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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Interfaith Movement

Interfaith Movement
The United Religions joins a rapidly growing community of interfaith organizations. Leaders and practioners are putting their faith into action for global good.

Interfaith is a way to organize, a way to connect, commit and create community among people from different faith traditions. Its practioners are diverse and approaches to actualizing interfaith range from gathering World Leaders to mobilizing grassroots communities.

The modern story of Interfaith begins in Chicago at the Parliament of the World's Religions in 1893. Remarks from Hindu Swami Vivekananda adressing the necessary transcendence of bigotry and sectarianism between religions inspired much of what we now recognize as the interfaith movement.

Rev. Marcus Braybrooke, a scholar of interfaith, describes it as follows:

Religion too often has been used to justify killing people in ?holy? wars, crusades and persecution. The interfaith movement recognizes that God is present in every religion. It believes that people of faith and good will must cooperate to break down religious prejudice and work together for a better world.

Local, National and International Interfaith groups are working:

To provide accurate information about religions in colleges and schools, dispelling ignorance and prejudice
To enable people of different religions to meet and become friends
To develop social welfare and harmony in communities
To protect human rights and the environment
To seek an economic and world order based on moral values shared by religions
To end all violence in the name of religion and to work for peace, justice and reconciliation.
We seek a world:

where no one lives in fear of violence;
where no one goes to bed thirsty or hungry or without shelter;
where no one is imprisoned or tortured for their beliefs;
where the animal world and the earth are revered.
This will be a world based on the ethical teaching of the great religions, which will inspire people everywhere to co-operate and live in harmony.

Excerpted from, "What is Interfaith?" by Rev. Marcus Braybrooke

The New Age Movement: What Christians Should Know By Dr. Dale A. Robbins.

The New Age Movement:

For nearly two thousand years, Christians have pondered the end-time prophecy’s of the New Testament, and especially the revelation of John. In his apocalyptic writing he described the coming of a diabolical world leader called the “Beast” or the “Antichrist,” who would arise among a one world religion and government in the last days (Rev. 13:2).

During the recent years of international turmoil and crisis, an enormous neopolitical/religious order, called the New Age movement, has quietly emerged. They are made up of a world-wide network of thousands of cooperating organizations. They are united under the common bond of esoteric or occult teachings, with the goal of forming a “one world order.”

Many students of Bible prophecy have carefully watched the development of this movement, and feel that this may very well be that predicted entity from which the Antichrist will emerge.

A Brief History of the New Age Movement

The origin of the movement dates back to at least 1875 with the theosophical teachings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, and later in the 1920’s with the teachings of Alice Ann Bailey. The Theosophical Society, as it was called, espoused the abolishment of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, promoting the unity of other world religions. They claimed that their teachings were revealed by “spirit” or elemental guides (demons). They emphasized heavily the evolution of a self deified, master aryan society, and a one world “new age” religion and social order.

In 1922, Baily founded the “Lucifer Publishing Company,” which printed and distributed their teachings (Lucifer was Satan’s first name). These teachings were very complete in their intent and goals. Step by step they plotted the coming new age with instructions for the institution of the necessary new world order.

Baily’s teachings established the symbol of a rainbow as their identification sign, and discussed extensively, plans for religious war, forced redistribution of the world’s resources, mass planetary initiations, theology for a new world order, world-wide disarmament, and elimination of obstinate religions. She even discussed the sacredness of the new world leader’s number, 666 (the number of the Beast).

The Present New Age Movement

Today, the New Age movement appears to be a loose knit group of innocent organizations with ambiguous goals or leadership. But beneath the surface there is a definite, organized, secret leadership and strategy which guides the vast movement. The main body of leadership resides in an organization called “The Planetary Initiative For The World We Choose.”

One of their most celebrated demonstrations of unity and public relations occurred on August 16-17, 1988. Over eighty million New Agers unified themselves for what was called the largest assembly of mass meditation in history. Widely reported by the news media, the “Harmonic Convergence,” also referred to as the “Planetary Surrender,” occurred simultaneously in nearly every nation and major city. Led and organized largely by 144,000 Shamans, witches, witch doctors and a whole assortment of New Age mystics, they joined in a period of meditation agreement for the release of “spiritual forces” which would bring about their desire for a “one world government and world religion.” Only two years earlier, on December 31, 1986, a slightly smaller gathering of fifty million New Age adherents joined in meditation for the purpose to “alter the manner which humanity understands reality.”

