Climate change threatens sweet smell of morning coffee | Reuters: "Because coffee is a highly climate-dependent crop, the increase of a few degrees of average temperature in growing regions can put at risk the future of Arabica coffee and the livelihood of millions of people who grow and produce it.
"The extinction of arabica coffee is a startling and worrying prospect," said Aaron Davis, head of coffee research at the Royal Botanic Gardens, who led the study."
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Ambassador Zara Bayla Juan's Peace Formula: "Wellness in Mind, Body, Spirit, Environment and Economics for Peace and Nation Building". The Philippine Contribution to United Nations International Day of Peace and United Nations Climate Change Adaptation Worldwide
Extent of Coverage as of Today
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Climate change threatens sweet smell of morning coffee | Reuters Rising temperatures due to climate change could mean wild arabica coffee is extinct in 70 years, posing a risk to the genetic sustainability of one of the world's basic commodities, scientists said. Although commercial coffee growers would still be able to cultivate crops in plantations designed with the right conditions, experts say the loss of wild arabica, which has greater genetic diversity, would make it harder for plantations to survive long-term and beat threats like pests and disease. A study by researchers at Britain's Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew in collaboration with scientists in Ethiopia found that 38 to 99.7 percent of the areas suitable for wild arabica will disappear by 2080 if predictions of rising temperatures pan out.
Obama breaks silence on climate change. Does this presage action in his second term? – Telegraph Blogs It was one of the most unexpected lines in Barack Obama's barnstorming acceptance speech, and it got one of the biggest outbreaks of applause. After saying virtually nothing about climate change in many months, he declared: “We want our children to live in an America that isn't threatened by the destructive power of a warming planet”.
Obama breaks silence on climate change. Does this presage action in his second term? – Telegraph Blogs: "with the tragic devastation from Superstorm Sandy in the closing week of the campaign. Not that the storm can be attributed to climate change – though it looks as if unusually warm temperatures in the Atlantic and rising sea levels made it worse – but it served as a warning of the kind of thing scientists predict will occur as the world heats up. Importantly, it lead to a surprise endorsement of Mr Obama by New York's mayor Michael Bloomberg – a Republican turned Independent – on the grounds of climate change, saying that the disaster had brought what was at stake in the election “into sharp relief”."
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Passive House is a very well-insulated, virtually air-tight building that is primarily heated by passive solar gain and by internal gains from people, electrical equipment, etc. Energy losses are minimized. Any remaining heat demand is provided by an extremely small source. Avoidance of heat gain through shading and window orientation also helps to limit any cooling load, which is similarly minimized. An energy recovery ventilator provides a constant, balanced fresh air supply. The result is an impressive system that not only saves up to 90% of space heating costs, but also provides a uniquely terrific indoor air quality. A Passive House is a comprehensive system. "Passive" describes well this system's underlying receptivity and retention capacity. Working with natural resources, free solar energy is captured and applied efficiently, instead of relying predominantly on ‘active’ systems to bring a building to ‘zero’ energy. High performance triple-glazed windows, super-insulation, an airtight building shell, limitation of thermal bridging and balanced energy recovery ventilation make possible extraordinary reductions in energy use and carbon emission.
What is a Passive House?: "Today, many in the building sector have applied this concept to design, and build towards a carbon-neutral future. Over the last 10 years more than 15,000 buildings in Europe - from single and multifamily residences, to schools, factories and office buildings - have been designed and built or remodeled to the passive house standard. A great many of these have been extensively monitored by the Passiv Haus Institut in Darmstadt, analyzing and verifying their performance. Even governmental agencies have adopted passive house standards in their policy-making (read more about the EU Commision’s intent to implement the Passive House Standard.)."
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UAE poised to become leader in renewable energy. There is no shortage of natural resources in the UAE which holds the world’s sixth-largest oil reserves and has the fifth-largest national gas reserve, a privileged position which has garnered substantial economic benefits for the nation ever since the union in 1971. In recent years, however, with ecological scarcities plaguing the planet, and energy consumption continuously on the rise, the UAE has sought to considerably reduce its dependency on oil. Instead, it has focused on the sustainable development approach, which encourages the use of renewable resources that can be naturally replenished and create pure ‘clean’ energy that can supply electricity, cooling and heating requirements. Indeed, with global energy demand set to double or even triple by 2050, the emirates has demonstrated an unyielding commitment to a renewable energy future, launching a host of initiatives which aim to significantly reduce its carbon footprint. Dubai — A solid ground for sustainability The second largest of the seven emirates, Dubai boasts abundant natural resources — many of which can expedite the delivery of renewable energy. In the past decade, the Government of Dubai has established a slew of plans which aim to reap the benefits of this resource-endowment as well as drive the emirate’s eco-mission and shape the future of global sustainability. One of the most ambitious of these projects is the creation of a multi-billion-dirham solar-energy park managed by the Dubai Water and Electricity Authority (Dewa) and to be completed by 2030. Announced in January 2012, The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park symbolises a true milestone for the UAE, especially as it intends to reach a capacity output of 1,000 megawatts (MW) by 2030.
UAE poised to become leader in renewable energy - Khaleej Times: "The Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, which will be managed and operated by Dewa, is instrumental to the DSCE’s Dubai Integrated Energy Strategy 2030 — a long-term programme launched in 2011 which aims to diversify the emirate’s energy mix to include renewable energy and reduce its consumption by 30 per cent by 2030. The strategy is set to diversify the city’s energy production by encouraging potential business opportunities, public-private partnerships and substantial investments. The Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence (DCCE) — instituted in 2011 — also plays a pivotal role in safeguarding the city’s energy security, offering a wide range of carbon diminution services and consolidated advice to both public and private organisations."
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Update: The world's urban population is expected to surge from just over 3.5 billion now to 4.9 billion by 2030, according to the assessment by the U.N. Convention on Biological Diversity. At the same time, the area to be covered by cities will expand by 150 percent, it said. "Most of this growth is expected to happen in small and medium-sized cities, not in megacities," according to the report, issued to coincide with a U.N. meeting on biodiversity in Hyderabad. More green spaces in cities can filter dust and pollution and soak up heat-trapping carbon dioxide. Some studies have shown that the presence of trees can help reduce asthma and allergies for children living nearby, it said. And the study said that cities were also home to a wide range of animals and plants.
Cities can get greener by 2030 as new urban areas built - U.N. - Yahoo! News Philippines: "More than 65 percent of Poland's bird species are found in Warsaw. In South Africa, Table Mountain national park, rich in wildlife, is surrounded by the Cape Town municipality. In the United States, Saguaro national park is just outside Tucson."Sustainable urban development that supports valuable ecosystems presents a major opportunity for improving lives and livelihoods," said Achim Steiner, head of the U.N. Environment Programme.
More tree cover in cities can help cool them in summers, meaning less need for air conditioning, it said.
"Recent studies highlight the importance of even small urban gardens in providing habitat for native pollinators such as bees, which have declined alarmingly in recent years," the study added."
