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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Climate Change Update: Remember, in the new era of climate change, you too may need help someday.

INSIGHTS: Climate Change Lessons From Africa: "Land degradation and poor soils are basic causes of Africa's low food production. Growing trees amid farm fields - so-called "inter-cropping" - counters these problems. Trees retain soil moisture, provide mulch (with fallen leaves), limit erosion, add coolness, and more.

Dubbed "Evergreen Agriculture" by the World Agroforestry Center, this approach is doubling crop yields in parts of Niger, Burkina Faso, Zambia and Malawi. And it's cheap: famers can grow trees by themselves.

It's in our interest to encourage such solutions. Not only because it is morally right, but because lessons learned in Africa - one of the first places climate extremes are being felt - can teach our own farmers how to cope with climate change tomorrow.

That's why it's essential to reject calls on Capitol Hill to end foreign aid. Foreign aid accounts for only one percent of the federal budget (not the 25 percent most Americans think it does).

Cutting aid will not cure our deficit, but it will deprive hungry people of the help they need to help themselves."

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