In actuality, these gatherings of meditation were acts of worship and service to the Devil. One can only imagine what kind of demons and evil spiritual forces were unleashed upon the world as witch doctors, shamans and mystics called upon the powers of darkness to distort humanity’s perception of truth.

Is it no wonder that evil and wickedness has intensified in the world since that time? Think of the power of God that could be released if eighty million Christians combined their faith in one massive prayer meeting!

Who They Are And What They Believe

Publications which list the numerous cooperating groups are the “Spiritual Community Guide,” and “The New Age Magazine,” with thousands of listings. New agers claim that all mind science groups are a part of the new age. They also include various occult groups, mystic religions, witchcraft organizations, pagan religions, ecological organizations, neopolicital and secular organizations. In the U.S. and Canada over ten thousand organizations are identified as New Age, such as “Amnesty International, Greenpeace, The Sierra Club, Zero Population, The Guardian Angels,” and thousands of other secular and religious organizations. Other groups synonymous with the New Age are “The Age of Aquarius, The Aquarian Conspiracy, The Human Potential Movement, The Holistic Movement, Humanistic Psychology,” and a host of others.

The modern New Age movement has a definite agenda which has been agreed upon by their constituents. Adopted much after the same original ideals as Alice Ann Baily, the manifesto of the New Age movement calls for a:

(1) New world order
(2) Universal credit card system
(3) World food authority
(4) World Health Authority
(5) World water authority
(6) Universal tax
(7) Universal military draft
(8) Abolishing of Christianity, Judaism and Islam
(9) One world leader

After extensive analysis of its teachings and goals, expert political scientists agree that the New Age movement parallels the ideals and philosophy of Nazism of the 1930’s and 1940’s. New Age writings even claim that leaders such as Adolph Hitler and Jim Jones were disciples of the movement. Before the Jonestown, Guyana massacre, Jones’ Peoples Temple was listed as a New Age “Spiritual Center,” in the “Spiritual Community Guide” (a handbook for New Agers).

The Coming Antichrist

In the late 1980’s, prominent New Agers, David Spangler and Benjamin Creme ran full page ads in many of the world’s newspapers announcing the soon appearance of the “Christ.” This personality was introduced as the “Lord Maitraya,” alleged to be a world-class “messiah” and great teacher whom they claimed would bring world peace and solutions to the worlds problems. To date, their Maitraya has not yet emerged as a celebrated leader, and may not. But the aspirations of Creme, Spangler and other New Agers are clearly seen. They are seeking a man, whether god or devil, who will be their image of a messiah, coming to save the planet.

Finally, what we know about the New Age movement so far is this: It is extremely large and is made up of an extensive network of mystic, occultish figures devoted to the goals of a forced global government and religion. They have expressed their rejection and hostility toward Christianity and other major religions, and seek to establish a universal leader who will fulfill the description of a satanic deity.

Truly there has never been a more ideal environment to produce that man of deception, the personification of the Devil himself. And if this is the organization of the Beast, we know that this means the rapture, the tribulation period, and the second coming of Jesus Christ is close at hand (2 Thes. 2:2-9, Rev. 13:11-18).

“Dark Secrets of the New Age,” Texe Marrs
“The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow,” Constance Cumbey

Aquarian Age & World Government by G Kumar

It is generally believed that the Aquarian Age started in the year 2000, 2160 years roughly being the Age of a Sign. The Piscean age started at around 200 BCE ( Before Common Era ). Let us study the symbolisms of the Piscean and the Aquarian Ages. As the Earth's precession is 72 degrees per degree, 2160 years is an Age Cycle. 25920 years ( 12*2160) is a Precessional Cycle or a Great Plato Year or an Aeon.

Pisces means Fishes and Jesus was the Redeemer of the Piscean Age. The Piscean Age emphasized Faith. The two fishes of Pisces indicate Dualism and during this
time, the conflict between Religion & Science intensified as Science rose against blind Faith. The belief in an external God was rejected by Science.