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More tree cover in cities can help cool them in summers, meaning less need for air conditioning, it said.
"Recent studies highlight the importance of even small urban gardens in providing habitat for native pollinators such as bees, which have declined alarmingly in recent years," the study added."
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Saturday, September 15, 2012
Celebrate United Nations International Day of Peace 2012!
Celebrate United Nations International Day of Peace 2012!: "HOW WILL YOU WORK FOR PEACE?
Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future"
Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future
( ) Invite Participants to your school, company, organization to have an Inter-Cultural Dialogue for Peace to find ways on how to achieve sustainable peace for a sustainable future in this changing climate
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Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future"
Sustainable Peace for a Sustainable Future
( ) Invite Participants to your school, company, organization to have an Inter-Cultural Dialogue for Peace to find ways on how to achieve sustainable peace for a sustainable future in this changing climate
( ) Organize a Prayer Gathering on September 21, 2012 in your school, company, organization to pray the Prayer for Peace @ 12:00noon. As we pray One Another for Peace, we join the whole world in celebrating the
United Nations International Day of Peace Inter-Faith Prayers for Peace
( ) Be the “Cyber Prayer Crusader” for the “24 hours on-line Prayer” for the UN World Peace Inter-Faith Prayer for Peace and connect with the rest of the world as we unite in prayers globally as one on September 21, 2012
( ) Download a copy of the Prayer for Peace & gather your friends and family on September 21 @12:00 noon
to pray wherever you are @ school, @ home, @ workplace
( ) Promote peace by posting the attached Prayer for Peace in your workplace, school, company, etc
( ) Help us promote by posting the attached Prayer for Peace in your social internet networking sites
( ) Like & Share to your friends the Peace Page on facebook: sailingforpeace/ wellnesspilipinas/ wellnessforpeace/
( ) Join the Sailing for Peace Worldwide Peace Vigil groups on facebook:
Peace!: peace/
United Nations International Day of Peace Vigil unitednationsinternationald ayofpeacevigil/
Malusog ang Pinoy: wellnesspilipinas.malusogan gpinoy/
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation: climatechangepeacebuildinga daptation/
Let’s Pray One Another for Peace: letsprayoneanotherforpeace/
Developing the “Peaceful Personality” developingthepeacefulperson ality/
( ) Join the “Art of Peace Leadership Workshop to be given to your school, company, organization, etc irregardless of age, race, creed, religion & faith.
For more details, please call 0929.519.7788 or e-mail Thank you!
Peace & Love
God bless you!
Ambassador Zara Jane Juan
Public Speaker, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
Worldwide Peace Vigil of Sailing for Peace 2011-2015 for UN International Day of Peace, Sept 21
Author, Wellness for Peace on Climate Change, Philippine Contribution to UN Int’l Day of Peace, 2011
www.zarajanejuan.blogspot. com
Peace makers do not kill but heal relationships,
Let’s provide a way for peace to come…
…in rough waves…or still waters…
…hop in… trust me…
let’s sail for peace.
United Nations International Day of Peace Inter-Faith Prayers for Peace
( ) Be the “Cyber Prayer Crusader” for the “24 hours on-line Prayer” for the UN World Peace Inter-Faith Prayer for Peace and connect with the rest of the world as we unite in prayers globally as one on September 21, 2012
( ) Download a copy of the Prayer for Peace & gather your friends and family on September 21 @12:00 noon
to pray wherever you are @ school, @ home, @ workplace
( ) Promote peace by posting the attached Prayer for Peace in your workplace, school, company, etc
( ) Help us promote by posting the attached Prayer for Peace in your social internet networking sites
( ) Like & Share to your friends the Peace Page on facebook:
( ) Join the Sailing for Peace Worldwide Peace Vigil groups on facebook:
United Nations International Day of Peace Vigil
Malusog ang Pinoy:
Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation:
Let’s Pray One Another for Peace:
Developing the “Peaceful Personality”
( ) Join the “Art of Peace Leadership Workshop to be given to your school, company, organization, etc irregardless of age, race, creed, religion & faith.
For more details, please call 0929.519.7788 or e-mail
Peace & Love
God bless you!
Ambassador Zara Jane Juan
Public Speaker, Internet Journalist & Peace Ambassador
Worldwide Peace Vigil of Sailing for Peace 2011-2015 for UN International Day of Peace, Sept 21
Author, Wellness for Peace on Climate Change, Philippine Contribution to UN Int’l Day of Peace, 2011
Peace makers do not kill but heal relationships,
Let’s provide a way for peace to come…
…in rough waves…or still waters…
…hop in… trust me…
let’s sail for peace.
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Climate Change Update: “Human activities” cited as contributing to climate change, agriculturally related “land surface changes” were notable. “Humans alter land surface characteristics by carrying out irrigation, removing and introducing forests, changing vegetative land cover through agriculture, and building cities and reservoirs
"Updating a 2007 position statement, the American Meteorological Society released an updated Statement on Climate Change Aug. 27. In addition to providing background and a brief overview on how and why the global climate has changed in recent decades, the statement names human activities as the main cause of atmospheric and oceanic warming. “There is unequivocal evidence that Earth’s lower atmosphere, ocean and land surface warming; sea level is rising; and snow cover, mountain glaciers, and Arctic sea ice are shrinking,” the statement concludes. “The dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities. This scientific finding is based on a large and persuasive body of research.”"
'via Blog this'Meteorologists update position on climate change | News | Breaking News | Feedstuffs Weekly Newspaper for Agribusiness:
'via Blog this'Meteorologists update position on climate change | News | Breaking News | Feedstuffs Weekly Newspaper for Agribusiness:
Climate Change Update: France to close its oldest nuclear power plant end 2016. New tenders for solar and offshore wind power by end 2012. French President Francois Hollande called for deeper cuts in European Union carbon dioxide emissions as he sought to put the environment back at the top of the international agenda.
"Hollande recommended a 40 percent cut in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 2030 and a 60 percent reduction by 2040 at the European Union level, well beyond the 20 percent target set for 2020. "We have an ambitious strategy," Hollande told an environment conference in Paris, adding he would defend those targets at the European Union level. The EU's current target is to cut emissions by 20 pct below 1990 levels by 2020. It has said it would consider moving to a 30 percent cut by 2020 if other rich economies followed suit with a similar level of ambition, but that is looking increasingly unlikely due to economic constraints caused by the euro zone crisis and opposition from some EU member states. Hollande also said Europe would reiterate its 20 percent cut target at the next round of U.N. climate talks in Doha in November."
'via Blog this'UPDATE 1-France seeks more ambitious EU carbon cuts | Reuters:
'via Blog this'UPDATE 1-France seeks more ambitious EU carbon cuts | Reuters:
Climate Change Update: Satellite images show that the rapid summer melt has reduced the area of Arctic sea ice to less than 3.5 million square kilometres this week. Sea ice in the Arctic has shrunk to its smallest extent ever recorded, smashing the previous record minimum and prompting warnings of accelerated climate change.
