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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tip: Avoid being Obese, Eat Ten Best Fat-Burning Foods to have low carbon footprint & be good to environment

Grapefruit. It’s been praised as a diet aid for years. Grapefruit is high in pectin, which breaks down body fat. WARNING: Grapefruit can interfere with many medications, especially blood pressure meds. Check with your doctor, pharmacist, or the Harvard Medical School Family Health Guide updates.

Low-Fat Dairy Products. Calcium is a metabolic trigger. Skim milk and yogurt are rich in complex carbohydrates, which boost your metabolism by keeping insulin levels low after a meal. High insulin levels signal the body to hold onto fat. A study of dieters done at the University of Tennessee found that those who ate 1200 mg of calcium a day lost twice as much weight than those who avoided dairy."

Hot Peppers. Capsaicin, the chemical in jalapenos, habaneros, and cayenne peppers gives them their bite. It speeds up heart rate and boosts metabolism. A study reported by AOL Health found that eating just one spicy meal a day boosts metabolism by up to 25%, and the calorie burn lasts for up to three hours after the meal.

Green Vegetables. They’re a dieter’s salvation because they’re high in fiber and low in calories. In addition to their numerous health benefits, their slimming powers come from the fact that the more you eat at a meal the less room you’ll have to eat other foods that might not be so wonderful. Asparagus is especially good because it’s a natural diuretic that flushes out the system and minimizes water retention. Studies are also showing that it may play a role in fat breakdown.

Good Fats. Olive oil and avocados are great sources of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. The oleic acid in olive oil stabilizes leptin (also called the satiety hormones). Avocados are also a great source of fiber.

Blueberries contain more antioxidants than any other fruit. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and grapes are also good. Aside from their many other proven health boosting claims, a cup of fresh or frozen berries contains about 6 grams of filling fiber.

Nuts. Almost all nuts qualify: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc. contain protein, fiber, and “healthy fat” that helps keep you feeling full. Snacking on 24 almonds will keep you feeling far more satisfied than snacking on the same number of rice cakes. Nut butters count, but buy ones that don’t have added sugar. Peanut butter is particularly good because it’s high in Niacin, which prevents bloat.

Tea. In a Swiss study, tea drinkers burned 266 more calories per day than non-tea drinkers. Green tea is the best; it has a chemical called EGCG that causes the brain and nervous system to run faster, which burns more calories even while the body is at rest. Black and white teas are also good. Avoid heavily processed bottled and canned tea drinks and brew it yourself.

Coffee Caffeine speeds up your heart rate and helps burn more calories. Even though the caffeine in the Mocha Frappuccino counts, it’s full of sugar and fat. It’s best to get your caffeine with low fat milk and go easy on sweeteners. It’s been shown that taking caffeine before a workout helps you last longer and consume more oxygen during the workout. The more oxygen you use, the more calories you burn

Whole Grains. These are a great source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Look for “whole grain” or “whole wheat” products. If the label says “wheat,” there’s a good chance the processing has stripped of its fiber and nutrients.

Source: Ten Best Fat-Burning Foods | ThirdAge: "Mary Marino is a writer, blogger and editor of"

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Tip: The fastest way to change the way you feel is to change the way you eat"- Marino

Our metabolism is like the fat-burning motor. The body tries to convert everything we eat into fuel; some foods just deliver better results than others. High-quality foods actually burn fat and keep the body running at optimal levels. Low quality foods deliver low quality performance.

Ways to Mitigate Climate Change: Natural Gas Vehicle Storage Systems for Commercial Trucks possible!

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"An increasing number of transportation fleets are realizing the benefits of operating on CNG," said Alan P. Niedzwiecki, Quantum's President and CEO. "These long haul and regional trucking firms are now able to meet their range requirements of over 500 miles with Quantum's newest high capacity tanks.""
Quantum Awarded Contract for Natural Gas Vehicle Storage Systems for Commercial Trucks | Alaska Dispatch:
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Update: Leaders of nearly 200 major companies around the world have called for tougher action on climate change

The 2C Challenge, co-ordinated by the Prince of Wales Corporate Leaders Group, says that climate change puts society's future prosperity at risk. But the window to keep global warming below 2C has "almost closed", it warns.

Companies signing up include UK retailer Tesco, energy provider EDF, electronics company Philips, chemicals giant Unilever, eBay and Rolls-Royce.

The communique is published six weeks before governments of 192 countries convene in Durban, South Africa, for the annual UN climate summit.

Analyses show that at current rates, greenhouse gas emissions are not being curbed quickly enough to keep the global average temperature rise since pre-industrial times below 2C, which is what many governments say they want. A majority prefer the tougher target of 1.5C, which is almost certainly out of reach without investment in climate "technical fixes"."
BBC News - Companies call for tougher climate action: "
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