Aquarius is ruled by two planets in Astrology - Uranus & Saturn. Uranus represents Independence and Saturn Universal Humanism. Humanism postulates that no dogma or political doctrine can save you; only you can save yourself. If you save yourself, you save society, you save the nation and the Planet Earth ! In other words, Universal Humanism will be the hallmark of the Aquarian Age.

The astrologic scholar Jeff Jawer remarks that the Aquarian Age has not arrived in his article " On The Cusp between Pisces and Aquarius. " The first Venus Transit occurred in 2004 & the next one will be in 2012. These 8 years will be like the Dark Night of the Soul, a chaotic period of purgatorial suffering as the Planet Earth goes through a dark phase.

Dr Jose Arguelles, the scholar who brought the concept of Harmonic Convergence, also thinks that the enlightening Age of Aquarius will dawn on 2012.

The famous song on Aquarian Age states thus:

When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars!

This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
The age of Aquarius

All freethinkers are excited about the New Aquarian Age where Wisdom will blossom and importance will be on Self development, Self Transformation, Self Realization & Self Actualization. Gone are the days of dogma & Blind Faith. Personal transformation will result in Planetary Transformation !

Dante, Bernard Shaw & Alice Bailey had highlighted in their writings that a World Government is the only solution to achieve permanent World Peace. Mahesh Yogi inaugurated the World Government in 1975 in Seelisberg, Switzerland ( " In response to the call of time, a global organization has been structured, the non-political, the non-religious World Government which has the knowledge and expertise to create an ideal society" ). Foster Bailey, the husband of Alice Bailey, said that " Free Masonry is the descendent of a United World Religion, a divinely imparted Religion. Then came separativeness and religions. Now we are striving for a United World Order" There is also a move to create a World Stock Market & to control all governments in the world. The foundations behind the United Nations are spiritual. The Global Oneness Movement is gaining momentum and a Council of Global Governance has been constituted with Maurice Strong as the President.

Dr Wilhmhurst saw the dawning of the Aquarian Age as the fulfillment of the Plan and said that Free Masonry may be the vehicle for that fulfillment. Wise people point out that the New Age Movement is the Universal Religion which H G Wells predicted would one day take over mankind.

The hand of the Mysteries controlled the establishment of the United States Government and the signature of the Mysteries may still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America. The Seal discloses a mass of Masonic symbols, chiefly amongst them the American Eagle, which is a conventionalized phoenix. The U S Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter said " The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes ".

The Third Testament

The New Age has been referred to as the Third Testament. While the Old & the New Testaments emphasized that Truth is Freedom ( Veritas vos Liberabit), New Age Philosophy avers that Knowledge alone is Freedom. Self Knowledge or Knowledge of the Absolute Self alone can make you free! Global Oneness alone can save the world. Globalists alone can bring a planetary transformation and not those
who champion the cause of a Nation or a Civilisation.

Some prominent globalists are Jeremy Rifkin, Norman Cousins, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, John Denver, George Lucas, Norman Lear, Alice Bailey, Alvin Toffler, Dr. Barbara Ray, Benjamin Creme, Levi Dowling, George Trevelyan, Fritjof Capra, Abraham Maslow, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Ruth Montgomery, Shirley MacLaine, J.Z. Knight, Marilyn Ferguson, David Spangler, Nelson Mandela & Gorbachev.

Marilyn Ferguson in her book ' The Aquarian Conspiracy' remarks that the New Age Revolution is a Movement which is characterized by ' no political doctrines, no manifesto'. It is a Movement 'more universal than reform' and 'more profound than a revolution! ' The main characteristic of the New Aquarian Age will be Spiritual Democracy. Global integration has been achieved via the Net, which implements the Global Village Concept. The Wonder - the World Wide Web - is the true World Encyclopedia !