"Satellite images show that the rapid summer melt has reduced the area of frozen sea to less than 3.5 million square kilometres this week – less than half the area typically occupied four decades ago. Arctic sea ice cover has been shrinking since the 1970s when it averaged around 8m sq km a year, but such a dramatic collapse in ice cover in one year is highly unusual. A record low in 2007 of 4.17m sq km was broken on 27 August 2012; further melting has since amounted to more than 500,000 sq km."
'via Blog this'Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest extent ever recorded | Environment |
'via Blog this'Arctic sea ice shrinks to smallest extent ever recorded | Environment |
Saturday, July 14, 2012
EUROPE - German court’s move to ban circumcision unites religions. In a rare show of unity, Muslims, Jews and Christians unite against a ruling in Germany restricting circumcision. Doctors have also warned that the ruling could increase health risks by forcing the practice underground. Chancellor Angela Merkel pledges quick action to protect the rights of Muslims and Jews
EUROPE - German court’s move to ban circumcision unites religions: "A German court’s ban on circumcising baby boys has provoked a rare show of unity between Muslims, Jews and Christians, who see it as a threat to religious freedom, while doctors are warning that the ban could increase health risks by forcing the practice underground.
European rabbis meeting in Berlin on July 12 promised to defy the ruling by a court in the city of Cologne last month. They plan further talks with Muslim and Christian leaders in Stuttgart next week to see how they can fight the ban together. “We urge the Jewish community in Germany and circumcisers to continue to perform circumcisions and not to wait for a change in the law,” said Pinchas Goldschmidt, Swiss-born chief rabbi of Moscow. "
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European rabbis meeting in Berlin on July 12 promised to defy the ruling by a court in the city of Cologne last month. They plan further talks with Muslim and Christian leaders in Stuttgart next week to see how they can fight the ban together. “We urge the Jewish community in Germany and circumcisers to continue to perform circumcisions and not to wait for a change in the law,” said Pinchas Goldschmidt, Swiss-born chief rabbi of Moscow. "
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Australia: Oceans’ rising acid levels have emerged as one of the biggest threats to coral reefs, acting as the “osteoporosis of the sea” and threatening everything from food security to tourism to livelihoods. The speed by which the oceans’ acid levels has risen caught scientists off-guard, with the problem now considered to be climate change’s “equally evil twin,” said by U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration chief Jane Lubchenco - AP
US official: Higher ocean acidity is climate change’s ‘evil twin,’ major threat to coral reefs - The Washington Post: "“We’ve got sort of the perfect storm of stressors from multiple places really hammering reefs around the world,” said Lubchenco, who was in Australia to speak at the International Coral Reef Symposium in the northeast city of Cairns, near the Great Barrier Reef. “It’s a very serious situation.”
Oceans absorb excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, increasing sea acidity. Scientists are worried about how that increase will affect sea life, particularly reefs, as higher acid levels make it tough for coral skeletons to form. Lubchenco likened ocean acidification to osteoporosis — a bone-thinning disease — because researchers are concerned it will lead to the deterioration of reefs.
Scientists initially assumed that the carbon dioxide absorbed by the water would be sufficiently diluted as the oceans mixed shallow and deeper waters. But most of the carbon dioxide and the subsequent chemical changes are being concentrated in surface waters, Lubchenco said."
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Oceans absorb excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, increasing sea acidity. Scientists are worried about how that increase will affect sea life, particularly reefs, as higher acid levels make it tough for coral skeletons to form. Lubchenco likened ocean acidification to osteoporosis — a bone-thinning disease — because researchers are concerned it will lead to the deterioration of reefs.
Scientists initially assumed that the carbon dioxide absorbed by the water would be sufficiently diluted as the oceans mixed shallow and deeper waters. But most of the carbon dioxide and the subsequent chemical changes are being concentrated in surface waters, Lubchenco said."
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England: Flood risk to rise fourfold by 2035-report | Reuters
UPDATE 1-England flood risk to rise fourfold by 2035-report | Reuters: "UK's Environment Agency estimates that funding needs to increase by 20 million pounds a year on top of inflation to keep pace with climate change.
"We are spending more than 2.17 billion pounds over four years to protect people from flooding and our successful partnership funding model will draw in around an additional 72 million pounds," said a spokesman from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in response to the report. "The money for flood defences is being spent more effectively than ever before and we now expect to exceed our target to better protect another 145,000 homes by 2015." Apart from increased flooding risks, water scarcity is also likely to become more common in parts of the country due to climate change and population growth, the panel said."
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"We are spending more than 2.17 billion pounds over four years to protect people from flooding and our successful partnership funding model will draw in around an additional 72 million pounds," said a spokesman from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in response to the report. "The money for flood defences is being spent more effectively than ever before and we now expect to exceed our target to better protect another 145,000 homes by 2015." Apart from increased flooding risks, water scarcity is also likely to become more common in parts of the country due to climate change and population growth, the panel said."
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Friday, June 8, 2012
Update: United States: The company, Dr Pepper Snapple Group balances Profit & Corporate Social Responsibility by encouraging active lifestyles and fitness by community partnership to get kids and families active nationwide through a three-year, $15 million grant that will fix 528 playgrounds to give 1.3 million children access to play spaces. Plus, the company's Recycling Program generated $1.3 million in revenue
Dr Pepper Snapple Group Updates Progress toward Environmental and Social Performance Goals in 2012 Sustainability Report - MarketWatch: "- Filling 42 percent of its innovation pipeline in 2011 with projects focused on reduced calories, smaller portion sizes and improved nutrition. This puts the company only 8 percentage points away from reaching its 2015 goal to have half of its innovation projects focused on health & wellness.
-- Replacing 33,000 out of 60,000 older vending machines and cooling units to be converted by 2015. Each new unit is up to 30 percent more efficient than the older one it replaced.
-- Saving $25 million in costs and 31 million pounds of PET (plastic) through the light-weighting of packaging since 2007.
-- Contributing more than 55,000 volunteer hours to philanthropic activities -- more than halfway to its 2015 goal of 100,000 total volunteer hours."
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-- Replacing 33,000 out of 60,000 older vending machines and cooling units to be converted by 2015. Each new unit is up to 30 percent more efficient than the older one it replaced.
-- Saving $25 million in costs and 31 million pounds of PET (plastic) through the light-weighting of packaging since 2007.
-- Contributing more than 55,000 volunteer hours to philanthropic activities -- more than halfway to its 2015 goal of 100,000 total volunteer hours."
