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Sunday, January 25, 2015

SOUTH AMERICA WELLNESS FOR PEACE: Telestroke Technology useful in Miami, Brazil, Peru

What Is Telestroke? Telestroke technology can provide improved stroke care to patients in underserved areas. Telestroke is the use of telemedicine specifically for stroke care. Telemedicine is the use of electronic communication methods, such as telephone, Internet, and videoconferencing, to exchange medical information from one geographic site to another.35The American Heart Association/American Stroke Association (AHA/ASA) recommends the use of telemedicine, or telestroke, to improve stroke care in rural, remote, or underserved areas. Source: With pilots and operating services in Miami, Brazil, Peru and Iraq, to name a few, STS has shown that the University of Miami can install remote clinics and spread its top-tier trauma center throughout the world. Their focus at present is telestroke, with an estimated hundreds of millions in cost-savings and lives saved. As services like theirs continue to grow, and incorporate the IP and innovation from around the Miami, culturally appropriate and specific opportunities in Latin America are limitless. Given the geographic proximity and ease of telehealth services, Jim O’Connell, Director of the Office of Technology Transfer at the University of Miami believes, “It would seem that the University of Miami is poised to influence every Latin American capital as an extension of our entrepreneurs, scientists, residents and medical students.” And this is exactly what Orlando and Rosalina Vallone intend to do with their telehealth company Specialty Telehealth Services (STS). In addition to the pharma companies and biotech tenants in the UMLSTP building, STS has emerged as a shining example of what is possible when the geography of care changes with telehealth.

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