The New Age or the Aquarian Age & World Government
G Kumar, Editor, The Z Files & ceo

Age of Aquarius: Age of Holy Breath by

The Age when everything becomes unified

"In the New Age we break free of centuries of false doctrines, destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas, and children’s stories about God, education, medicine, and love. The corrupt foundations of false society crumble. This time of crises is not the signal of the end of the world. What comes is not the end, but the beginning. The dream humanity has lived for centuries ends and we awaken to a bright new day, a bright new way .

Now in the Age of Aquarius, everything becomes unified. All our differences, all our dualities mix together like the fragrances of a flower shop, with all of the different flowers adding their bouquet to the overall mix until they are inseparable. Each individual flower remains distinct and individual, each one’s fragrance is unique and discernible when you come up close to it, yet joined together in unity with the others in the wonderful mixture that is the smell of the shop.

Our individual worth comes from inside, from what we have inside, through our development, our evolution, and what we can give to society. Now our drastic differences dissolve and we integrate into the whole. We integrate and unify with the energy of the universe, with the great cosmic spirit.

Mystically, Aquarius signifies friendship. Friendship bursts upon us in its most elevated sense, in its most noble aspect — with understanding, collaboration, and fraternity. Love and friendship will have nothing to do with possessing or ego. The idea of love meaning "you belong to me" ends in the New Age. The thought of friends of convenience, friendship based on an ulterior motive such as business ends. Love and friendship based on anything other than pure love, the divine and pure love of God, changes the sentiment into a coin of exchange — you no longer have love or friendship because of who you are, but because of what you do or can do for me.

This is the era of peace, of unity, of love. The polarity of Aquarius, Leo, floods us with its complementary characteristics. The celestial throne of the Sun, Leo, encourages, ennobles, enriches, and enlightens us for the growth of our hearts, the growth of our inner beings. Together with Aquarius, Leo promotes the integration of our individuality with our unity with all humanity. We realize that we must first be something in and of ourselves to be something for others.

Under their combined influence, friendship with an agenda disappears into true fraternity, into pure unity. Then we can prepare ourselves for unity with the universal spirit. . . . In the Age of Aquarius, we break from the past to invent the future we desire in our society and in our person. The answers we find will be wholly new ones, totally original ones, but they require a thorough examination of what has been and what we wish to come. All our institutions as we know them must adapt to this new reality." [4]

This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all religious regimes and free the minds of ignorance and delusion forever. Once enlightened, each human being will begin his or her individual journey within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans awakening seekers of Truth and the eternal Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and nations in the process. In this new millennium there will be no more falsehoods or derision, but spiritual living and third-eye vision. The Human Family is truly entering the Age of mystic revelations and the mind's true liberation which is broadly known as spiritualism or New Millennium Religion.

But before that a word of caution about present pulse of the New Age:

The Reality and the Fakery
What is good about the New Age

"The "New Age" is actually a synthesis of many different beliefs and currents of thought, the emphasis being on a rejection of the limitations of reductionist materialism and an emphasis on the way that one can alter one's personal reality through the application of belief, visualisation, and positive affirmation. In a sense it is a spiritual awakening, an activation of the "theosphere", an integration of holistic healing, alternative spirituality, esotericism, environmental sensitivity, alternative life-styles, awareness of other dimensions of existence, and attunement to the cosmos.

What is bad about the New Age(and how to avoid the pitfalls)

Unfortunately, as with all such movements, the New Age has fallen prey to all manner of fakes and charlatans and rip-off merchants. These can fortunately be avoided by a simple rule of thumb. i.e.: if anyone asks you for money before giving you a mantra, cleansing your aura, raising your vibration, awakening your kundalini, taking you on a vision quest, initiating you into hermetics, or anything else, they are a fake and to be avoided like the plague. . . .

note regarding clairvoyants: there are many psychics and clairvoyants who ask for money for aura readings etc. Although this may seem like a fair service, remember that these people are psychics, they are not spiritual. They have an awakening into the etheric and astral (lower psychic) planes. They do not necessarily (or even) have a spiritual awakening.

This is a simple fact: a true spiritual teacher never asks for money.

Once you have this simple fact at hand, you may explore the weird and wonderful world of the New Age (or what insignificant amount there is of left of it once the profit-mongers and greed merchants are eliminated) at your leisure!