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Update: AFRICA: Ghana: Chiropractic& Wellness Centers (CWC) invested $120,000 on new five insight discovery subluxation stations, also known as NASA scan station used to scan and evaluate human nervous system to get to root causes of all sicknesses and diseases Ghana: CWC Invests U.S.$120,000 On New Insight Discovery: "The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Founder of the Chiropractic and Wellness Centers, Dr Marcus Manns told journalists at the East Legon branch of the centres over the weekend that they have installed the NASA certified space technology in Ghana to help improve lives of business executives among others. Explaining the work of the state-of-the-art facility which is the first of its kind in West Africa, Dr Manns said "The insight discovery objectively evaluates patterns of spinal and nerve function. It is completely safe, painless, non-invasive and scientifically sound". CWC uses two distinct types of advanced spinal technology to help best serve their practice members (PMs), he added. According to him, the surface EMG exam evaluates the function of the muscles that support the spine. These muscles are controlled by nerves. This test shows the pattern of how energy is distributed through these muscles."
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Update: EUROPE: Germany: Market move from Reactive to Proactive as consumers seek functional foods. Instead of only taking interest when a person is sick, consumers now seek products that prevent illness and provide nutritional value to whatever nutritional challenge they currently face or will face later in life.
2012 NuW Excellence Awards Judging Panel & Categories Announced - MarketWatch: "The judging panel, which traditionally represents key figures within the food industry, consists of: Peter Wennstrom, Chairman of Judges, Healthy Marketing; Kip Winter-Cox, Head of Marketing, Bakkavor Food Ltd; Bart Fischer, Manager Product Innovation, Albert Heijn; Elodie Lebastard, Director, EAS; Georges Bruelle, Prospective Manager, Danone; Albert Zwijgers, Senior Food Technologist, Unilever; John Madden, Head of Ingredients Research, Euromonitor; Ian Gordon, Chairman, Giract; Kamel Chida, Associate Director Open Innovation, General Mills; Michael Knowles, Coca Cola; Marie-Pierre Membrives, McDonald's."
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Update ASIA: THAILAND heightened Focus on promoting Niche Tourism offerings in view of dampened demand from longhaul markets affected by the global economic slowdown. Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) governor, Suraphon Svetasreni, said: “ This year, TAT is refocusing our strategies to attract a greater number of niche-market visitors seeking holidays and experiences more in tune with their personal preferences and lifestyles. Four of the key niche markets that offer considerable potential are golf, weddings & honeymoons, ecotourism, and health & wellness
TTG Asia - Leader in Hotel, Airlines, Tourism and Travel Trade News - Niche tourism takes centrestage in Thailand: ""The weddings and honeymoons category alone offers tremendous opportunities for Thai tourism operators – at present, India, South Korea, Japan, France, the US and the UAE are rapidly-growing source markets for those who want to get married or celebrate their union in Thailand." Suraphon added: "Niche markets are the way of the future. They provide many new opportunities for doing business with the growing number of specialist travel (consultants), while also feeding business to the increasing number of Thai product suppliers in each of these niche markets.” Andrew Jacka, director, Spa Origins and president, Thai Spa Association, said: “Thailand, with its traditionally strong family units and long history of nurturing and caring, is well suited to be a player in the health and wellness industry.” “The country offers both preventive and curative therapies and treatments; and when all is said and done, Thailand is the perfect place for post-treatment convalescence and recovery.”"
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Wellness Tip: Enjoy Aging as You Exercise: Survey Results cite walking as favorite physical activity of many centenarians. They do exercises to strengthen their muscles & the 100-year-olds also get creative as they practice yoga, Tai Chi or another form of mind/body/spirit activity; ride a bike regularly; jog; and engage in sports like baseball, basketball, soccer or tennis
Annual Survey Finds More Than Half of 100-Year-Olds Are Exercising Nearly Every Day | Business Wire: "“Some people have the perception that the oldest members of our society sit alone in a nursing home all day, but this year’s UnitedHealthcare 100@100 survey findings suggest that getting older doesn’t necessarily mean becoming less socially active,” said Dr. Rhonda Randall, chief medical officer of UnitedHealthcare Medicare & Retirement, the nation’s largest business dedicated to the health and well-being needs of seniors and other Medicare beneficiaries. “While genetics and maintaining a healthy body are important factors in living well into the 100s, this year’s survey participants have shown that staying socially engaged is just as important to healthy aging.” So what can boomers look forward to as they progress toward their 100th birthday? A healthier diet and more rest – 100-year-olds are outperforming boomers on consistently eating nutritiously balanced meals (81 percent vs. 68 percent) and getting eight hours or more of sleep per night (71 percent vs. 38 percent)."
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Alternative Energy Update: Biomass: Market value of electricity generated from biomass in the US is increasing to $53 billion by 2020 to approx. $45 billion in 2010. Biomass power generation consumes more than 100 million tons/yr. of fuel, virtually all of which is waste or residue material that requires some form of treatment and disposal
Cleantech Provides Details on Building Additional Power Plants to Globally Compete in 45 Billion Dollar Biomass Market - Energy Digital: ""As they say, where focus goes energy flows, and our strong commitment to building, implementing and operating the biomass power plants will give Cleantech the potential to develop into a significant player in the field of alternative energy," said President and CEO of Cleantech Transit Inc. Kenneth Bosket. Cleantech Transit, Inc.mandate is to create opportunities utilizing advances in technology and manufacturing processes in order to develop significant market share in the alternative clean energy sector."
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Thursday, May 17, 2012
UPDATE: Corporations Are Tackling the Risks Associated with Climate Change
Corporations Are Tackling the Risks Associated with Climate Change: "Ceres began its life 20 years ago in the wake of the disastrous Exxon Valdez oil spill. Since then, Ceres has become the sponsor of the Global Reporting Initiative, an international standard for sustainability reporting used by more than 1,100 companies. The organization claims to be the originator of the concept of climate risk. Ceres’ report, The 21st Century Corporation: The Ceres Roadmap for Sustainability, outlines 20 key expectations that today’s investors have of companies they invest in, expectations in the areas of governance, stakeholder engagement, disclosure and performance.
According to Mindy S. Lubber, president of Ceres, a crucial climate-change-related performance expectation for the roadmap is “a 50 percent improvement in energy efficiency and a 25 percent lower carbon footprint by 2020.” Companies that meet these kinds of expectations “will be best positioned to thrive in the coming low-carbon, resource-constrained global economy of the 21st century,” she stresses."
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According to Mindy S. Lubber, president of Ceres, a crucial climate-change-related performance expectation for the roadmap is “a 50 percent improvement in energy efficiency and a 25 percent lower carbon footprint by 2020.” Companies that meet these kinds of expectations “will be best positioned to thrive in the coming low-carbon, resource-constrained global economy of the 21st century,” she stresses."
America: More Than 130 Leading Organizations Pledge Support for June's Fourth Annual National Employee Wellness Month
More Than 130 Leading Organizations Pledge Support for June's Fourth Annual National Employee Wellness Month - MarketWatch: "Virgin HealthMiles, the Strategies to Overcome and Prevent (STOP) Obesity Alliance, the Partnership to Fight Chronic Disease and WorldatWork announced more than 130 US organizations have pledged their support for June's National Employee Wellness Month. Now in its fourth year, National Employee Wellness Month showcases how prevention, coupled with supportive social communities like the workplace, helps to improve employee health and productivity, lower healthcare costs and create a workplace culture of health. This annual initiative helps employers learn from best practices of how companies are developing successful strategies around prevention and good health."
