Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tip: Eat plenty of fish and don’t play violent video games if you want to keep your brain healthy
'via Blog this'Eat fish, limit violent video games for healthy brain, studies show - Chicago Sun-Times: The second study, carried out by researchers at Indiana University, found that young men aged 18-29 who played a violent video game for 10 hours over the course of a week had reduced activity in parts of their brain that allow them to control their emotions and aggressive behavior.
Update: Total and Amyris Partner to Produce Renewable Fuels & Jet Fuels Worldwide
'via Blog thisTotal and Amyris Partner to Produce Renewable Fuels - MarketWatch: "
Update: The world is looking to the United States—and China—for leadership on Climate Change issue
'via Blog this'Stewart M. Patrick: The Internationalist » Public More Willing than Politicians to Address Climate Change:At Durban, nations should not that 93 percent of Chinese citizens consider climate change a “serious” problem according to a 2009 WPO poll—and use it as a bargaining chip to encourage China to accept responsibility for addressing climate change. (read more, click link above)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Tip: Sleep very well to cure emotional pain (New Study: Overnight Therapy, REM sleep heals)
'via Blog this'Why Do We Dream? To Ease Painful Memories, Study Hints:
Alternative Energy: A new way of life and a new generation of wealth
Either embrace it and profit from it, or miscalculate the enormity of the change that is about to take place — much in the way the former Michigan Savings Bank president did when he insisted the automobile was nothing more than a novelty. When it comes to energy in the 21st century, the only novelty or fad is the outdated and delusional mentality that the world is not transitioning its energy economy to one that will rely less and less on finite resources." Jeff Siegel, Editor, Energy and Capital
'via Blog this'Alternative Energy Warnings:
United States: Agreed to take its emissions 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020
'via Blog this'Durban climate change talks: Experts see warmer world as inevitable -
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tip: Avoid Playing Violent Games. New Brain Study reveals Emotion decreases after playing
'via Blog this'Violent Video Games May Alter Brain Function: Study - US News and World Report:
China: Top Nation in Total Clean Energy Investments
Leading innovations. In the realm of innovation, China is expected to lead the world in overall number of patents filed in 2011, surpassing the United States and Japan for the first time. China ranks second in the estimated number of people engaged in scientific and engineering research and development."
'via Blog this'Renewable Energy Focus - China passes US in clean energy investment:
Climate change is "a matter of life and death", South African President Jacob Zuma
'via Blog this'BBC News - Climate summit sees Canadian strike on Kyoto treaty:
- Summit will attempt to agree the roadmap for a future global deal on reducing carbon emissions
- Developing countries are insisting rich nations pledge further emission cuts under the Kyoto Protocol
- Delegates also aim to finalise some deals struck at last year's summit
- These include speeding up the roll-out of clean technology to developing nations…
- … and a system for managing the Green Climate Fund, scheduled to gather and distribute billions of dollars per year to developing countries
- Progress may also be made on funding forest protection
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Tip: Dealing w/ Loss & Grief: Awareness is important to make sure we're not stuck & we can process emotions & move forward
'via Blog this'Roya R. Rad, MA, PsyD: 7 Steps for Dealing With Loss and Grief:
Renewable Energy: China targets for Sustainable Energy with the purpose of Environmental Safety
China's successful macroeconomic management during the 2007-2009 global great recessions was marked by a rapid recovery after exports dropped by 18% causing 21 million workers to be laid off, but 98% readily found jobs as the economy bounced back up and the unemployment rate dropped to 4% with a $586 billion stimulus package directed at creating employment.
Given China's performance, it is estimated that its per capita income will converge to that of the United States by 2040. Its GDP is already second to that of the United States. China envisages a population of 1.39 by 2020"
'via Blog this'Nake M. Kamrany: China's Growing Economic Strength in the 21st Century:
Durban: COP17: Nations meet for the 17th Conference of the parties to United Nations Convention on Climate Change
One of the issues that is most contentious and least likely to be resolved involves the future of the Kyoto Protocol, which requires the major industrialized nations to meet targets on emissions reduction but imposes no mandates on developing countries, including emerging economic powers and sources of global greenhouse gas emissions like China, India, Brazil and South Africa."
