of people just don’t believe it yet.”
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Tip 4d Changing Climate: Healthy Eating is Emotional Discipline. It takes practice to regulate it & keep it.
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Tip 4d Changing Climate: Join Quit Smoking On-line Community to get support in ending the Smoking habit
The MyQuit Coach survey found that the ability to immediately and continually track cigarette consumption along with encouragement and social support can lead to smoking cessation.
"People who were successful saw value in what they perceived as a more focused social networking group whose common goal was to quit smoking," said Elizabeth Fife, CTM's Associate Director of Research who conducted the study. The study showed people were successful with the application because of community support from similarly motivated users sharing the same experience."
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Climate Change Update: Astrid Caldas: Home Runs and Climate Change: A Sports Analogy
Meehl used a sports analogy to explain the linkage between climate change and extreme weather. His example was as follows: climate change is to extreme weather what steroids were to Barry Bonds' home runs. Bonds was able to hit home runs before steroids, but after the steroids he was hitting more of them. You could not say that any particular home run was specifically due to the steroids because he was hitting home runs before the steroids. But his home run numbers sure went up. The same thing with extreme weather and climate change: no single event can be specifically linked to climate change, but the frequency of extreme weather events is sure going up."
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Climate Change Update: A new poll on evolution and climate change | NCSE
Thepoll (PDF) was designed and conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute in partnership with the Religion News Service.
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Climate Change Update: NASA Scientist Urges Action on Climate Change - Fair Lawn, NJ Patch
“We’re 10,000 times more powerful than natural changes,” he said.
According to Hansen, changing our ways is a matter of “intergenerational justice.”
With images of his grandchildren flashing on the screen, the scientist issued a call to responsible action.
“We’re going to leave our grandchildren a situation that’s out of control, if we don’t do something,” he said.
He proposes a tax on carbon emissions, collecting from both companies and the public, but re-investing the money into environmental projects that will enable phasing out the use of fossil fuels entirely.
“We need an incentive to develop new energy sources,” Hansen said.
He also said we need a big country to take the lead and cited the achievements of China which he called "the number-one producer of solar panels, windmills and nuclear power alternatives.” "(pls click link above for complete article)
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Climate Change Update: Fiji had not been spared the impact of climate change
Mr Narayan's comment comes on the eve of Moving Planet's "day of action" when countries all over the world unite in solidarity against the threat of the global phenomenon of climate change, the organisation said in a statement.
Mr Narayan said the world was way too dependent on fossil fuels which in turn caused major carbon emission responsible for global warming.
Pacific youths, he said, need to make a stand and they need to make it now.
"It is time we get moving towards a renewable energy future and towards a more sustainable place to live in. It is time for people to get this planet moving towards a better, cleaner, and safer future."
Mr Narayan said Fiji had not been spared the impact of climate change as witnessed in the eroding coast of Uruone and Narocivo villages in Lomaloma, Vanuabalavu in the Lau Group."
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Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Climate Change Update: South Africa has undertaken several bold projects to mitigate climate change
Durban is piloting a Green Roof Project and extensive community reforestation projects to show how Africa's biodiversity can become a tool, not just for fighting climate change, but in creating economic opportunities.
Johannesburg, meanwhile, is credited with having some of the largest manmade forests on earth, with around 10 million trees in the city.
Elsewhere in the country, around 1.3 million hectares are covered by lush forests used commercially with South Africa's forestry sector which contributes R16 billion annually to the economy.
Within an African context, Durban's municipal leadership is mindful that its renewable energy and climate change mitigation projects are not simply about protecting the natural environment, but about creating jobs and fostering development."
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Climate Change Update: South Africa ready to host COP 17 Summit|Southafrica Special|
The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in dealing with climate change.
In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol was concluded and for the first time established legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.
Whether or not more landmark policies to fight climate change will be agreed in Durban, COP 17 is an opportunity for South Africa to take a leadership position in showcasing its efforts to address this global issue."