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South Africa: Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) Reaches Moms and Babies in 22 Countries with Critical Health Information via Mobile Phone
Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) Reaches Moms and Babies in 22 Countries with Critical Health Information: "Mobile Alliance for Maternal Action (MAMA) is working with local organizations to send timely and culturally sensitive health and wellness information to new and expectant mothers in 22 countries from Afghanistan to Zambia, via mobile phones. MAMA, a $10 million, three year partnership to address the 360,000 maternal deaths and 3.1 million newborn deaths that occur each year, is also due to launch nationally in Bangladesh this July, after successful use of mobile messaging in four regions. South Africa will preview its services this month at the GSMA-mHealth Alliance Mobile Health Summit in Cape Town, South Africa. MAMA is a partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Johnson & Johnson, the United Nations Foundation, and BabyCenter and operates through a secretariat hosted by the mHealth Alliance."
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Asia: Health and Wellness, top concerns of Filipinos, next to work-life balance and job security
"A number of studies show that health and wellness is among the top concerns of Filipinos, next to work-life balance and job security. After all, being physically fit means being able to spend more quality time with the family as well as enjoy activities with friends and colleagues. However, it is a sad reality that for most Filipinos, health management is steeply priced. This inaccessibility to basic health products leads many to rampant self-medication, non-compliance to treatment, and medical consultation only when symptoms of ailments are past treatment. Today, generic medicine that are priced cheaper than leading brands have been presented as a solution to this concern. However, people are not comfortable switching to generic drugs easily due to bad feedback in the past, related to questionable efficacy and poor quality of certain formulations. To overcome these challenges, Watsons exerted utmost effort to look for the right pharmaceutical partners and bring together quality generic medicine to the market."
'via Blog this' Quality health care for everyone - The Philippine Star » Business Features » Science and Technology:
'via Blog this' Quality health care for everyone - The Philippine Star » Business Features » Science and Technology:
AUSTRALIA: Community engagement delivers winter health program for older people
"“Winter can be a challenging time for older people, and often they feel a little isolated because they don’t want to leave the house in the cold and wet weather in fear of falling ill. The program is a holistic approach to managing health in winter, including advice on how to best treat the flu or a cold, how to avoid trips and falls on wet surfaces, and information on balanced nutrition and exercise to support the immune system,” said Prof Kralik. “A free flu shot is also included at the session, making it easier for attendees to receive their annual vaccine. RDNS is committed to the health and wellbeing of the community and is always to looking for new ways to provide access to the range of services we provide.” “Community CPS has been a supporter of RDNS for many years, and we’re thrilled to work with them again on this very worthwhile project,” said Mr Parsons
The Winter Wellness Program is the first to be implemented as a direct result of the Community Advisory Board sessions and Community CPS has provided the funds to bring the program to life."
'via Blog this'Press Release: Community engagement delivers winter health program:
The Winter Wellness Program is the first to be implemented as a direct result of the Community Advisory Board sessions and Community CPS has provided the funds to bring the program to life."
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UPDATE: U.S. Renewable Energy Company Targets Fall 2012 to Begin Turning Brazilian Trash into Fuel
U.S. Renewable Energy Company Targets Fall 2012 to Begin Turning Brazilian Trash into Fuel: "Once the plant is in full operation, the Gás Verde project in Brazil will use the FirmGreen technology to clean 12,000 scfm (standard cubic feet per minute) of landfill gas into usable, pipeline gas. The EPA estimates that such emission reductions are equal to the annual greenhouse gas emissions from removing 278,400 passenger vehicles from the road and/or reducing the CO₂ emissions from 159.6 million gallons of gasoline consumed.
In addition to its environmental benefits, Wilburn noted that export of FirmGreen’s green technology has created hundreds of skilled U.S. jobs and helps improve the nation’s trade balance at a time when the American economy has been challenged. Manufacturing operations in seven different states contracted with FirmGreen on this project, each contributing a significant role in the fabrication of FirmGreen’s biogas purification equipment. The undertaking has also created hundreds of jobs in Brazil. “This is what truly makes this project a win-win,“ explained Sergio Stacchini, President of Gás Verde."
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In addition to its environmental benefits, Wilburn noted that export of FirmGreen’s green technology has created hundreds of skilled U.S. jobs and helps improve the nation’s trade balance at a time when the American economy has been challenged. Manufacturing operations in seven different states contracted with FirmGreen on this project, each contributing a significant role in the fabrication of FirmGreen’s biogas purification equipment. The undertaking has also created hundreds of jobs in Brazil. “This is what truly makes this project a win-win,“ explained Sergio Stacchini, President of Gás Verde."
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UPDATE: Mining Industry Investment in Renewable Energy Will Reach Almost $20 Billion by 2020, Forecasts Pike Research | SYS-CON MEDIA
Mining Industry Investment in Renewable Energy Will Reach Almost $20 Billion by 2020, Forecasts Pike Research | SYS-CON MEDIA: "The Asia Pacific region, which has seen its market share of the worldwide mining sector increase to 44% in the last decade, will see the greatest investment in renewable energy in the mining industry through 2020, at $9.4 billion. In the United States, the market will reach $4.6 billion in the same year. In general, Pike Research anticipates that investments in, and purchases of, renewable energy technologies from the mining industry will range from 10% to 20% of total energy expenditures during the forecast period. Pike Research’s report, “Renewable Energy in the Mining Industry”, provides a detailed examination of energy consumption dynamics in the global mining industry, along with an analysis of the market opportunity for greater utilization of renewable energy. The study assesses the market drivers and policy issues that are influencing mining companies’ increasing interest in renewable energy, along with a review of the technology issues associated with each option."
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Florida Green Energy Works Program provides property owners the ability to purchase and install energy efficient and renewable energy technologies through innovative financing alternatives. This Program, which is available to other cities and counties statewide, creates clean energy solutions and new job opportunities
The Lights are on, people are in...They are saving energy and money and that is just the beginning. | SYS-CON MEDIA: "Easy and Affordable. Commercial property owners who install energy saving technologies pay for them through a non-ad valorem assessment on their property tax bill. This easy repayment strategy allows property owners to see energy savings immediately and helps stimulate the economy when local contractors and equipment is purchased.
Leaving the Competition in the Dark. The Florida Green Energy Works Program is the only program to successfully develop and adopt this type of robust, open market alternative for commercial property-owners to invest in and benefit from clean energy. Working through existing assessment repayment processes of local governments like the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser and Tax Collector makes repayment easy. The low risk associated with these investments results in low interest rates for every project. Better still, local governments interested in joining this Program have the opportunity to do so."
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Leaving the Competition in the Dark. The Florida Green Energy Works Program is the only program to successfully develop and adopt this type of robust, open market alternative for commercial property-owners to invest in and benefit from clean energy. Working through existing assessment repayment processes of local governments like the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser and Tax Collector makes repayment easy. The low risk associated with these investments results in low interest rates for every project. Better still, local governments interested in joining this Program have the opportunity to do so."
