Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tip: When Off-Balanced, Slow Down, Stay Grounded, Breath Deeply & Go Back to Healthy Living
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US: As Climate Change Worsens, Scientists Feel Increasing Pressure to Speak Out
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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tip: Stop Obesity by Supporting "Better Quality Maternal-Child Relationships
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Canada: "Can be a Clean-Energy Superpower"
(see full article by clicking link Shaw: Canada can be a clean-energy superpower)
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Tip: Gardening offers Healthy Exercise and Keeps the Gardener & the Environment Healthy
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US: Newt Gingrich: Nancy Pelosi Climate Change Ad Is 'Dumbest Thing I've Done In The Last 4 Years'
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Fighting Obesity Tip: Know your waist size is one of the more important ways to measure your health
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UK: Solar subsidy changes could deal 'fatal blow' to industry
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Hydroelectric Dam: The height of the water behind the dam is the relevant height for the potential energy calculation
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Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Philippines: Disaster foretold 3 years ago, , but was dismissed by lawmakers as "too alarmist"
Environmentalists said a simulation of the effects of extreme weather events from climate change such as saltwater intrusion, sea level rise and intense tropical cyclones, showed that major Philippine cities, including Cagayan de Oro and Iligan, were at risk of massive flooding.
The simulation of the effects of extreme weather phenomena was drafted in 2009 by the Philippine Imperative for Climate Change (PICC), WWF and Filipino scientists.
"At best, this might provide a very rough indicator of areas that may be more vulnerable to sea level rise, storm surge, saltwater intrusion or a combination thereof," the group's presentation said."
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Monday, December 19, 2011
Philippines: Senators urge improvement of disaster plan - Yahoo!
Reports from a joint weather monitoring mission of U.S. and Japan saw rain falling at around 50 mm per hour while Pagasa estimated only 10-25 mm per hour of rainfall.
"Clearly, we still need to improve our disaster management and risk reduction systems," Angara said. "Government must push for concerted effort not only in improving our forecasting technologies but also in seeking the help of other nations, whenever we lack the infrastructure and expertise.""
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Philippines: With morgues full, Philippine flood victims buried
About 143,000 people were affected in 13 southern and central provinces, including 45,000 who fled to evacuation centers. About 7,000 houses were swept away, destroyed or damaged, the Office of Civil Defense said.
An estimated 35 percent of evacuees are children, said Trevor Clark, head of UNICEF in the southern Mindanao region. Running water and hygiene were major concerns, followed by a lack of clothing, blankets and even shoes for young children, he said."
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Tip: Avoid nonsterilized tap water as precaution to Brain-eating tap water amoeba
> Refrain from activities in warm, untreated or poorly treated water, especially when water levels are low and temperatures are high.
> Hold the nose shut or use nose clips when swimming in warm fresh water.
> Avoid digging or stirring up underwater sediments while submerged in shallow, warm freshwater areas."
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Israel: Supports Clean Technology: Vodafone Ventures and Carmel Ventures Lead $9.2M Investment in CellEra to Bring Affordable Fuel Cells to Market
Israel: Vodafone Ventures and Carmel Ventures Lead $9.2M Investment in CellEra to Bring Affordable Fuel Cells to Market - PR Newswire -
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tip: Food that Fight Osteoporosis: Dairy products, almonds, broccoli, spinach, canned salmon with the bones, sardines, and soy products
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Tip: Things You Must Know to Prevent Osteoporosis: Calcium, Vitamin D & Exercise
According to the Mayo Clinic, three key factors affect your bone health throughout your life:
Whether you get adequate amounts of calcium
Whether you get adequate amounts of vitamin D
Whether you exercise regularly"
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HP Enables Organizations Worldwide to Expand Data Center Resources that Supports Growth, Maximizes Efficiency & Reduces Costs
(1) Based on internal HP testing. (2) Based on 2010 census reports. (3) Based on estimations by El Paso County. (4) Based on estimations by UCLA."
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California: Gov. vows to prepare Calif. for climate change
Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, joined scientists, California Gov. Jerry Brown and billionaire Sir Richard Branson at a conference at the California Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate Park."
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Tip: Take Few Minutes Every Morning to Close Your Eyes, pay attention to your Heart and declare how you wish to experience the day
Being around family can trigger traumatic childhood memories for some people, prompting mood swings and depression. Others overindulge in sugar and alcohol, throwing their bodies for a loop. For many, the holidays become a subconscious competition of who can enjoy them most.
"Who's getting more presents, who has more attention, who is spending more money?" Chopra said. "We live in a society where our validation comes from the outside, and that is very difficult to overcome because people have been conditioned to care how people think of them.""
