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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Prince Charles on sustainability issues; didn't comment directly that fossil fuels & carbon emissions are causing global warming & climate change

Prince Charles endorses university post on climate change - "The prince urged international organizations and summits "to bring together the narratives of climate change, sustainable development and economic stability -- surely the very bedrocks of national security," Charles said. "These are currently encapsulated -- although separately and distinctly -- in the forthcoming COP17 in Durban, the Rio+ 20 conference and G-20 meetings." One starting point, he said, could examine data "on energy, water, agriculture, biodiversity and climate change to compose a full picture of what is actually going on, and then to use this picture to calculate the real cost of our current use of natural capital," the prince said.
"Surely an evaluation of that cost on an on-going basis is the bare minimum we need if we are to develop effective policies that address food security, poverty and climate change, and so build properly resilient economic systems -- green economies, if you will -- that have the capacity to adapt to what will, from now on, be very rapidly changing circumstances?" the prince said."

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