What else is bad about the New Age

Another problem that characterises the New Age is an absolute lack of critical thinking. People will believe all sorts of nonsense, and are very susceptible to negative suggestions from formations in the lower astral plane. A good example of this is the incredible popularity of the belief in catastrophic "earth changes". This has absolutely no basis in fact, and there will be a lot a red faces when the millennium rolls around and California and Japan and where-ever else hasn't sunk beneath the waves, the earth hasn't tilted on it's axis, people's DNA hasn't been miraculously transformed, etc etc

Of course, all the people who propound these prophecies will have explanations - e.g. it really did happen, but on the subtle level. Or mankind has been granted a period of grace. Or the spiritual powers changed their minds.

The best attitude that can be taken is to integrate New Age and scientific thinking, in order to get the best from both, and avoid falling into the pitfalls that comes from one-sided allegiance to either extreme." [5]

The deep spiritual insight and knowledge of Dan Costian’s (Ph.D) Bible Enlightened best describes the Age of Aquarius. His explanation of the historical significance of astrological signs that gave birth to distinct ages serves as celestial landmarks that guide to review and re-chart the future of mankind and the planet Earth.

According to him these ages are "determined by the equinox precession, were shown to last approximately two thousand years and they were called by the name of the sign of the zodiac crossed during the interval. For each and every age there corresponded an aeon, i.e. the revealing of a new divine attribute by the incarnation of a new avatar.

Science, Religion and Spirituality in the Age of Aquarius by Ilsa M. Bohn

"Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of soul on this plane of existence, and soul is the vehicle on a higher plane for the manifestation of spirit, and these three are a trinity synthesized by Life, which pervades them all."1

Much has been said about the apparent conflict between science and religion. Viewed from a higher plane, there is in fact no conflict. While religion will continue to provide needed ethical guidance and direction as we progress into the Aquarian Age, science will unveil to us our genesis and reveal our Path of return.

The Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary defines essential religion as "a self-sacrificing devotion to truth, a resolve to live in harmony with all other lives, a sacrificing of the personal self to the greater self."2 As practiced by the world's traditional faith-based organizations, religion is "a belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe," and is embodied in "a set of beliefs, values and practices based on the teaching of a spiritual leader."3 It is only in this latter codified form of religion, which in addition to glorifying and amplifying the divine capacity in man to love, also attempts to satisfy the human desire to know, that it tends to come into contention with science.

Science is simply "the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena."4 In other words, it is the means par excellence of gaining knowledge, and by definition does not involve value judgments as to whether specific phenomena, or the means of materializing them, are good and beneficial or not. While scientists had until the 20th century primarily concerned themselves with strictly physical plane phenomena, scientists are not to be categorically confused with materialists, for whom truth is limited to what can be detected and observed with the gross physical senses. It is perhaps in the misconception that all science is necessarily materialistic and that all religion must be dogmatic that the enmity between the two is based.

It can be seen from the foregoing definitions that religion does not have an exclusive claim on the spiritual, "the vital principle or animating force within living beings,"5 the formless and immaterial. Instead, we can distinguish the devotional and the speculative attitudes of the mind toward the spiritual, in the practices of religion and science. And we realize that it is not only possible, but inevitable, that every religious disciple be also a scientist. Max Heindel expresses this realization as a hallmark of the Aquarian Age, for "as Aquarius is an airy, scientific sign, it is a foregone conclusion that the new faith must be rooted in reason and able to solve the riddle of life and death in a manner that will satisfy both the mind and religious instinct."6

It is tempting to think that because science concerns itself exclusively with explanation of the phenomenal it is forever confined to what we today think of as the physical plane. Those familiar with the theory of the ever-progressing evolution of consciousness know that this cannot be the case, for as man's ring-pass-not expands with time, so does the domain of known effects (i.e., the phenomenal), which become increasingly more subtle, refined, and undetectable by the human physical senses. It is important to remember that, while our solar system consists of seven planes - physical, astral, mental, intuitional, spiritual, monadic, and divine - these seven planes themselves are viewed from the cosmic perspective as physical in their totality. In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire the Tibetan Master informs us:

The lowest cosmic plane is the cosmic physical, and it is the only one which the finite mind of man can in any way comprehend.

