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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Climate Change Update: Astrid Caldas: Home Runs and Climate Change: A Sports Analogy

Astrid Caldas: Home Runs and Climate Change: A Sports Analogy: "One of the best explanations that I have seen of the link between weather extremes and climate change came from Dr. Jerry Meehl, from the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., during a press teleconference hosted by Climate Communication that included several scientists who work with climate change.

Meehl used a sports analogy to explain the linkage between climate change and extreme weather. His example was as follows: climate change is to extreme weather what steroids were to Barry Bonds' home runs. Bonds was able to hit home runs before steroids, but after the steroids he was hitting more of them. You could not say that any particular home run was specifically due to the steroids because he was hitting home runs before the steroids. But his home run numbers sure went up. The same thing with extreme weather and climate change: no single event can be specifically linked to climate change, but the frequency of extreme weather events is sure going up."

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