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Tennessee enacted a law Tuesday that critics contend allows public school teachers to challenge climate change and evolution in their classrooms without fear of sanction
Tennessee enacts evolution, climate change law - "Republican Gov. Bill Haslam allowed the controversial measure to become law without his signature and, in a statement, expressed misgivings about it. Nevertheless, he ignored pleas from educators, parents and civil libertarians to veto the bill.
The law does not require the teaching of alternatives to scientific theories of evolution, climate change and "the chemical origins of life." Instead, it aims to prevent school administrators from reining in teachers who expound on alternative hypotheses to those topics.
The measure's primary sponsor, Republican state Sen. Bo Watson, said it was meant to give teachers the clarity and security to discuss alternative ideas to evolution and climate change that students may have picked up at home and want to explore in class."
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The law does not require the teaching of alternatives to scientific theories of evolution, climate change and "the chemical origins of life." Instead, it aims to prevent school administrators from reining in teachers who expound on alternative hypotheses to those topics.
The measure's primary sponsor, Republican state Sen. Bo Watson, said it was meant to give teachers the clarity and security to discuss alternative ideas to evolution and climate change that students may have picked up at home and want to explore in class."
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South America Update: Gastrointestinal Reflux Disease (GERD) a growing health care concern has alternative remedies
There are alternative remedies to help with 'GERD' - Wire Health & Medical - The Sacramento Bee: "Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory medicine that also may help reduce GERD symptoms; the active ingredients in turmeric are known as curcumins. One study using 162 mg of curcumin twice daily for 4 weeks showed that patients experienced significant relief from dyspepsia and irritable bowel symptoms. Improvement was noted after patients had been on the curcumin for one week.
-Ginger can also reduce GERD symptoms by helping move food out of the stomach and into the intestines; try drinking ginger tea 3 times daily, or take dried ginger in capsule form, approximately 500 mg twice daily.
-A recent study in China showed that acupuncture was effective at reducing reflux and alleviating symptoms in patients with GERD. The benefit was similar to a group of patients who received Prilosec 20 mg twice daily.
-Chewing gum for one hour after a meal has been shown to reduce acid reflux.
-Stress makes acid reflux worse by reducing the movement of food out of the stomach; deep breathing exercises, hypnosis, and meditation can all help to reduce symptoms from GERD."
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-Ginger can also reduce GERD symptoms by helping move food out of the stomach and into the intestines; try drinking ginger tea 3 times daily, or take dried ginger in capsule form, approximately 500 mg twice daily.
-A recent study in China showed that acupuncture was effective at reducing reflux and alleviating symptoms in patients with GERD. The benefit was similar to a group of patients who received Prilosec 20 mg twice daily.
-Chewing gum for one hour after a meal has been shown to reduce acid reflux.
-Stress makes acid reflux worse by reducing the movement of food out of the stomach; deep breathing exercises, hypnosis, and meditation can all help to reduce symptoms from GERD."
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North America Update: Employer Wellness Programs On The Rise: Willis Health And Productivity Survey
Employer Wellness Programs On The Rise: Willis Health And Productivity Survey - TheStreet: "The most common types of wellness programs being offered by respondents include: Physical activity programs (53%), Tobacco cessation programs (49%) and Weight management programs (45%). Although 29% of survey respondents consider themselves to be a global organization, only 15% indicate they have implemented a wellness program for their global employees. 43% of employers said the leading barrier to measuring success was difficulty in determining the influence of wellness compared with other factors impacting health care costs. Insufficient data and not enough staffing/time remain common barriers to measuring success. This year’s survey included a subset of questions that also asked employers about Work/Life balance programs. Findings reveal that 51% of respondents reported promoting Work/Life balance programs within their worksite wellness program. After Employee Assistance Programs, flexible start/end times are the most common offering of Work Life Balance program options, reported by 81% of respondents."
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South Africa Update: Tackling Student Mental Health - Mental Health Education Programme (MHEP) aims to raise awareness of the mental and psychological issues that often have severe consequences such as student suicide
Tackling student mental health - Varsity Newspaper Online: "UCT’s Student Wellness Services (SWS) in conjunction with the SRC developed a series of talks concerning the mental and psychological well-being of students as part of an initiative to address serious issues affecting UCT students.The Mental Health Education Programme (MHEP) aims to raise awareness of the mental and psychological issues that often have severe consequences such as student suicide. The latest in the series of talks held on Friday, March 30th, concerned substance abuse specifically within the UCT student community. Cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana are the most commonly used drugs within the UCT community, said Carmelita Lee Shong and Robert Artnott from SWS, who presented the talk. However, these are not exhaustive, with a significant amount of students engaging in harder drugs. In descending order of usage, cocaine, heroin and ecstasy are all found to be commonly used drugs amongst UCT students. The abuse of over-the-counter medication has also been found to be significantly high amongst UCT students."
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UK & Spain Update: British pursuit of health and wellness tourism increases
British pursuit of health and wellness tourism increases: "Health tourism and health travel are on the up as 94% of British people now seek holidays to pursue health and fitness, says The Body Holiday survey commissioned by wellness travel agency Health and Fitness Travel. 85% are now willing to try a health and fitness holiday to improve their body and mind.
Choosing a holiday including health and fitness is very important to 82% when they are away from home with spa treatments, fitness classes, land and water based sports being the most sought after. 85% are likely to try new forms of exercise or body treatments on holiday so they can open their minds to new experiences."
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Choosing a holiday including health and fitness is very important to 82% when they are away from home with spa treatments, fitness classes, land and water based sports being the most sought after. 85% are likely to try new forms of exercise or body treatments on holiday so they can open their minds to new experiences."
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Asia-Pacific Update: 'Wellness' new weapon to improve Productivity & Performance
'Wellness' new weapon to improve productivity, performance - Indian Express: "According to Mercer Marsh Benefits survey, across the Asia Pacific region, 35 per cent of the 899 companies that participated in the survey spent over 6 per cent of their annual payroll on health benefits in 2011, while 10 per cent spent more than 15 per cent.
Alarmingly, 59 per cent of responding employers expect their health benefits expenses to rise in 2012, and senior management is growing increasingly anxious about their employees' health, the report said.
Mercer's Asia Pacific Employee Health and Benefits Leader Rosaline Chow Koo said "our clients are experiencing the real benefits of implementing health and wellness programmes, as without such preventative programmes in place their employee health profiles continue to deteriorate, particularly among younger employees."
Unhealthy behaviours lead to poor health among employees."
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Alarmingly, 59 per cent of responding employers expect their health benefits expenses to rise in 2012, and senior management is growing increasingly anxious about their employees' health, the report said.
Mercer's Asia Pacific Employee Health and Benefits Leader Rosaline Chow Koo said "our clients are experiencing the real benefits of implementing health and wellness programmes, as without such preventative programmes in place their employee health profiles continue to deteriorate, particularly among younger employees."