'via Blog this'Nations Meet to Address Problems of Climate Change -
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Tip: Coffee May Cut Endometrial Cancer (Nurses' Health Study - published by Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention)
'via Blog this'Coffee May Cut Endometrial Cancer Risk - ABC News:
Economic problems in Europe and elsewhere should not get in the way of a new pact to fight global warming
'via Blog this'China: Economic woes no excuse for climate change inaction -
Monday, November 21, 2011
Tip: Reconnect w/ Emotions thru Deep Breathing to Cure PTSD - Intrusive Thoughts, Emotional Numbness & Hypervigilance
'via Blog this'Veterans learn to use yoga and meditation exercises to reconnect with their emotions in a UW-Madison study:
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Tip: Stop Toxic Relationships. Choose Genuine Love - the Emphatic Connection that encourages "Individuality of Each" as Essential to Healthy Intimacy
Partners in toxic relationships tend to relate to one another as extensions of the other or themselves, in other words, as preconceived projections. As a result, their exchanges, in particular, the daily acts of giving and receiving that are essential to nourish a relationship, are often misplaced, shallow or emotionally detached, and in moments of stress or crisis, mere desperate attempts for self-protection rooted in fear."
'via Blog this'Toxic Couple Relationships – Protective Neural Patterns & Scripted Roles (1 of 3) | Neuroscience and Relationships: Though the individual patterns of each couple are as unique as the individual partners themselves, nevertheless, most toxic collusion patterns between partners tend to fall into one or more of the following toxic role scripts:
1. Pursuer Versus Avoider Role Script – Expressed VS Internalized Anger
In this script, one person openly seeks the other’s cooperation to their demands, more often, specific actions their protective neural patterns insist ‘must’ occur for them to feel safe and loved in relation to the other. In contrast, the other person, in accordance with the requirements of their own pre-conditioned circuitry, seemingly agrees to go along, and in some cases, does so to the extent that they compromise their own value system to please the other. In due time, however, when the latter notices their efforts are taken for granted rather than appreciated, they increasingly resist their partner’s demands, however, they mostly resort to using methods of expressing their internalized anger in mostly hidden, indirect ways.
For example, Partner A regards certain activities as all-important and increasingly ‘urgent,’ such as discussing an issue or doing some activity together, i.e., having more frequent sex or spending more time together, and zealously seeks to engage Partner B’s participation. Meanwhile, Partner B, who seemed willing to go along with Partner A’s plan at the start of their relationship, increasingly, performs a juggling act in which they, on the one hand, start to vehemently resist complying with Partner A’s demands while also, on the other hand – with equal or greater intensity – to avoid upsetting or angering Partner A in any way.
Whereas Partner A has no problem expressing their anger, regards it as one of their strengths, or admits to having problems with anger, Partner B typically internalizes anger, and seeks to hide or deny feeling this emotion, from themselves as well from others; when they occasionally explode with anger, they consider it rare or more evidence of ‘frustration’ rather than anger.
2. Blamer Versus Blamee Role Script - Expressed VS Internalized Disappointment
In this patterned interaction, one person openly blames the other for their own unhappiness, angry outbursts or other ways they act out, and frequently complains of the other’s seeming lack of respect or appreciation, and so on. The other person inwardly blames themselves, and lives in dread of disappointing their partner. The latter wallows in feelings of guilt and disappointment, on the one hand, at themselves for failing to make their partner feel secure enough to stop them from getting upset, and on the other hand, increasingly, they feel disappointed with their partner’s unwillingness to accept them for who they are or to recognize the intense efforts they make to meet their demands.
For example, Partner A deals with stress by compulsively reminding Partner A what they need to do to stop upsetting or angering them, noting what upsets them, listing the ways their demands or expectations have not been met. In general, Partner A blames a lot of their problems, unhappiness or angry outbursts on Partner B, and may dramatically display their disappointment whenever specified demands or expectations are not met. In the meantime, Partner B accepts blame, holds themselves responsible for causing upsets, and deals with any stress by apologizing, appeasing, and promising to do whatever it takes to change what bothers Partner A in the future.
