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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tip: Build the Future by Producing Emotionally Healthy Climate Change Ready Kids - And it Starts with Parent's Stable Relationship

Stable Relationships. Every child needs a stable relationship with a loving adult. Without one, the brain has trouble making necessary connections to grow and develop. Parents need to provide a healthy environment socially and emotionally as well as physically in which a child can explore and learn with guidance. When a child can observe healthy relationships between adults, they also learn how to build healthy relationships of their own.

Human touch from others and their need to touch everything should not be overlooked. Touch is how young infants know they are loved. It sends signals to the brain, causing it to grow (or develop) fully.

Interaction. A relationship between a child and their parent is vital to the child’s development. The earlier you engage, the more impact you will have on the growth and development of a child’s brain. The key to interaction is matching your behavior to your baby/child."

Ways to Mitigate Climate Change: Supporting Wind Power, e.g. Canada is among the world leaders in the production and use of renewable energy

GE Milestone: 1,000th Wind Turbine Installed in Canada - MarketWatch: "Canada has a long history of supporting wind power. We are committed to working with developers such as Cartier to continue installing and improving technology that will help harness the country's abundant wind resources," said Simon Olivier, general manager of sales for GE's renewable energy business in Canada.

Canada is among the world leaders in the production and use of renewable energy. Currently, about 16 percent of the country's total energy supply comes from renewable resources including small hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal and ocean energy.

Wind farms presently operating in Canada have a total capacity of 4,611 megawatts, enough clean, wind-generated electricity to supply more than 1 million homes, or about 2 percent of Canada's total electricity demand."

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Climate Change Update: Issues on Tests to Mimic Cooling Effect of Volcanoes or Stationing Orbiting Mirrors in Space to Reflect Sunlight, do u agree?

Members said they hoped that such extreme engineering techniques, which include scattering particles in the air to mimic the cooling effect of volcanoes or stationing orbiting mirrors in space to reflect sunlight, would never be needed. But in its report, to be released on Tuesday, the panel said it is time to begin researching and testing such ideas in case “the climate system reaches a ‘tipping point’ and swift remedial action is required.”

The 18-member panel was convened by the Bipartisan Policy Center, a research organization based in Washington founded by four senators — Democrats and Republicans — to offer policy advice to the government. In interviews, some of the panel members said they hoped that the mere discussion of such drastic steps would jolt the public and policy makers into meaningful action in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which they called the highest priority."

What's your opinion on this?
Ways to Mitigate Climate Change stated below:
The first is carbon dioxide removal, in which the gas is absorbed by plants, trapped and stored underground or otherwise removed from the atmosphere. The methods are “generally uncontroversial and don’t introduce new global risks,” said Ken Caldeira, a climate expert at Stanford University and a panel member. “It’s mostly a question of how much do these things cost.”

The second group of techniques, solar radiation management, involves increasing the amount of solar energy that bounces back into space before it can be absorbed by the Earth. They include seeding the atmosphere with reflective particles, launching giant mirrors above the earth or spewing ocean water into the air to form clouds.

At the influential blog Climate Progress, Joe Romm, a fellow at the Center for American Progress, has made a similar point, likening geo-engineering to a dangerous course of chemotherapy and radiation to treat a condition curable through diet and exercise — or, in this case, emissions reduction.

These techniques are thought to pose a risk of upsetting earth’s natural rhythms. With them, Dr. Caldeira said, “the real question is what are the unknown unknowns: Are you creating more risk than you are alleviating?”

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