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Friday, June 8, 2012

Alternative Energy Update: Biomass: Market value of electricity generated from biomass in the US is increasing to $53 billion by 2020 to approx. $45 billion in 2010. Biomass power generation consumes more than 100 million tons/yr. of fuel, virtually all of which is waste or residue material that requires some form of treatment and disposal

Cleantech Provides Details on Building Additional Power Plants to Globally Compete in 45 Billion Dollar Biomass Market - Energy Digital: ""As they say, where focus goes energy flows, and our strong commitment to building, implementing and operating the biomass power plants will give Cleantech the potential to develop into a significant player in the field of alternative energy," said President and CEO of Cleantech Transit Inc. Kenneth Bosket. Cleantech Transit, Inc.mandate is to create opportunities utilizing advances in technology and manufacturing processes in order to develop significant market share in the alternative clean energy sector."

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