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Saturday, April 24, 2010

ZARA features UN International Day of Peace

The Zone of Advocate for Refinement Anywhere (ZARA) will feature organizations who are activey involve in making our world a civilize place to live in. Our fourth feature: United Nations International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace

21 September


In 1981, the General Assembly declared that the opening day of its regular session in September «shall be officially dedicated and observed as the International Day of Peace and shall be devoted to commemorating and strengthening the ideals of peace both within and among all nations and peoples» (resolution 36/67).
On 7 September 2001, the Assembly decided that, beginning in 2002, the International Day of Peace shall be observed on 21 September each year, with this date to be brought to the attention of all people for the celebration and observance of peace (resolution 55/282). It declared that «the Day shall henceforth be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence, an invitation to all nations and people to honour a cessation of hostilities for the duration of the Day». It also invited Member States, United Nations bodies, regional and non-governmental organizations to commemorate the Day and to cooperate with the United Nations in establishing a global ceasefire.

Links to UN and UN System sites:

United Nations

International Day of Peace
Peacebuilding Commission
International Day of Peace (UN Cyberschoolbus)
Peace Education (UN Cyberschoolbus)
UN Works for Peace
Global issues on the UN Agenda: Peace and Security
Peace and Security
Introduction to UN Peacekeeping
UN Peacekeeping
UN Department of Political Affairs
Messengers of Peace
Culture of Peace
International Decade for a Culture of Peace and Non-violence (2001-2010)
Peace Is In Our Hands
United Nations University
Peace and Security
Peace and Governance

Additional resources:

The additional resources links on this page are provided for information purposes only and do not necessarily represent an endorsement by the United Nations.

Carter Center

Fund for Peace - OAS

Hague Appeal for Peace

International Day of Peace Vigil

International Peace Academy

International Peace Bureau (IPB)

Institute for Media, Peace and Security

Seeds of Peace

University for Peace

We the Peoples - Culture of Peace Initiative

Women Waging Peace Network

World Peace Prayer Society

Learn more. Visit website:


The Zone of Advocate for Refinement Anywhere (ZARA) will feature organizations who are activey involve in making our world a civilize place to live in. Our third feature: Soroptimist International

Soroptimist is an international women's organization for business and professional women who work to improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world. Almost 95,000 Soroptimists in about 120 countries and territories contribute time and financial support to community–based and international projects that benefit women and girls.

The name, Soroptimist, means "best for women," and that's what the organization strives to achieve. Soroptimists are women at their best, working to help other women to be their best.

Soroptimist members belong to local clubs, which determine the focus of volunteer work to their communities. Club projects range from renovating domestic violence shelters and providing mammograms to low-income women, to sponsoring self-esteem workshops for teenage girls. In addition, Soroptimists participate in organization-wide programs including the Soroptimist Women's Opportunity Awards, Soroptimist Club Grants for Women and Girls, the Soroptimist Workplace Campaign to End Domestic Violence, the Soroptimist Ruby Award: For Women Helping Women, the Soroptimist Violet Richardson Award and Soroptimists STOP Trafficking. Clubs also participate in the Live Your Dream campaign, which encourages all women to live their dreams while helping others to do the same.

Soroptimist Vision & Mission

Be the voluntary organization chosen by all business and professional women committed to improving the lives of women and girls.

We will share our time, talents and financial resources to enrich our communities. Together, we will:

improve the lives of women and girls
help women achieve economic and political equality
serve as a global voice for women
provide outstanding leadership development opportunities for women
enhance world peace and understanding

Mission & Core Purpose
To improve the lives of women and girls, in local communities and throughout the world.

Core Values
Soroptimist International of the Americas is committed to:

international goodwill and understanding
volunteer action
leadership development
fellowship and diversity

Strategic Outcomes

Public Awareness
Soroptimist will be well known for its efforts to improve the lives of women
and girls.

Soroptimist will be a thriving, dynamic, progressive and relevant organization with members committed to the mission of improving the lives of
women and girls in local communities and throughout the world.

Soroptimist's programs and efforts to raise awareness of women's issues will enable women and girls to lead better lives.

Sufficient funds will exist for Soroptimist to accomplish its programmatic

Soroptimist is an international volunteer
organization for business and professional women
who work to improve the lives of women and girls.

Learn more: visit webiste:

ZARA features PARM

The Zone of Advocate for Refinement Anywhere (ZARA) will feature organizations who are activey involve in making our world a civilize place to live in. Our second feature: Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (PARM)

What is the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine?

The Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine (PARM) is the national society of physiatrists in the Philippines. Physiatrist( fizz ee AT trist ) are the physicians who finished residency training program in Rehabilitation Medicine or Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ( PM& R ).