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NASA: Climate Change May Bring Big Ecosystem Changes
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tip: Beat the Holiday Blues: B vitamins, magnesium, vitamin D and fish oil are all nutrients shown to impact on mood improvement
Philadelphia: Alternative Energy Company generates hydrogen gas and heat for multiple applications requiring on-site, on-demand fuel sources
US: Yale University Project on Climate Change: Survey shows Most Americans Link Bad Weather to Climate Change
'via Blog this'Most Americans Link Bad Weather to Climate Change | Global Warming Perceptions & Public Opinion | Drought, Winter Storms & Hurricanes | LiveScience: "
Monday, December 12, 2011
Tip: Support Child's Healthy Emotional Development by "Containment" or setting limits on child's behavior
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China and Europe: Share a Huge Potential in Energy Cooperation to meet Climate Change
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Canada: Formally pulls out of Kyoto Protocol on Climate Change
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Sunday, December 11, 2011
Tip: Make Decisions when Mind is Balance because Emotions influence decision-making process
'via Blog this'‘Emotions influence decision-making process’ - The Times of India:
Australia: Turning Algae from CO2 into Fuel. CO2 is not released into atmosphere, but it's going into a renewable source
'via Blog this'Turning algae from carbon dioxide into fuel: Algae is nothing more than a plant. You need water, nutrients and carbon dioxide, and that's basically what Algae Energy uses to grow its system. Headquartered in Perth, Australia, in April the company opened a research and development and analysis facility in Cumming, 2460 Industrial Park Boulevard. Tray McConchie, business manager for Algae Energy, said technology, laboratory testing and fabrication of the company's modules are done in Cumming.
China & India: Will devise a new Global System for curbing emissions of greenhouse gases and make it operational by 2020
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Thursday, December 8, 2011
Tip: Stop the Stigma Habit & Help Everyone Achieved Balanced Mental Health
Solar Experiment:"We need 0.05% of the land to capture adequate sunlight (the entire Earth) in 4.5 hours (1.25 hours) to satisfy our needs for a year"
'via Blog this'Solar vs. Wind - Who Wins? at Oil Price:
Of the 1370 W/m² incident on the upper atmosphere from the Sun, 30% is reflected straight away without pausing long enough to say hello. About 20% is absorbed in the atmosphere and clouds, and 50% gets absorbed at ground level. Note that 7% of the energy budget goes into conduction and rising air (separate phenomena; the latter relating to wind). Virtually no heat is able to conduct through the thick atmosphere, so really this figure is all about convection, or moving air. For comparison, the energy consumption (conversion) rate of the human race is about 13 TW (13 trillion Watts), which works out to an average of about 2,000 W per person on the globe (Americans are 10 kW). We can also divide by the area of the globe to get a power density of 0.025 W per square meter, or 0.09 W/m² if we just count land area.
Note how much bigger the solar potential is than our demand of 0.09 W/m² of land area. This implies that we need only 0.05% of the land to capture adequate sunlight, or that enough sunlight strikes land (the entire Earth) in 4.5 hours (1.25 hours) to satisfy our needs for a year. That’s a powerful resource!
But once we factor in efficiency—say 10% for simplicity and conservatism—we need ten times the land area computed above. Still, it’s a pittance. I have used the following graphic before to illustrate how much land would be occupied by solar photovoltaics (PV) at 8% efficiency to produce 18 TW of electrical output (note that about half of the 13 TW consumption today is lost in heat engines, so 18 TW of electricity more than satisfies our current demand)
Durban Climate Change Conference: More than 120 Countries now Support a Timetable towards a Legally Binding Agreement
"The world is within reach of a new deal to stop global warming", said Chris Huhne, the UK’s Energy and Climate Change Secretary. That obviously puts a substantial amount of pressure on countries that are not signed up to our vision and a number of them are beginning to back it and you saw that today with the US coming up and saying it’s in favour of a road map,” he said. “A comprehensive global agreement is not beyond our reach,” he said. “We can achieve when we display flexibility and the will to compromise. If we continue to choose co-operation over conflict, we can show that all nations are indeed united by a common ambition: to protect our planet and our people from the dangers of climate change.” The EU want a deal in place by 2015 but sources close to the talks say the date could be pushed back and emissions are unlikely to start coming down before 2020. Joseph Alcamo, the UN Environment programme chief scientist, pointed out that emissions need to peak within the decade or the world will be “locked in” to dangerous global warming."