For the most part, no one dares to hold Partner A responsible for how they treat others, and to learn to regulate their own emotions, and, as a result, Partner A has little or no understanding of their role in exacerbating emotional turmoil with themselves, their partner and the couple relationship. Meanwhile, everyone expects Partner B to take care of things to keep the peace, and Partner B holds themselves completely responsible for the emotional ups and downs of their partner, and others in the family, i.e., children; in fact, Partner B may even feel proud of their ability to put-out-fires, to act as a mediator of sorts in smoothing out issues, even ones between Partner A and other family members.
3. Doing Versus Feeling Role Script - Expressed VS Internalized Depreciation
In this scenario, one person is connected to what they want or don’t want, and what to do to get fast results, is the doer and problem solver, who likes to get things done, to make decisions, and, comparing themselves to their partner, often complains about the other’s relativeindifference, inability or lack of initiative in getting things done. The other partner seeks to fix or control the feeling states of the former, more specifically, to stop them from ever getting upset or angry.
For example, Partner A wants Partner B to take action, to complete ‘to do’ lists and produce specific results, thus, continuously evaluates Partner B’s performance against certain standards, and, mistrusting Partner B’s ability to make even minor decisions, is often certain Partner B will let them down. Meanwhile, Partner B has been anxiously hoping that, by working hard to make Partner A happy, at some point, Partner A will stop withholding caring feelings of acceptance, love or admiration, etc., express their appreciation.
As Partner A’s ability to express these emotions is often limited, increasingly Partner B doubts their ability to fix Partner A’s feelingstoward them, begins to lose hope about fixing the relationship, and increasingly does not see a reason to work so hard, considering Partner A does not appreciate their efforts. Similarly, Partner A increasingly feels frustrated by Partner B’s resistance to ‘listen’ to them, and Partner A interprets not listening as expressions of lack of respect or appreciation. Partner A may also feel inadequate in their ability to control or persuade Partner B to give them what they need. Partner B feels emotionally flooded or shut down at the first sign of a negative evaluation, disapproval or anger, feeling increasingly worried about the future of their relationship, family, etc., if they fail to meet with Partner A’s expectations.
Partner A is also increasingly frustrated that Partner B will not state their wants or take initiative in making plans to get things done; in contrast, Partner B professes not to have wants, and views this as a way they seek to feel “valued” in the relationship, by focusing on their partner’s wants rather than their own.
4. Responsible Versus Negligent Role Script - Expressed VS Internalized Disregard
In this script, one person in the relationship takes on the role of the other person’s judge and jury, and makes open accusations, demands, tells the other what to do, how to dress, what to think, etc. Feeling dependent on their partner’s approval, Partner B, at least outwardly, seeks to please, to appease or to prevent conflict – and to dismiss anything that would indicate things are not going well in their relationship or family.
For example, Partner A intensely feels they are the ‘responsible’ one, duty bound to act in accordance with high standards to fulfill duties in the area of family, children or work, etc., and may regard Partner B as less capable, perhaps with varying degrees of disregard, i.e., feeling annoyed or mistrusting them to handle certain situations, such as handling finances or children. Partner A feels it’s their responsibility to hold Partner B’s feet to the fire, and does so with regular doses of scolding, accusations, and evidence of failed performance, etc.
What Partner B fears most is disappointing or failing to meet Partner A’s expectations, yet the more they attempt to meet with their partner’s expectations, the more inadequate they feel. At some point, Partner B may resist to the point of being unwilling to take any action, rather than risk failure.
Whereas Partner A outwardly disregards the value of Partner A, Partner B increasingly expresses their resentment or disregard of their partner’s feelings, with resistance. On the one hand, Partner B wants nothing more than to win over Partner A’s admiration; on the other hand, Partner B increasingly looks down at Partner A for the way they so casually dismiss or mistreat Partner A as well as others, i.e., the children.
