Annual Survey Finds More Than Half of 100-Year-Olds Are Exercising Nearly Every Day | Business Wire: "“Some people have the perception that the oldest members of our society sit alone in a nursing home all day, but this year’s UnitedHealthcare 100@100 survey findings suggest that getting older doesn’t necessarily mean becoming less socially active,” said Dr. Rhonda Randall, chief medical officer of UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement, the nation’s largest business dedicated to the health and well-being needs of seniors and other Medicare beneficiaries. “While genetics and maintaining a healthy body are important factors in living well into the 100s, this year’s survey participants have shown that staying socially engaged is just as important to healthy aging.” So what can boomers look forward to as they progress toward their 100th birthday? A healthier diet and more rest – 100-year-olds are outperforming boomers on consistently eating nutritiously balanced meals (81 percent vs. 68 percent) and getting eight hours or more of sleep per night (71 percent vs. 38 percent)."
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Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
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Friday, June 8, 2012
Wellness Tip: Enjoy Aging as You Exercise: Survey Results cite walking as favorite physical activity of many centenarians. They do exercises to strengthen their muscles & the 100-year-olds also get creative as they practice yoga, Tai Chi or another form of mind/body/spirit activity; ride a bike regularly; jog; and engage in sports like baseball, basketball, soccer or tennis
Sailing for Peace Coffee Talk
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