This cosmic physical plane exists in matter differentiated into seven qualities, groups, grades, or vibrations.

These seven differentiations are the seven major planes of our solar system.7

Thus, what is considered "spiritual" today are but those aspects of cosmic physical substance that science cannot yet explain. Although scientists today command knowledge of only the coarsest sub-planes of the cosmic physical plane, there is little reason to doubt that by the end of the Aquarian Age 2500 years hence, we will be arguing about whether science is too solar-centric, while religionists claim a monopoly on knowledge of the cosmic astral plane!

Since the beginning of the 20th century, scientists have explored physical causation to the borders of the lower three sub-planes (the dense, liquid and gaseous) of the solar physical plane and beyond into the etheric and astral (whether they recognize it yet or not). The culmination of this exploration can be seen in cosmology, quantum physics and evolutionary biology, which have brought the factor of consciousness into play. We can expect that in the Aquarian Age, meditation and telepathy will become the new frontiers of science as non-local causation is further explored. And in this new, subjective science all esotericists will participate, religiously sacrificing the lower to the higher.


1 The Secret Doctrine, by H. P. Blavatsky, Photographic facsimile of the original 1888 edition, p. 499.
2 Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary, Copyright © 1999 by Theosophical University Press.
3 The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition. Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
4 Ibid
5 Ibid
6 Teachings of an Initiate, by Max Heindel, p 56.
7 A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, by Alice A. Bailey, p. 11.

Auquarian Age by Laurence Hillman

The Aquarian Age - an Introduction

Perhaps you have heard the phrase “This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius”, the famous song title form the musical Hair.

What exactly does this mean?

Aquarius is an air sign, a thinking sign, this despite the ancient image of a man pouring out water. What is presented by the "water bearer" is the notion of "mankind," the human race collectively, without reference to gender. In ancient Chaldea the constellation Aquarius was drawn on stones as a human pouring out water. In some old star atlases the water flows directly into the mouth of the next sign, Pisces (the Fish). The water is symbolic of celestial waters and could have its origins with the rainy season. On a symbolic level, the water can be seen as Aquarius quenching our thirst for knowledge.

Think in Dualities

There is an ancient astrological and philosophical notion that every two thousand years humankind shifts into a new age. Such a shift is now underway: from the Age of Pisces (the fish) to Aquarius (the water bearer). Part of this idea is that during each such era the opposite astrological constellation is equally present in the signs of the times. The concept is that during each such period humanity struggles to reconcile the polarities contained in the oppositional tension.

Lets remember some of the key words associated with Pisces and Virgo to see how this applies. For Pisces we find these words: Helping, mystical, saving, imaginative, unworldly, vague, lost compassion, dreamer, timid, impractical. For Virgo we find these words: Exact, routine, hygienic, labels, organizes, clean, overcritical, pedantic, industrious, humane, skeptical and picky.

Now think of some of the core dualities of the last two millennia: Religion vs. Science. Belief vs. Rationality. Creationism vs. Evolution. The all-powerful Church with its beliefs of the 15th century vs. Galileo with his telescope and science. Astrologers and symbolists often associate the past two-thousand years with Christianity's rise as it was arguably the most driving force in changing the face of the world during this time. We make this association by noting the congruency between Christianity and the words we use to describe Pisces. In addition, one of the lasting symbols for Christians has been the fish. From using a fish carved in the sand as a secret symbol to recognize fellow believers in ancient days, to plastic fish stuck to the back of minivans, to eating fish on Friday, to Jesus calling his disciples "fishers of men." You can continue this exercise yourself.

Thinking of the future, we can look at the key words of the new duality emerging in our times. For Aquarius we find: Independent, inventive, friendly, loyal, honest, aloof, contrary, cold, tolerant, scientific, radical, impersonal. For Leo we read: Royal, playful, dramatic, informal, sovereign, fun, pompous, patronizing, dignified, romantic, vain, autocratic, cruel.