5. Moral Versus Immoral Role Script - Expressed VS Internalized Contempt
In a script similar to #4 above, one person takes on the role of acting superior to the other – in this case, morally superior – and the other as morally unprincipled. The former sees themselves as righteous, and in position to judge the other with displays of righteous indignation, contempt or intimidation, accordingly – believed to be necessary to improve or benefit of the other. In contrast, the other outwardly accepts that they are morally inferior in comparison, and, resisting most attempts to conform to the moral standards of the other, apart from occasional attempts to appease them, they inwardly relish resisting what they view as unnecessarily confining moral codes.
For example, Partner A adheres to high moral standards, traditional values or ethical codes at home or church, etc., and is obsessed with getting Partner B to comply with these rules of conduct, i.e., going to church, dressing more appropriately, etc. Partner A feels it’s their responsibility to convert Partner B, to save them from themselves.
Meanwhile Partner B seems to accept Partner A’s “admonishments” as their lot, however, makes little or no attempt to change, although they may go along outwardly, i.e., attending church at the request of Partner A. Inside, Partner A feels morally superior to Partner B, while Partner B, feigning humility, is torn between feeling morally defective, and paying penitence by acting undeserving, subservient, etc., on the one hand, and consciously or subconsciously, delighting in rebelling against Partner A’s demands to change who they are as persons, on the other. Increasingly, Partner B may act out their contempt for what they see as Partner A’s harsh, self-righteous stance them, in hidden ways, expressing their contempt, using resistance to let Partner A know what they think of not only the moral standards, but also Partner A’s attempts to change them.
Update: India, Bhutan, Nepal & Bangladesh signed Declaration for Wide-Ranging Collaboration on Energy, Water, Food & Biodiversity Issues
The four nations reached the pact at the two-day "Climate Summit for a Living Himalayas" against the backdrop of melting glaciers, erratic weather conditions, changing rainfall patterns and increasing temperatures impacting the people and wildlife of the region.
Environment Secretary T Chatterjee represented India at the summit attended by high-level government officials, NGOs, leaders of civil society, and youth ambassadors from the four Eastern Himalayan nations. "The four nations broadly agreed to combine powers to increase access to 'affordable and reliable' clean energy resources and technology through a regional knowledge sharing mechanism."
'via Blog this'India inks climate change adaptation deal with neighbours - Hindustan Times:
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tip: Sweets can be deadly. Take it moderately & Incorporate Whole Foods to Increase Stamina & Improve Moods
"I heard kids talking about the negative side effects, saying things like 'I feel like everything's slowing down,' or 'I feel like I'm stuck in mud,'" she says.
Her maternal instinct kicked in and Wynes aggressively researched the effects of food on behaviour and moods. She discovered that certain foods can be harmful to emotions and thought processes. She eliminated foods containing simple sugars from her family's diet and incorporated whole foods proven to increase mental stamina and improve moods.
"The foods now are so manipulated that's there are not a lot of nutrients or actual food in them - it's all chemicals and fillers," she says."
'via Blog this'Treena Wynes fixes dinner:
Update: World Bank Provides Critical Support for Hydro Project Development (Alternative Energy)
The World Bank is engaged in hydro projects in all its regions, with efforts divided into: construction of new projects, rehabilitation of existing projects, other lending and capacity building, and analytical work. As demand grows for clean, reliable and affordable energy, the role of hydropower has increased over the past decade as developing nations move to harness their resources, according to the World Bank website. This critical renewable energy resource could be instrumental in bringing light and heat to 1.6 billion people who currently lack access, the World Bank says."
'via Blog this'Banks Provide Critical Support for Hydro Project Development: "One of its most recent hydro commitments, made in June 2011, is a $648 million loan through its International Bank for Reconstruction and Development to THDC India Ltd. for development of the 444 MW Vishnugad Pipalkoti project in Urrarakhand, India. The objectives of this project are to increase the supply of electricity to India's national grid through the addition of renewable, low-carbon energy and to strengthen the institutional capacity of THDC India with respect to the preparation and implementation of economically, environmentally and socially sustainable hydro projects.
