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Sunday, January 25, 2015

EUROPE WELLNESS FOR PEACE: France has the best health care in Europe!

France has the best health care in Europe, according to research from independent survey centre Numbeo. France topped the European rankings scoring with 82.58. Macedonia scored at the bottom with 35.12. The United Kingdom scored 73.88, making it the 12-ranked country on the list. British healthcare is ahead of Spain's, Switzerland's, and Finland's health systems, but lags behind Turkey and Cyprus, among other countries. According to the BBC, reform in Britain's National Health Service (NHS) has become a major focus ahead of this year's general election. A report published on Oct. 23 warned that the health service in England could face a £30 billion annual shortfall by 2020. Worldwide, Japan had the best score with 87.07. Bahrain and Taiwan precede France on the global ranking.

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