From Water To Air, From Neptune To Uranus

We need to know two more things. First, Pisces is a water sign and emotionality is the main way of expressing that. Aquarius is an air sign, so mental faculties, thinking and ideas are the main way of expressing this. Second, each sign has a ruler. Once again we turn to the cheat sheet and see that Pisces is ruled by Neptune (Lord of Dreams) and Aquarius by Uranus (our Internal Disturber). If we are thinking symbolically and looking for clues in the world to understand our new age, we can look for Uranian evidence. On my Uranus page you will find for his key words: Electricity, intuition, ideas, brilliance, change, flying, shocking, exploration, space flight, future, different, absurd, independence, rebellion, artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, cell phones, the internet, technology, and whacky.

Aquarius/Leo Emerges

Now use your imagination and ask yourself how you see the Aquarius-Leo duality emerging. Here are some thoughts to get you going. Globalization on all levels makes us aware that we are all on a small planet. We are human beings first, intertwined environmentally, economically, and increasingly genetically, and only then from a particular country or race. These are strong Aquarian/Uranian symbols. At the same time a huge number of people are on a personal quest, in therapy, discovering their true nature and so on. How many of your grandparents went out to "find themselves"?? Worshiping our "royal self" is acutely Leo behavior. Then there is the difference of the whole notion of ownership, currently fought out in the media rights world. New and revolutionary technology, called bit-torrent links computers all over the world and makes everyone give some part to the whole. If, for instance, you are looking for a song online, you don't get it from one source the way you used to. Instead you get tiny pieces from perhaps hundreds of other computer users and once you have it, you too become a source for others to get pieces of that song anywhere in the world. This completely turns the notion of ownership, a very Leo (the King owns everything) notion, upside down because now the masses (Aquarius) own the material. This is such a fundamental change to our notions of ownership and creative copyright (also Leo concepts) that we don't have the tools yet to grasp their significance.

These are just a few ideas to spur your own creative mind into this kind of thinking.

Why would you care?

For two reasons (at least). First, it helps us on a daily basis to understand the signs of the times. Human beings have always tried to understand the context of their lives to the times. Second, you can make a personal difference in bringing the Aquarius/Leo duality into your personal expression of unity. We need only look to our past to see what the consequences of Pisces/Virgo duality have brought to the world. The struggle still rages today on many levels. The Pisces age is by no means over. This is the dawning of a new age.

A new Vision

Joseph Campbell, in The Power of Myth said that we have no myths that include all human beings. Instead, most myths are based on an “in-group” and an “out-group”. He describes the old world view [text in brackets added by me]:

“Love and compassion are reserved for the in-group, and aggression and abuse are projected outward on others. Compassion is to be reserved for members of your own group… [Leo means I'm from a particular tribe]. Now, today there is no out-group anymore on the planet. And the problem of a modern religion is to have such compassion work for the whole of humanity [in the Age of Aquarius we are all physically one and extraordinarily interconnected] (p 171). He adds: When you see the earth from the moon, you don’t see any divisions there of nations or states. This might be the symbol, really, for the new mythology to come. That is the country that we are going to be celebrating. And those are the people that we are one with.” (p. 32).

We need a new vision for our times, an idea that will allow us to think of Aquarius and Leo in unity as opposed to a duality. I have coined the idea of a Society of Kings. This implies that each of us indeed follows a self exploratory path, whatever direction it takes and applying whatever method works for us. When we have found our identity and perhaps even reached a certain level of consciousness, then we get together as a society. Fairytales never speak of a room full of kings. This is new imagery for our psyche and does not come easily. It implies that we are all aware of our royal nature (Leo), yet remain on equal footing (Aquarius) with everybody else. In the end, we are all human beings.

If you want to learn more

My favorite book on the Age of Aquarius is Ray Grasse's superb book Signs of the Times. You can find many of his ideas here.

Top 8 Reasons why the Age of Aquarius is Upon us Now

There is some debate about when the Age of Aquarius begins. Perhaps you have heard the lyrics from the musical "Hair" This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius. Ray Grasse wisely states that we can argue over if dawn is when we see the first rays of the sun, or when the sun has risen over the horizon. Instead, we should look at the clearly Aquarian symbolism that is emerging around us. Here is a top list of those symbols in our times.