With this loan, the project achieved full financial closure. Total project cost is expected to be $922 million, and it is to be completed by 2016. THDC India has a portfolio of hydro projects in Uttarakhand, Maharashtra and Bhutan with aggregate capacity of 8,868 MW.
In May 2011, The World Bank provided a $640 million loan to assist with development of the 1,040 MW Upper Cisokan pumped-storage project on the Upper Cisokan River in West Java, Indonesia. The objectives of this project are to increase the peaking capacity of the power generation system in an environmentally and socially sustainable way and to strengthen the institutional capacity of developer Perusahaan Listrik Negara in hydropower planning, development and operation. Total project cost is expected to be $800 million, with PLN providing the remaining $160 million. Work on the Upper Cisokan project is to be completed in 2016.
In addition, a $15 million World Bank loan announced in March 2011 is being used to aid work being performed by Jamaica's Ministry of Energy and Mining under its Energy Security and Efficiency Enhancement Project. This work includes strengthening Jamaica's energy sector regulatory and institutional framework, mobilizing investment financing, developing energy efficiency and renewable energy potential, preparing studies, recruiting a small hydro engineer, preparing a promotion package for three hydro plants, and conducting a performance review of existing hydroelectric projects.
Update: Africa: Demands Probe into Possible Human Rights Abuses wrought by Carbon Credit Market
In a letter sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton this week, Inhofe demanded an investigation into crimes allegedly committed Africa and Latin America in the name of mitigating climate change — as sanctioned by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Inhofe’s concern stems in part from a September Oxfam International report that detailed how The New Forest Company, a firm that grows tree plantations in order to sell carbon credits, violently evicted more than 20,000 people from their homes and land in Uganda to make way for one of their forests.
“Thousands of people are suffering because they have been evicted without meaningful consultation or compensation,” wrote Oxfam International Executive Director Jeremy Hobbs."
'via Blog this'James Inhofe | Human Rights Abuse | Carbon Credit Market | The Daily Caller:
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Update: Europe Bans X-Ray Full-Body Scanners Over Health Concerns
And then there's the part that's glaringly different from the US. Airports that use full-body scanners will not be allowed to use x-ray devices, only millimeter-wave devices. Europe has decided that the health effects of x-ray scanners haven't been studied enough, and that they could pose "health and safety" risks to passengers."
'via Blog this'Europe Bans X-Ray Full-Body Scanners Over Health Concerns || Jaunted:
Update: China Development Bank Provide Critical Support for Hydro Project (Alternative Energy for Climate Change)
The bank has provided financial support to many power generation and transmission/distribution projects in China, including the Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba hydro projects on the Jinshajiang River."
'via Blog this'Banks Provide Critical Support for Hydro Project Development: In July 2011, the bank signed a $2 billion credit with Ecuador's government to support irrigation and hydro projects. Of this total, $680 million will be used for four hydro plants, including 21 MW Mazar-Dudas, 276 MW Minas San Francisco, 50 MW Quijos and 15 MW Villonaco. The eight-year loan has a 6.9% interest rate and two-year grace period.
And in October 2010, the bank agreed to lend more than $11 billion to China Three Gorges Corp., developer of the 22,400 MW Three Gorges project. The credit lines will come as $7.2 billion and another $4 billion over five years and will be used to develop other hydro projects, as well as to build wind farms and undertake power projects in overseas markets. As of the time of this announcement, China Development Bank had loaned CNY47.8 billion ($7.5 billion) to China Three Gorges Corp. and its affiliates.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Wellness in Education: To Improve Performance of 63,000 plus Undernourished School Children, DepEd to Pursue Feeding Program
The DepEd chief added that the program — which was initially implemented in Pangasinan, Bohol and Lanao del Norte — will be expanded to 15 more divisions during the school year. Based on the prevalence of under-nutrition in these divisions and the capability of school heads to manage and administer the program, the new beneficiaries are schools from the divisions of Quirino, Zambales, Batangas, Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Sorsogon, Kabankalan City, Bacolod City, Negros Oriental, Leyte, Zamboanga del Norte, Davao Oriental, Sultan Kudarat, Surigao del Norte, Kalinga, Maguindanao, and Quezon City."
