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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Climate Change Conference At Washington | TRCB News

Republicans are unsure about the climate change

A Climate Change Conference At Washington | TRCB News: "Last week, the global warming skeptics gathered in Washington for the annual conference about climate change at Heartland Institute. The legislation for climate change has been on back burner for the last three years. The Republican lawmakers now call themselves as skeptics and politically the tide of debate has turned in a favor for them.
According to some political experts, at the forefront of the focus of nation is currently the economy therefore the concerns over the issue of global warming might not carry much weight in elections of the year 2012. In GOP, if candidates want to differentiate themselves from their opponents then another place would be just the climate change.
As shown by the public opinion polls, the Republicans are unsure about the climate change and a trend is reflected among the voters towards skepticism. Also the midterms of the last year demonstrated that the climate change advocates such as Bob Inglis is no more popular within his party."

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