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Sunday, January 25, 2015

ASIA WELLNESS FOR PEACE: Healthplex & Nutraceutical China (HNC) in Shanghai set on June 24-26

Visit this site to register: HNC 2014 was a big success. However, in 2015, the exhibition will rise to an even higher level of quality. The event's display area has been increased by 50%, and currently two-thirds of the stands have been sold. This annual gathering for professionals from the global health industry aims to benefit attending visitors who are trying to nurture health business in China. At HNC 2015, you will build relationships, learn about current market trends and find new business opportunities. Being the most international health expo in China, HNC has welcomed 11,349 international visitors and featured 112 international exhibitors from the USA, UK, Netherlands, Australia, Japan, Korea and Brazil in 2014. Lots of exhibitors have already confirmed that they will be coming back in 2015, and some new companies have chosen to showcase their products and services through HNC. So far, Dupont, Gelita, TCI, Tongrentang, Tasly, Nutribiotech, Robinson, Contract Pharmacal Corp., Jamieson and other leading companies from the global health industry have all confirmed that they will be participating this year. The organizer believes that more companies will join in the next few months and attend this annual party for the Asian health industry in Shanghai, China, this June.

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