'via Blog this'DepEd to pursue feeding program | The Manila Bulletin Newspaper Online: "
Health Tip: Help Your Child Create a Healthy Body Image
Praise and compliment your child for things he or she has accomplished; Limit your child's television time, and when it is on, watch together to encourage discussion about images in the media; Be active in your child's school, promoting policies that protect against discrimination, bullying and a healthy approach toward weight; Communicate openly with your child."
'via Blog this'Health Tip: Help Your Child Create a Healthy Body Image - US News and World Report: "
Monday, November 14, 2011
Update: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Actively Supports Development of Renewable Energy Sector
EBRD is actively supporting the development of the renewable energy sector within its countries of operation as part of its objective to improve the environmental performance and long-term stability of the power sector."
'via Blog this'Banks Provide Critical Support for Hydro Project Development: "EBRD approved a loan of €110 million ($149.8 million) to state-owned hydropower company Hidroelectrica S.A. in May 2011 for modernization work at the 210 MW Stejaru Bicaz project in Romania. The loan will finance rehabilitation of six units at this project, on the Bistrita River in northeastern Romania, ensuring a new life cycle for the entire power plant of at least 30 years, with increased availability, efficiency and safety in operation. This is the oldest hydro project in the country. Total project cost is estimated to be €136.9 million.
In April 2011, an announcement was made that EBRD will lend Macedonia €6 million ($8.2 million) for small hydro development. Macedonian PCC Hydro DOOEL Skopje will get the loan for four plants with total capacity of 4.1 MW.
Together, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank's International Finance Corporation are providing a $115.5 million credit to Georgia-Urban Energy to co-finance the construction and operation of its 87 MW Paravani project on the Paravani River in Georgia. IFC will provide $40.5 million and EBRD will provide $52 million. The remaining $23 million will be syndicated via commercial banks. EBRD also will take $5 million in equity in Georgia-Urban Energy. Paravani will help the country reduce carbon-based generation and cut dependence on imported fuels in winter months. Total cost of the project is anticipated to be about $160 million.
Tip: Dentists & Diabetes Educators Can Collaborate to Fight Diabetes & Heart Disease
'via Blog this'The Dynamic Duo - RDH:
The relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease is a two-way street!
- People with diabetes are at greater risk for developing infections6,7
- Periodontal disease (chronic infection) can impair diabetes control6,7
- More definitive link than cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, preterm, low birth-weight infants8
- Management of periodontitis can result in significant reduction in A1C9,10
A1C is a blood test that measures the weighted, average glucose level over a two to three month period, which is the life cycle of the red blood cell. It is the standard for assessing glucose control for patients with diabetes and, as of February 2010, is an acceptable test to be used for diagnosis of diabetes.
The accepted diagnosis guidelines for the American Diabetes Association follows these parameters for A1C:
- 5.6 and below is normal
- 5.7 through 6.4 is prediabetes
- 6.5 and above is diabetes
Update: U.N. Sec-Gen Ban Ki-moon urged World Leaders to Finalize Financing for Multibillion-Dollar Fund to Fight Effects of Climate Change
Ban told the opening session of a climate meeting in Bangladesh's capital that the world should make a concerted effort to finance the fund. "Governments must find ways — now — to mobilize resources up to the $100 billion per annum pledged," he said. "An empty shell is not sufficient."
Representatives of about 30 nations in the Climate Vulnerable Forum are meeting for two days in Dhaka to formulate a united stand on funding for schemes to limit the damage from global warming. The countries from Africa, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific are also seeking action by industrialized nations to cut carbon emissions and provide technical and financial support."