1) The Internet and Networking

Interconnectivity is everywhere. This is one of the key words for the Age of Aquarius. Computers around the globe talk to each other now 24/7. When your refrigerator has the capacity to alert your cell phone that you are out of milk, then this age is certainly upon us. Can you even remember a time before cell phones? The ubiquitous interconnectivity between us also comes with a very high price: constant availability, loss of quiet time, the speeding up of life and "living next to each other." People walk around detached and aloof, talking on the phone or wearing headphones.

2) Technology Everywhere

With technology omnipresent in our lives today we are experiencing Aquarius daily as technology belongs to this sign. From the delights of internet access on your Sidekick at Starbucks to the nightmares of electronic identity theft, phone tapping, and electronic election machine tampering. Have you ever picked up the remote to answer the phone, or dialed in a phone number in the microwave? Information overload becomes a new problem.

3) Democratized Media

Almost everyone with a cell phone today can shoot video. Amateur videographers are blogging millions of hours of video footage on the internet. Everyone is just a click away from exposure. Viewers can circumvent mainstream news channels and see video streams on issues such as:

Unedited war zone footage

Police misconduct video

Personal 15 minutes of fame footage


4) Cells

In the early 1960s the Swedish car manufacturer Volvo discovered that the overall satisfaction and productivity of its workers and also the quality of its product increased dramatically when small teams assembled a car bumper-to-bumper instead of one worker doing a repetitive task all day. This is a good example of the effectiveness of the cell idea. The notion of decentralized small cells that work for the good of the whole is a most Aquarian idea. This model is also used by terrorists. Such cells are near impossible to track. There is no head. It is a matrix, a net that repairs itself, not a top-down organization.

5) Science Advances Faster Than Ethics

Some of the consequences of the fast advances of science and technology, some of the ways we are trying to catch up with the arrival of the Age of Aquarius, is our ethical dilemmas with issues such as:


in-utero surgery

gender selection

genetic manipulation

end-of-life care

media distribution on-line and copyright laws

6) Space Exploration

Space exploration belongs to Aquarius. As extraordinary pictures from distant planets have reached our living rooms, as probes have measured, landed on and photographed distant corners of the universe, as the space station is being increasingly inhabited and as serious talk about living on the moon and flying a person to Mars are explored, the Age of Aquarius is truly upon us. It is noteworthy that Joseph Campbell's ideas quoted above, the idea that we see the world as a whole (from the moon), would not have been possible without space flight, which is an Aquarian symbol.

7) The Emergence of a Human Race

Despite a very real recent surge of nationalism around the world (see Rwanda, the Balkans, Iraq) with lines drawn along religious and ethnic barriers, the world is increasingly blending and a new human race is emerging. We are only at the beginning of a 2000 year age and much more is yet to come. Interfaith, interracial, same-sex and other modern ways of coupling are becoming increasingly the norm. While the old guard may claim that this is the end of the world as we know it, in a sense they are right. However, there is a New Age, an Aquarian Age dawning. The question as to how you as an individual fit into mankind as a whole becomes increasingly important. The notion that the whole works only if you do your part. This is the idea behind democracy (for instance with voting), carbon footprints, and individual responsibility. The 2008 Beijing Olympics opening ceremony, under the most Aquarian banner "One World, One Dream" demonstrated this excellently: If you saw the astonishing movement of these boxes in perfect synchronous movement, like pixels on a giant three-dimensional screen, you might have wondered what the mechanics were that made this happen. Waves were flowing to music, letters and numbers popped up, and the smooth movements were flawless.

When the whole performance was over, it was revealed to the audience, that these massively coordinated and synchronistic movements were performed by individuals under the boxes. The whole cannot function without the cooperation of the individual. We are each part of making the whole work.

8) Global Problems

"Global" is a key Aquarian word and we see it everywhere. You could call it a modern buzzword. There are global problems today and no country can isolate itself from the world anymore. There is no more place to hide on this shrinking world. A true Aquarian slogan is "Good Planets Are Hard To Find."

And then...

Consider this excellent article by Sepp Rothwangl: Considerations About the Start of the Age of Aquarius to learn more about when the Aquarian Age begins.

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