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Climate Change Update: Scientists to Begin Testing Artificial Volcano to Curb Climate Change (inspired by Mt. Pinatubo eruption in the PH)
The geoengineering experiment, which during its first phase of testing will shoot water into the air through a kilometer-long hose suspended in the air with a hydrogen balloon, was inspired by the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991. That volcano shot 20 million tons of sulfate particles into the atmosphere, ultimately cooling Earth by 0.5 degrees Celsius for 18 months.
But scientists believe it will be decades before they can safely implement such a cooling strategy, and even then, they warned, it should not be used as an excuse to avoid cutting greenhouse gas emissions. Rather, geoengineering should be considered a short-term emergency remedy. —BF"
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Climate Change Update: Gore Launches Online Project about Life on the Frontlines of Climate Change | Frances Beinecke's Blog | Switchboard, from NRDC
In a new multimedia presentation narrated by Gore air every hour for 24 hours, people around the globe share their stories of living on the frontlines of climate change. From the Alaskan coastline to the Solomon Islands, from Jakarta’s streets to London’s office towers, residents will connect the dots between the extreme weather events they are battling and the greenhouse gas emissions filling our atmosphere."
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Monday, September 12, 2011
Climate Change Update: Giant Red Crabs Take Over 'Antarctic Abyss,' Climate Change Blamed (VIDEO)
Led by researchers at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, the findings are shown in a video filmed at the bottom of the ocean.
Treehugger notes that the rise in temperature is mainly to blame, given it was previously too cold for the crabs to live. In short, the researchers conclude the King Crab colonization of the Antarctic is linked to climate change.
According to the Independent, scientists say the number of species in areas colonized by the crabs is a quarter of that in areas that have escaped the invasion.
The invasion of the long-legged critters doesn't come as a surprise to scientists, given three years ago they predicted the King Crabs would invade within 100 years."
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Climate Change Update: Al Gore: ‘The message still has to be about the reality we’re facing’ - The Washington Post
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Monday, September 5, 2011
Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Name Your Emotion & Face them for Emotional Wellness
Fear and anger are emotions of positive stress; they help us stay alive when there is danger — physical or emotional.
These emotions may not feel comfortable, but they help us confront the situation we perceive as threatening. Once we feel safe, they go away and we can continue with our transformation.
If we avoid dealing with these emotions, they stay in our brain, which continues to send alarm signals to our body, producing negative stress (i.e. mental and physical sickness). The brain believes that we still need to fight or hide to stay alive. And when we are angry or afraid, we do not think, we only react to the situation that we perceive as threatening, and positive change becomes a very difficult task. The angrier and more afraid we get, the more we will resist change, and the more we will lose the opportunity to use our strengths to face adversity."
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Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Needed Supplements for Kids, Adults & Seniors
What are the recommended types of food supplements for seniors? Calcium (This is to make sure that seniors, especially women post the age of 40, do not counter osteoporosis and pre menopausal syndrome).Vitamins (These provide aged women and men with stronger immunity). Fatty Acids like omega 3 (These essential fatty acids manage the cholesterol levels and prevent heart diseases in senior citizens).
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Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate:Try Functional Training!
Bootcamp classes, which use light weights or one's own body weight, he said are among the most popular functional fitness classes.
"You can also use medicine balls, resistance balls, dumbbells," he said. "Any tool can be used in a group fitness setting given the right instruction and set up."
Among the newer tools in the functional fitness arsenal is the ViPR (Vitality, Performance, Reconditioning), a rubber cylinder with cutout handles designed to be carried, dragged, flipped, thrown, stepped on and rolled over.
It's functional, according to Salzone, because you can adjust your workout to your goals, "whether you're a marathoner, looking to gain lean mass or just have an overall full body workout.""
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Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Take some time off and Rejuvenate!
Exercise, a healthy diet and adequate sleep are important to maintain health, but people need some down time, to allow their brains to work "offline," Cullum said.