'via Blog this'UN: Create fund to fight climate change –
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Tip: Think of Books as Gifts for Christmas (something to cherish, nourish the mind - and be healthy)
'via Blog this'
Tip: Pay Attention to Healthy Decisions that You Make until it becomes a Habit (e.g. sleep on time, nourish & detox mind-body, exercise, meditate)
'via Blog this'Achieving Happiness: Use smarts and stamina to better your health • Lifestyle ( - The Capital):
Update: 25 Ways To Invest In Alternative Energy - Seeking Alpha
With alternative energy still a relatively immature industry by global standards, the growth opportunities this sector presents are tremendous and worth a closer look for your portfolio. Below, we outline 25 ways to invest in the various forms of renewable energy:"
'via Blog this'25 Ways To Invest In Alternative Energy - Seeking Alpha: By Jared Cummans
Biofuels are energy forms that are derived from carbon-based organisms. There are a wealth of different options, including bioalcohols, biodiesel, green diesel, vegetable oil and many more. The International Energy Agency has stated that biofuels have the potential to displace 27% of transportation fuels by 2050, effectively slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 2.1 billion tons per year. Already, a number of countries have mandates in place that force companies to blend biofuels with gasoline, giving these various fuels high growth potential.
1. Archer-Daniels-Midland Company (ADM) – The company produces a number of commodity products, namely in agriculture. While it isn’t a pure play, the company has a fair amount of their operations based in the biofuel industry.
2. Amyris Biotechnologies Inc. (AMRS) – Amyris is technically in the healthcare sector, which may make it a surprise as far as this list is concerned. But consider that it focuses on the production of a chemical called Biofene which is used in cosmetics, detergents and most importantly, diesel.
3. The Andersons, Inc. (ANDE) - Another agriculture-based firm, Anderson’s contribution to the biofuel sector comes from its significant ethanol production. ANDE has total assets of nearly $700 million and pays out a dividend yield of 1.2%.
4. BioFuel Energy Corp. (BIOF) - This company, which is based in Denver, focuses its efforts on the manufacturing and sale of ethanol. Investors should note that this is a penny stock, so it will be subject to wild volatility, and is probably only meant for active traders or those who seriously buy into its strategy.
5. Methanex Corp. (MEOH) - Methanex engages in the production and sale of methanol, a chemical which, among other things, is a popular blending agent with gasoline. Methanol is also a key component of biodiesel. MEOH pays out a handsome dividend yield of 2.6%.
While not as popular in the states, hydropower has established itself as a powerful renewable source around the world. Hydropower, of course, is generated by moving forms of water and is most often utilized at major dams and rivers. Though it has a long history of use in farms, hydropower is one of the least popular alternative energies. This may make it a great growth opportunity, or simply an asset class that you will want to avoid. Note that U.S. exposure to these stocks is hard to come by.
6. China Hydroelectric Corporation (CHC) - This stock engages in the acquisition, ownership and development of hydroelectric power in the People’s Republic of China. CHC has assets of just $77 million and an ADV of about 18,000.
7. Alterra Power Corp. (MGMXF.PK) - This pink sheet security focuses on renewable energies of all kinds, though it does have a significant portion of its business in hydro facilities based in British Columbia.
8. Zhaoheng Hydropower Ltd. (ZHYLF.PK) - Another pink sheet, Zhaoheng is based in China and generates its power primarily in the southern and midwestern regions of the world’s most populated country.
Nuclear has been in the spotlight for the majority of the year, as the Fukushima tragedy caused many to question the safety of these plants, as well as Germany to completely abandon nuclear power. But with new facilities being much safer and more efficient than the Fukushima plant, investors should feel confident that this energy source still has considerable upside potential.
9. Cameco Corp. (CCJ) - This company is one of the largest uranium producers in the world. With uranium being a key element in nuclear production, this mining stock will align very closely with the nuclear industry.
10. Market Vectors Uranium+Nuclear Energy ETF (NLR) – This ETF is designed to grant exposure to companies around the world that are engaged in some aspect of the nuclear energy business. Top holdings include Exelon Corp, Uranium One and Areva.