Unhealthy behaviours lead to poor health among employees."
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Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Hollywood Movies Respond to Climate Climate Change Catastrophe
The Hunger Games, Birthmarked, Delirium: YA fiction on climate change. - Slate Magazine: "The Hunger Games is not the only young-adult book to describe environmental catastrophe as a pretext for authoritarian regimes or otherwise dystopic future. In Caragh O’Brien’s Birthmarked, a teenage midwife-in-training lives on the shores of Un-Lake Michigan, in a medieval-esque village just outside of, and ruled by, “the Enclave,” a walled community so evil, it steals babies. In Delirium, by Lauren Oliver, teenagers are strictly segregated by gender until they are lobotomized, cured of the disease of love; in a world where energy is prohibitively expensive and living standards are down, the “cure” is important in part because it help keeps birth rates artificially low. There’s very little accidental conception when lust is outlawed and the capacity to love surgically excised in one’s teens. Ship Breaker, Dark Life, Exodus, The Other Side of the Island, the Shadow Children books, The Blending Time, The Declaration—all are dystopic young-adult novels set in worlds transformed, to varying degrees, by climate change, resource scarcity, population growth, and other environmental disasters."
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Saturday, February 25, 2012
Wellness Pilipinas!: Zambales Connection (an introduction to part 1) by Zara Jane Juan
Wellness Pilipinas!: Zambales Connection (an introduction to part 1) by Zara Jane Juan: "Luscious waves, powerful sunrise, attractive sunsets, calm community, playful birds, kids, and chickens... And on top of it all, the most awesome view of the stars along the dark and quiet shoreline as the neighborhood sleeps in harmony night after night... ... What a paradise!
Where on earth can you find that locked doors are not a requirement to live. Everyone seems to trust anybody... I was able to sleep soundly without worry in my rented humble nipa hut fronting the sea, though that was my first night, alone! I mean literally without a companion! The community respects each and everyone because every member of the community believes that no one who visits the shoreline of Zambales is a plain stranger. They believe that each one comes back to Zambales, because they belong there... a relative... of the 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree, 4th degree... or, simply, just an old friend way back who traveled once and had the longing to come back again... and again..."
I came here to prepare myself for my chosen peace mission in the Southern Philippines affected by recent typhoons. However due to my allergies, I need to first ready my health in order for me to survive. Doctors advised me to have a vacation in the beach for natural healing. And what a practical way to do it as fast as I can but to go back to my Grandma's hometown, San Isidro, Cabangan, Zambales. In fact, I long for this, to travel alone, live alone, incognito! Just me and the sea, my pen, my notebook and my quiet private time to pray and meditate. The only problem is, it needs to be safe! And Zambales has it, a wish come true! A very simple life away from the city!
Along the way, however, I got inspired to write about my Grandma's place, not just San Isidro, but the whole Zambales. I find it amazing, how their culture remains so simple... the simple meal... the simple celebrations... the simple smiles that enlightens the crowd... and how they manage to keep it for years with a very dry land, not too much to expect, no flares, no fuzz, nothing. I am practically amazed how they survive without, in my observation, a typical competitive spirit of the city dwellers.
So I made a decision to stay longer because my missionary peace work covers the preparation of the community to the effects of changing climate as part of my worldwide advocacy work on Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation Campaign. Zambales is a good start, I guess for my behavioral study of people living near the sea.
This is the first draft of my behavioral study, I aptly call it the Zambales Connection....
Everything seems beautiful until one night, I've learned that vote-buying is rampant in the place. It completely slips my mind that a special congressional election will take place and I happened to be there, what a vacation! I thought I can forget my work and concentrate on the goodness of life but here am I face with the conflict if I will write what I saw, heard and experience. How naive am I to know that vote buying is an organized activity where the voters have to signed their names in order for them to get their money ranging from P500 to P1,000 per voter. I refrained from knowing further and resorted to meditative prayer to compose myself, however my conscience bothers me, especially when I saw how "malicious" money can turn a peaceful community to a "mob". I need to write it especially when in the course of my investigation, I have found out that vote buying is just a new trend in the 2nd District of Zambales. I've learned that before, people vote their leader because it is their personal choice and they believe in their leader as a matter of principle. Now, with the introduction of the malice that votes can be bought, people vote out of "kahihiyan" that they already accepted some money that "bought their votes". Is there a logic in here?
It is my vocation to teach and promote good culture. And I believe, it is the responsibility of a leader or any politician to lead people to peace by introducing them the proper culture. Vote buying is a malicious intention designed to corrupt even the most innocent ones. Making it part of the people's life is prelude to poverty.
As I said to the community, you deserve more than that! You are the protectors of the sea, you are not beggars! You actually deserve to be given a dignified life through an Environmental Fund which can be allocated by your elected politician to every household living in the shoreline.
People do not know their rights and will remain silent, quiet until numb.That is how corruption works in cycle. Until someone stood up and do something, corruption of the mind will remain a trend.
When do we stop it? When we share what we know to those who don't know. Education, more orientation, and more empowerment will liberate our mind.
Good thing, I still see the kids playing, praying & hoping.... unmindful and innocent.
With this, I am still inspired to work on this further, not just as an advocacy, but as a responsibility to save what remains for the proper culture to survive in this changing climate.
So help me God.
Where on earth can you find that locked doors are not a requirement to live. Everyone seems to trust anybody... I was able to sleep soundly without worry in my rented humble nipa hut fronting the sea, though that was my first night, alone! I mean literally without a companion! The community respects each and everyone because every member of the community believes that no one who visits the shoreline of Zambales is a plain stranger. They believe that each one comes back to Zambales, because they belong there... a relative... of the 1st degree, 2nd degree, 3rd degree, 4th degree... or, simply, just an old friend way back who traveled once and had the longing to come back again... and again..."
I came here to prepare myself for my chosen peace mission in the Southern Philippines affected by recent typhoons. However due to my allergies, I need to first ready my health in order for me to survive. Doctors advised me to have a vacation in the beach for natural healing. And what a practical way to do it as fast as I can but to go back to my Grandma's hometown, San Isidro, Cabangan, Zambales. In fact, I long for this, to travel alone, live alone, incognito! Just me and the sea, my pen, my notebook and my quiet private time to pray and meditate. The only problem is, it needs to be safe! And Zambales has it, a wish come true! A very simple life away from the city!
Along the way, however, I got inspired to write about my Grandma's place, not just San Isidro, but the whole Zambales. I find it amazing, how their culture remains so simple... the simple meal... the simple celebrations... the simple smiles that enlightens the crowd... and how they manage to keep it for years with a very dry land, not too much to expect, no flares, no fuzz, nothing. I am practically amazed how they survive without, in my observation, a typical competitive spirit of the city dwellers.
So I made a decision to stay longer because my missionary peace work covers the preparation of the community to the effects of changing climate as part of my worldwide advocacy work on Climate Change Peace Building Adaptation Campaign. Zambales is a good start, I guess for my behavioral study of people living near the sea.