Cullum said even taking a short break can be rejuvenating, but significant de-stressing might take several days "just to get ourselves used to the idea of relaxing."
"Getting away for a vacation allows us time to simply play and leave the 'baggage' behind," Cullum said in a statement."
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Climate Change Update: Greens Call for Pacific climate change action |
"We particularly call on Prime Ministers Gillard and Key to show by their actions, not just words, a renewed resolve to assist the Pacific nations against this existential threat."
"Islands bear a disproportionate burden from climate change," said Dorothy Tekwie, President of the Papua New Guinea Greens "yet they are not responsible for the causes and have no control over the outcome."
New Zealand Green Party spokesperson on Climate Change, Kennedy Graham said "New Zealand has a special relationship with the Pacific nations; but our Government's strategy desperately needs to be updated to reflect the impact of climate change on our neighbours.""
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Climate Change Update: UN chief promises 'real action' on climate - Times LIVE
Ban described the small Pacific nation, where some villagers have already had to relocate to escape rising sea levels, as standing on "the frontlines" of the global warming debate.
"I will bring your concerns back to the world, to the United Nations General Assembly (this month) and to the climate change negotiations in Durban later this year," he told an audience including Kiribati President Anote Tong.
"I will keep pressing for progress until we get real results," the UN chief said on a visit to the tiny nation.
The November 28-December 9 Durban climate summit aims to kickstart talks on how to address the issue of global warming, before the binding emissions targets of the Kyoto Protocol expire next year.
However, a range of powers including the United States and European Union have already said it will not result in a binding deal on carbon emissions."
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Thursday, September 1, 2011
Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: A happy life leads to a healthy life and a healthy life leads to a happy life
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Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Develop Trust for Better Health
"I examined the idea of 'relative position,' or where one fits into the income distribution in their local community, as it applies to both trust of neighbours and self-rated health," said Bjornstrom.
"Because human beings engage in interpersonal comparisons in order to gauge individual characteristics, it has been suggested that a low relative position, or feeling that you are below another person financially, leads to stress and negative emotions such as shame, hostility and distrust, and that health suffers as a consequence.
"While most people aren't aware of how trust impacts them, results indicated that trust was a factor in a person's overall health," she stated. "
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Climate Change Update: Pray that naysayers are right about climate change | David Horsey Cartoons and Commentary -
Energy Secretary Steven Chu also disheartened environmentalists by saying, “Having Canada as a supplier for our oil is much more comforting than having other countries supply our oil.” Essentially, Chu is echoing the most compelling argument of pipeline proponents, which is that we’d be crazy not to replace the crude the U.S. currently imports from problematic sources like Saudi Arabia and Venezuela with abundant oil from our Canadian compatriots. It would be a geopolitical coup and a boost to our economy." (view link for complete article)
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Climate Change Update: View: Market, Politicians Split on Climate Change - Bloomberg
Swiss Re, the second-largest reinsurer, is developing scenarios using probabilistic modeling to help government officials cope. The reinsurer studied the effects of climate change in vulnerable areas such as Samoa, Mali, Caribbean islands and Miami.
No matter which model it chose -- no change, moderate changes or extreme changes -- Swiss Re concludes it’s cheaper to adapt now than to sit and wait.
It recommends building codes that require more water- and wind-proofing, zoning laws that prevent planting trees close to buildings and power lines, redesigned beaches that absorb storm surge, and restoration of wetlands."
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Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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Sep 05
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- Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Needed Supplemen...
- Wellness Tip 4d Changing Climate: Name Your Emotio...
Sep 24
- Climate Change Update: Fiji had not been spared th...
- Climate Change Update: NASA Scientist Urges Action...
- Climate Change Update: A new poll on evolution and...
- Climate Change Update: Astrid Caldas: Home Runs an...
- Tip 4d Changing Climate: Join Quit Smoking On-line...
- Tip 4d Changing Climate: Healthy Eating is Emotion...
Sep 05