11. S&P Global Nuclear Energy Index Fund (NUCL) - Another ETF, this product also tracks companies in the nuclear energy business, but top holdings feature a different set of names like JGC, First Energy and NextEra Energy.
12. Global Nuclear Portfolio (PKN) - Tracking the WNA Nuclear Energy Index, this ETF features a similar investment thesis to the previous two, but again, has a different set of holdings. Top names include Toshiba, Sumitomo and Duke Energy.
13. Uranium ETF (URA) – This ETF focuses on uranium miners, so while it is not a direct play on nuclear, its underlying companies will be heavily impacted by growth in the industry.
Arguably the fastest-growing renewable energy, solar has quickly grown as an investor favorite. The industry is still relatively small, but with an average growth of 39% annually over the last decade and robust predictions for the future, solar may be on the brink of a rapid appreciation. Note that China dominates the world’s solar space, and most companies will either be based in, or have significant operations tied to the emerging market.
14. First Solar, Inc. (FSLR) – This U.S.-based firm is one of the biggest names in the solar industry, though it has been in the news lately for all of the wrong reasons. After recently losing its CEO, the future for FSLR is not as bright as some investors might like.
15. JA Solar Holdings Co., Ltd. (JASO) – Headquartered in China, the company is in the business of development, manufacturing and sale of photovoltaic modules. Its stock is highly liquid, trading over 5.6 million shares each day.
16. JinkoSolar Holding Co., Ltd. (JKS) – Another Chinese firm, Jinko focuses more on individual components of PV modules than the entire product, giving investors a unique play on the solar space.
17. Market Vectors Solar Energy ETF (KWT) – This ETF invests in companies that, on a weighted basis, derive 90% or more of their revenues from the solar industry. Major holdings include First Solar, GT Solar and MEMC Electronic Materials.
18. Guggenheim Solar ETF (TAN) - This ETF seeks to invest in companies that are involved in the various aspects of the solar industry. Though it has similar holdings to KWT, it generally grants different weights to different firms as well as some entirely different securities.
19. Trina Solar Limited (TSL) - As a member of the semiconductor industry, Trinal Solar focuses on monocrystalline and multicrystalline PV modules and like so many other solar firms, is based in China.
20. Yingli Green Energy Holding Co. Ltd. (YGE) - Yet another Chinese company, Yingli and its subsidiaries are in the business of developing, manufacturing and installing PV modules throughout the world.
Wind power is one of the most prevalent forms of alternative energy in the world, as numerous countries have taken major steps toward weening themselves off of fossil fuels. Currently, wind power amounts to just over 2% of the world’s energy supply, but at current robust growth rates, this figure is predicted to hit 8% by 2018. Like so many other forms of renewable energy, wind stocks on U.S. exchanges are hard to come by, but as this industry continues to expand, that will surely change.
21. Broadwind Energy, Inc. (BWEN) – This company, based in Chicago, has its hands in a number of different aspects of the wind industry, making it a nice all-encompassing play. Note that the stock has just $44 million in assets, though its ADV of nearly 1 million still allows for liquidity.
22. ISE Global Wind Energy Index Fund (FAN) – This fund invests in stocks that have their hands in the wind industry. Those companies that are exclusively in the wind business are given a higher weighting than those with a more broad business model.
23. Iberdrola SA (IBDRY.PK) – This utilities company, based in Spain, receives a large amount of power from wind production, making it a nice indirect play. While not on any domestic exchanges, its ADV of over 32 million more than ensures its worldwide popularity.
24. PowerShares Global Wind Energy (PWND) - Another ETF, PWND also dedicates itself solely to wind power. Top holdings in this fund include China Longyuan Power, Vestas Wind and Hansen Transmissions.
25. Vestas Wind Systems A/S (VWDRY.PK) – Based in Denmark, this stock makes its way onto a number of major benchmarks in Europe. The stock has an average volume of nearly 1.9 million as it is one of the largest wind turbine manufacturers in the world.25 Ways To Invest In Alternative Energy - Seeking Alpha:
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