Rehabilitation Medicine as a specialty began in 1936 at the Mayo Clinic, USA to treat impairments or disabilities arising from the musculokeletal and neurological diseases or problems. The American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R) was founded in 1938 and the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation was recognized in 1947. After World War II, as thousands of severely disabled veterans began to return home and looked for ways to lead productive lives, the specialty grew rapidly and focused its mission to enhance and restore functional ability and quality of life to those with physical impairments or disabilities. In the Philippines, the same scenario prevailed and was further compounded by the polio epidemic in the 1950's as well as the continuing disabling sequalae of other infectious diseases like tuberculosis and meningitis. These underscored the need for a specialty that should address the needs of the disabled patients. During the mid 50's , young Filipino doctors who became interested in Rehabilitation Medicine as a specialty left for the United States for further training. Most finished their residency training programs at the Rusk Institute in New York. However, only a few returned home to practice.

In 1960, a group of physiatrists and orthopedic surgeons interested in the field organized the Philippine Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation with Dr. Abelardo O. Inocentes as its first President. The society then had an active membership of less than twenty. In 1974, the organization's name was changed to the Philippine Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine with Dr. Tyrone M. Reyes as its first President. With the establishment of four training institutions, the academy now boasts of about 300 members --- mostly homegrown specialists in the field and representing 1 of every 250 of all practicing physicians in the Philippines. The academy serves its members and their patients, as well as the other health professionals and society in general by fostering excellence in Physiatric practice, education, research and community service.

Learn more, pls. visit webiste:

ZARA features JCI

The Zone of Advocate for Refinement Anywhere (ZARA) will feature organizations who are activey involve in making our world a civilize place to live in. Our first feature Junior Chamber of Commerce (JCI)

JCI. What is it?
Young Active Citizens creating Positive Change.

The JCI Mission

To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.

The JCI Vision

To be the leading global network of young active citizens.

The JCI Values

That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life
That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise
That government should be of laws rather than of men
That earth's great treasure lies in human personality
And that service to humanity is the best work of life.

Making a World of Difference

There is a limit to what governments are able to achieve in society. As responsible citizens in a globalized world, JCI members take on the challenges around them through local development initiatives. These tailored projects require members to use strategic planning and critical planning to craft creative solutions to the problems of their communities.

Be Better

JCI Members seek ways to live out our slogan, Be Better. We think critically about society’s greatest challenges and act on behalf of our communities to be part of the solution. We seek better solutions to build better communities, creating a better future.

The Original Active Citizens

As global citizens, we all have rights and responsibilities, as well as shared goals. Through active citizenship, we enact our sense of social responsibility to work towards these goals and benefit communities worldwide.

Our Founder, Henry Giessenbier, was the original active citizen. He took steps to engage young people in civic involvement in 1914, and JCI Members worldwide have followed his lead ever since.

A Grassroots Movement with International Scope

In JCI, the action is local, but our principles and impact are global. Members understand that in a globalized world, their local actions echo across the globe. 5,000 JCI Local Organizations addressing problems in their communities are united in a global movement creating global impact.

One Year to Lead

With this principle at its core, the JCI structure offers leadership opportunities to new members each year. One year to shine. One year of impact. One year to lead.


2010 JCI Global Partnership Summit: Building a Better Future

This June, JCI are uniting key partners to discuss collaboration to magnify positive change.

JCI believes that by working with leaders in civil society, businesses, governments and non-governmental organizations, JCI can address the world’s most pressing issues. JCI will lead the initiative by bringing together the United Nations, UN Global Compact, UN Foundation and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to drive the conversation and redefine collaboration at the 2010 JCI Global Partnership Summit.

By working with partners, JCI are able to leverage combined experience and resources to create a greater impact. Learn more about three of JCI’s powerhouse partners: the UN Global Compact, the UN Foundation and the ICC.

The United Nations Global Compact
The UN Global Compact works to advance the Ten Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. JCI partners with the UN Global Compact to teach small- and medium-sized enterprises how to be socially responsible and competitive in the global market.

The UN Global Compact Leaders Summit is set to take place following the JCI Global Partnership Summit this June in New York and will follow up on many of the same topics of discussion.

The International Chamber of Commerce
The ICC is the voice of world business championing the global economy as a force for economic growth. Through our partnership with the ICC-WCF, JCI Local Organizations work with local chambers of commerce on projects to advance global economic progress and encourage entrepreneurship.

These projects include the JCI Best Business Plan Competition (JCI BBP), which is hosted by JCI Local Organizations throughout the world. Through JCI BBP, young entrepreneurs are awarded for integrating the principles of social responsibility into their business plans.

The United Nations Foundation

The UN Foundation, a public charity, was created in 1998 with entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes and activities. The UN Foundation is an advocate for the UN and a platform for connecting people, ideas and resources to help the United Nations solve global problems.

JCI partners with the UN Foundation on one of its largest projects, JCI Nothing But Nets, to help provide funds to purchase and distribute insecticide-treated bed nets and educate families on their proper use. JCI Members have committed to raising USD $10 million for the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets program by 2015.

The world is at a critical juncture, but at the intersection of business, government and civil society exists great potential for global impact. Join JCI Global Partnership Summit to examine ways to maximize this impact to provide sustainable solutions to existing world problems and issues. Register now.

(pls. visit website for more info:

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