This is the first draft of my behavioral study, I aptly call it the Zambales Connection....
Everything seems beautiful until one night, I've learned that vote-buying is rampant in the place. It completely slips my mind that a special congressional election will take place and I happened to be there, what a vacation! I thought I can forget my work and concentrate on the goodness of life but here am I face with the conflict if I will write what I saw, heard and experience. How naive am I to know that vote buying is an organized activity where the voters have to signed their names in order for them to get their money ranging from P500 to P1,000 per voter. I refrained from knowing further and resorted to meditative prayer to compose myself, however my conscience bothers me, especially when I saw how "malicious" money can turn a peaceful community to a "mob". I need to write it especially when in the course of my investigation, I have found out that vote buying is just a new trend in the 2nd District of Zambales. I've learned that before, people vote their leader because it is their personal choice and they believe in their leader as a matter of principle. Now, with the introduction of the malice that votes can be bought, people vote out of "kahihiyan" that they already accepted some money that "bought their votes". Is there a logic in here?
It is my vocation to teach and promote good culture. And I believe, it is the responsibility of a leader or any politician to lead people to peace by introducing them the proper culture. Vote buying is a malicious intention designed to corrupt even the most innocent ones. Making it part of the people's life is prelude to poverty.
As I said to the community, you deserve more than that! You are the protectors of the sea, you are not beggars! You actually deserve to be given a dignified life through an Environmental Fund which can be allocated by your elected politician to every household living in the shoreline.
People do not know their rights and will remain silent, quiet until numb.That is how corruption works in cycle. Until someone stood up and do something, corruption of the mind will remain a trend.
When do we stop it? When we share what we know to those who don't know. Education, more orientation, and more empowerment will liberate our mind.
Good thing, I still see the kids playing, praying & hoping.... unmindful and innocent.
With this, I am still inspired to work on this further, not just as an advocacy, but as a responsibility to save what remains for the proper culture to survive in this changing climate.
So help me God.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Beijing: GMZ Energy Secures $14 Million in Series C Funding to Produce New Class of Renewable Technologies
GMZ Energy Secures $14 Million in Series C Funding to Produce New Class of Renewable Technologies; Closes Oversubscribed Financing Round - MarketWatch: "GMZ Energy, a leader in thermoelectric materials and systems and a GE ecomagination Challenge winner, today announced it secured $14 million in Series C financing. The new investment was led by Mitsui Ventures and includes I2BF Global Ventures, Energy Technology Ventures (a joint venture of GE, NRG Energy and ConocoPhillips), Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and BP Alternative Energy. With the new funding, GMZ will expand its engineering and go-to-market capabilities as the company moves into production of a new class of renewable technologies."
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Monday, January 2, 2012
Italy: Wellness Tip: Skipping dessert and having an after-dinner coffee is good for your memory & thinner waist
How to get better memory, thinner waist - Hindustan Times: "For the study, it was decided to focus on a protein called CREB1 that is known to be important to memory and learning. While conducting experiments on mice, researcher Giovambattista Pani showed that cutting calories boosted learning if the animals could still make CREB1. Besides, he also showed that cutting calories boosts the amount of the protein made in the brain. It was also found the animals' calorie count was only cut by 25 to 30 percent but in human terms, this equates to about 600 calories a day."
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Australia: Widespread beach erosion leaves surf clubs in deep water
Widespread beach erosion leaves surf clubs in deep water | "The Old Bar Surf Club sits closer to the water than the school and Mr Jones guesses he has three to five years before the threat becomes an emergency. Old Bar is not the only NSW surf club nearly in deep water. While for most clubs rising sea levels and storm intensities due to climate change remain distant fears, at least six other NSW clubs are already confronting these threats. Clubs including Cudgen Headland, Copacabana, Killcare, Thirroul, Bulli and Stockton have reportedly suffered erosion and been forced to consider sea walls, sand replenishment, rebuilding or, as a last resort, relocation. Surf Life Saving Australia published a report in November, using data from Geoscience Australia and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, that placed 63 per cent of surf life saving clubs in ''zones of potential instability''. ''We know there are a number of clubs which right now are at risk of being washed into the sea if a major storm event was to wash into the coast,'' said Norm Farmer, the head of strategic development at Surf Life Saving Australia"
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Renewable Energy: Vestas to supply turbines for new wind farms in Poland, Italy, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Sweden & Pakistan
- Renewable Energy Magazine, at the heart of clean energy journalism: "Vestas is also continuing to expand its operations outside Europe, and ended 2011 announcing its first order in Pakistan. The order is for a total capacity of 50.4 MW, consisting of 28 units of the V90-1.8 MW wind turbines for a wind power project in Nooriabad in the Jimphir region of the country. Delivery of the turbines is scheduled to start in the first half of 2012 and the project is expected to be completed by the end of 2012. The order has been placed by Zorlu Energy Pakistan Ltd., which is a 100 per cent owned subsidiary of the Turkish Zorlu Enerji Electricity Generation Inc. In 2006, the company signed an agreement with the Alternative Energy Development Board of the Government of Pakistan to build the first wind power plant in Pakistan for a total capacity of 56.4 MW. The first phase of the project comprising 6 MW has been in operation since 2009 and the second phase comprising the 50.4 MW will be delivered by Vestas."
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Sunday, January 1, 2012
Tip: Businesses are encouraging Employee Wellness by holding contests, health screenings, and providing other incentives to help employees get healthy
Inspiring employee healthy lifestyles with employer incentives - : Money: newage industries, fitness, health insurance, health, health incentives: "Employee wellness programs typically include an online health risk assessment and on-site medical screenings for blood pressure, blood sugar, body mass index and cholesterol. The programs, while voluntary, can offer financial benefits, including lower insurance premiums, gift cards and employer contributions to health savings accounts."
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Canada's climate change plan 'farce,' says Stephane Dion
Canada's climate change plan 'farce,' says Stephane Dion: "Q: How do you get climate change back on the political agenda?
A: Many initiatives should be taken by business people, scientists, activists, ordinary citizens . . . and journalists! But regarding the current state of federal politics, in a nutshell, the opposition should co-operate to at least keep the government accountable toward its own objective: 17-per-cent reduction for 2020. Environment Canada itself said some months ago that only 25 per cent of the target would be reached with the current policies and regulations."
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A: Many initiatives should be taken by business people, scientists, activists, ordinary citizens . . . and journalists! But regarding the current state of federal politics, in a nutshell, the opposition should co-operate to at least keep the government accountable toward its own objective: 17-per-cent reduction for 2020. Environment Canada itself said some months ago that only 25 per cent of the target would be reached with the current policies and regulations."
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Apr 10
- Asia-Pacific Update: 'Wellness' new weapon to impr...
- UK & Spain Update: British pursuit of health and w...
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- South America Update: Gastrointestinal Reflux Dise...
- Tennessee enacted a law Tuesday that critics conte...
- Florida Green Energy Works Program provides proper...
Apr 10
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May 17
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Jun 08