'via Blog this'Durban Climate Change conference: world close to deal on global warming - Telegraph:
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Tip: EXERCISE regularly, Physical inactivity, a risk factor for death from heart disease & stroke
In Indiana, the obesity level just went over 30 percent (30.2 percent). Another third is overweight. So, we have a long way to go. But, hopefully, some of these people are at least exercising regularly so they are lessening their chances of dying an early death."
'via Blog this'Good news for overweight exercisers! | Fit For Life blog | The Indianapolis Star |
Carbon War Room: Solutions to Energy Problems have to come from New Technologies
'via Blog this'VG Energy Highlighted in Branson's "Carbon War Room" Jet Fuel Initiative - MarketWatch:
Update: Fishing Industry on Climate Change: Success happens when there is right mix of fishing regulations to rebuild depleted ecosystems
'via Blog this'Global Fishing Communities Putting the Heat on Climate Change Talks – News Watch:
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Montana: Biofuel: Camelina has potential to create jobs, reduce dependency on fossil fuels & decrease carbon emissions
'via Blog this'U.S. Biofuel Camelina Production Set to Soar at Oil Price:
Tip: Cure the root of Addiction by Understanding & Finding Ways to Manage Stress
'via Blog this'Healthy Living: Holiday Stress - WABI TV5:Does that mean we cannot revitalize our stress responses such as the adrenals? In fact, our body is forgiving and they can recover when we take away those toxins. What is not clear is how long that process takes. The problem, though, is that while your adrenals are still recovering, you are more likely to be stressed. And stress affects abstinence and increases chances of a relapse. So then we are caught in a vicious cycle of quickly degenerating health because both the stress and the substances are working together to wear down our body systems and our stress axis, our liver, kidney, heart, blood pressure. All this can also lead to certain types of cancer. We don’t really know which comes first, but we do know that these are all complex multi-factoral diseases. That means they don’t have one single factor that leads to the disease state. And there are factors that can make a person even more vulnerable to stress-related diseases and addiction: early trauma suffered in childhood, cumulative adversity, socio-economic status, education and also things like genetics and personality traits.
Durban, South Africa: Bishop's call to view the issue as a moral imperative
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Monday, December 5, 2011
Tip: You have to take time for yourself, at least an hour a day, that's the key. If you won't make it a priority, it won't be a priority.
Update: World's Leading Clean Technology Manufacturer of Microturbine Energy Systems, Capstone, extends OEM agreement for GE's Heat Recovery Solutions
The SGIP was modified by a California Public Utilities Commission decision that made Organic Rankine Cycle/Waste Heat-to-Power systems eligible for the SGIP along with a list of other greenhouse gas-reducing technologies, including microturbines. Capstone has received several orders for the Clean Cycle product and began shipping units more than 18 months ago."
'via Blog this'Capstone Extends Agreement With GE; Products Eligible for Incentive Under California Self-Generation Incentive Program - MarketWatch:
Update: Canada, Japan and Russia all announced last year their rejection of Kyoto's second commitment period, starting in 2013
'via Blog this'Negotiations begin at climate conference –
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Tip: Secure the heart of that special person we seek, and to make a difference in some way – to matter and bring value to the relationship
'via Blog this'20 Ways to Amp Up The Love (Boost Oxytocin Naturally) In Your Couple Relationship | Neuroscience and Relationships:
Renewable Energy: China is another good outlet, having recently announced that it will double its spending on clean energy
'via Blog this'The Friday Clean Energy Report: Sunbelt International Inc. (OTCBB:SUNB):
Update: Middle East: Extremely vulnerable to effects of climate change including severe droughts, water shortages, and flooding in coastal areas
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Thursday, December 1, 2011
Tip: Help kids get fit. School should consider having salad bar to promote Healthy Eating and urge kids to Avoid chips and soda
'via Blog this'Study finds one-third of children are too plump:
Update: If not stop, additional Coal-Fired Power Plants Projects will emit CO2 equivalent to CO2 emitted since the beginning of industrialization
'via Blog this'Dirty energy financiers shamed - Newspaper - Mail & Guardian Online:
Update: Scientists studying grey wolves in Yellowstone national park have developed a method to predict how animals will respond to Climate Change
'via Blog this'Climate change insight gleaned from Yellowstone wolves | Environment | The Guardian:
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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Dec 19
- Canada: We must still take climate change seriously
- Israel: Vodafone Ventures and Carmel Ventures Lead...
- Israel: Supports Clean Technology: Vodafone Ventur...
- Tip: Avoid nonsterilized tap water as precaution t...
- Philippines: With morgues full, Philippine flood v...
- Philippines: Senators urge improvement of disaster...
Dec 19