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Friday, June 8, 2012

Update: AFRICA: Ghana: Chiropractic& Wellness Centers (CWC) invested $120,000 on new five insight discovery subluxation stations, also known as NASA scan station used to scan and evaluate human nervous system to get to root causes of all sicknesses and diseases Ghana: CWC Invests U.S.$120,000 On New Insight Discovery: "The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Founder of the Chiropractic and Wellness Centers, Dr Marcus Manns told journalists at the East Legon branch of the centres over the weekend that they have installed the NASA certified space technology in Ghana to help improve lives of business executives among others. Explaining the work of the state-of-the-art facility which is the first of its kind in West Africa, Dr Manns said "The insight discovery objectively evaluates patterns of spinal and nerve function. It is completely safe, painless, non-invasive and scientifically sound". CWC uses two distinct types of advanced spinal technology to help best serve their practice members (PMs), he added. According to him, the surface EMG exam evaluates the function of the muscles that support the spine. These muscles are controlled by nerves. This test shows the pattern of how energy is distributed through these muscles."

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