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Sunday, January 25, 2015

NORTH AMERICA WELLNESS FOR PEACE: Fresh Fruits and Vegetables, the weight loss trend for Americans!

Eating smaller portions is the strategy for 49% of North Americans, followed closely by eating fewer processed foods, at 46%. We’re number-one in that category: cutting back on processed foods happens more in North America than in any other region in the world. Diet programs are at the bottom of how we change what’s on our plate. Only 9% of North Americans used Weight Watchers or other slimming programs, Nielsen reports. Researchers for the Nielsen Global Health & Wellness Survey found that when people in North America commit to changing their diet for weight loss, the most popular way to do it is now to add in more natural, fresh foods. About 60% of people in North America say that’s the diet tweak they’re doing—a major departure from the traditional notion of dieting-as-deprivation. And though it’s still a very popular method for weight loss, cutting fat is even falling out of favor.

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